Disclaimer: I don't own any of the charaters afliated with funimation. No matter how much I would love to have them I can't.

The Kindergarden Story

"Well boy you going to get out of bed or am I going to have to pull you out myself?" said King Vegeta as he almost kicked in the door to wake his son. Vegeta had to go to his first day of kindergarten.

"I don't want to sit in a class of earthling scum," said Vegeta as he turned to fall back asleep.

"Women get your lazy son out of bed and to kindergarten before his school starts I don't want to put up with you and this brat!" commanded King Vegeta.

"Fine!" yelled Queen Vegeta back to her annoying husband. She walked up the stairs and into her son's room. She picked Vegeta right up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing I'm sleeping you stupid women. Put me back in my bed!" yelled Vegeta back to his mom as she strapped him into his stroller.

"Your going to school and that's final!" said Vegeta's mom as she walked out the door and Vegeta could see his house shrinking in the distance.

"No women I order you to take me home this instant, I'll make your life a living hell," said Vegeta and he tried to wriggle out of his restraints.

"You can't make my life a living hell Vegeta it already is," said Vegeta's mom as she started to pick up the pace so she didn't have to tell Vegeta that King Vegeta has been abusing her, but that's normal for a Saiyan family. After 15 minuets of walking she had finally reached the school. "So do I have to go in and meet your teacher or drop you off or something like that?" asked Miss.Reachanna.

"Well women you're the one that read the stupid sheet that you got when you singed me up for that retched human control thing," said Vegeta as Miss.Reachanna started to unbuckle Vegeta's restraints. Before Vegeta could run away from this retched thing that the women wanted him to go to. She had grabbed him.

"You better be a good boy or your dad will hear about it," said Miss.Reachanna as she stared down at her son. Miss.Reachanna carried Vegeta into the classroom to talk to the teacher. "Hello!" said Miss.Reachanna.

"Hi! This must be Vegeta you're so cute," said Miss.MacDonald.

"Oh great another women this world is crawling with them," said Vegeta as Miss.Reachanna put her son down to the ground. Vegeta saw this as an opportunity and started to walk away. Hey I'm not the only weird person there is some green person over there. "Hey greenbean!" yelled Vegeta as Piccolo turned. "Hey anyone home, you don't talk do you?" said Vegeta. Hey I can take advantage of this kid he can be my bodyguard since he is bigger than any of the other kids I see options opening up.

"Ok class time to start but before we do that let's introduce our new classmate," said Miss.MacDonald. "So Vegeta come and tell us a little about yourself," said Miss.MacDonald.

"Do I have to women?" asked Vegeta as he stood up.

"Yea and you can call me Miss.Mac," said Miss.MacDonald.

"I'll do this stupid thing and I'll call you women how about that!" said Vegeta.

"I guess I can make an exception for you Vegeta," said Miss.Mac.

"Well I'm a prince of a plant called Vegeta…" said Vegeta as everyone started laughing until Piccolo stood up then everyone shut up for Vegeta to continue. "My dad is rude and my women is his slave and does anything he says and if she doesn't my dad hits the stupid women," said Vegeta. "I'm done," said Vegeta as he sat down in the back beside Piccolo. Piccolo hit Vegeta on the back to congratulate him.

"Well class it's time to play in the classroom so go ahead, Vegeta you stay back I have to talk to you," said Miss.Mac.

"I think you need to get a psychiatrist because to me it seems like you have family problems," said Miss.Mac.

"I don't need a psychiatrist or anything, women I'm fine you just a kook, now go do your job and leave me the hell alone women" said Vegeta as we walked away from the situation to were Piccolo was standing in the corner.

"I'll just have to talk to his parents" Miss.Mac said as she took a pad of paper out and wrote a memo to talk to Vegeta's parents on the pad. She walked back to her table when she heard a crash and she saw Goku and he was thrown into the wall and caused it to break.

"Stupid teacher psychiatrist me yea right" said Vegeta as Goku popped out from behind him.

"Hey my name is Goku so you're Vegeta eh" said Goku with the biggest smirk of all time on his stupid face.

"Of all the morons in the world I had to be in the same class as this one" said Vegeta.

"I'm not a moron," said Goku. "I'm a Saiyan" Goku said as his smile did get bigger. (Writers note: I know how could Goku's smile get bigger but some how it did)

"Well since you're a Saiyan you must be a low class warrior or I would of heard of you. Who's your moronic father and then I'll probably know your Saiyan name" said Vegeta as he started to look in the back of his head for all the names he remembers. (Writer's note: I think that part was kind of OCC but I couldn't change it.)

"My grandpa's name is Gohan but I don't know my father" said Goku as a little bit of his smile faded.

"Wait a finger flipping second you do look familiar now that I think about oh yea I knew your father he was low class and your Saiyan name is Kakarotto. Your still a low class clown compared to my family and me. Since I am the prince I'm one of the strongest but my father is the strongest" said Vegeta as he started to walk away.

"I'm not low class I could probably kick your butt" said Goku as he got into a fighting stance.

"You wish I'll kick your butt so hard your going to go home to your grandpa and there going to have to find you a replacement butt" said Vegeta as he got in the first hit a really hard punch to Goku's jaw. Goku flew into the wall.

"What's going on here?" called Miss.Mac as she was running over to fish the now crying Goku out of the wall.

"Kakarotto tripped and flew right into the wall," said Vegeta as he turned around and started to walk back to were Piccolo was standing.