Disclaimer: The Matrix, its characters, and universe are the creation and property of Laurence and Andrew Paul Wachowski.

This fic means no offense whatsoever to all wonderful British people out there. ;P The author comes from an ex-British colony. Go figure.


(For added effect, read the dialogue in a British accent)

The rain fell, fell as it never had before. Sheets of water cascaded down from the dark clouds above, and the heavens rumbled with the sounds of thunder. Below, the city was a dark wasteland. Tall buildings, almost identical, rose up towards the twilight sky; and in them, the Smith clones watched by the windows as the final battle was about to begin.

"Good evening, Mr. Anderson, my good sir," Smith greeted. "How are you today?"

Neo gazed straight ahead at the man. "Quite fine indeed, old chap. Horrid weather today, isn't it?"

Smith's lips curled upwards in a smile. "Oh yes. I created it, you know. Took a fair bit of effort, too. Do you like it?"

"I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, Smith, but I daresay I will have to kill you tonight."

Smith sighed. "Oh, bother! I'll get my best suit all wet and dirty. Mother would be furious!"

"You don't have a mother, Smith."

Realisation hit the Agent. "By gosh, you're absolutely right! Well, I suppose you could consider the Oracle to be my mother. And she bakes the most scrumptious cookies!"

"Oh yes, old fruit!" Neo agreed. "Her cooking is delicious!"

There was a long pause. Rain fell. Thunder clapped. Douglas Adams is dead.

"I suppose we should get on with it, then," Neo said after some time.

"A pity, really," his oppenent remarked. "It's a mighty fine day today, not fit to be squandered on pointless fighting when we know all too well that I'm going to win in the end."

"We've had a marvellous time, Smith, you and I. But I suppose that everything has to end, some time."

"After you, Mr. Anderson."

"As you wish, then."

Neo hit him, then they were off in the air... The Virus and The One, battling above the city of the Matrix, fighting for the fate of humankind.

Hopefully, they'd be done by suppertime.


Review? ;P