Icklebitodd- wow that was fast reviewing! I now felt he need for strawberry jello and to have Sara pop a wheelie ; )

Missusmesser- fats as well, I just looked to check if the chapter posted and I already had reviews yeah!

Daisyangel- I've used my toes and that many pleases gets this much posted!

Little-Purple-Phoenix and charmed1818- thanks

Greg was sat watching Sara sleep, she looked so peaceful and at ease, although that may be the anaesthetic. She had moved rooms just under two weeks ago. As Sara had put it these four walls look exactly like the others only it includes a window showing you what you could be doing if you weren't stuck n bed. She had become a little testy after been stuck not doing much for so long. But today was a big day. This morning she had gone down to theatre and had her metal frame work surrounding the outside of her leg removed. Today was the day they were going to learn the extent of the damage done to her leg. The drips that had once snaked round and into her body were now had gone leaving only a few plasters covering the marks where they were left. The stitches on her stomach were healing well and most of the others scratches and bruises were fading. Her room was decorated with pictures Lindsey had drawn and varies cards and gifts.

"Greg" came the muted voice from the bed. He looked down to see a smile grace Sara's lips as she slowly came around.

"Metal gone?" she asked

"Metal gone" reassured Greg gently squeezing her hand.

"Help me sit up" muttered Sara her eye's drooping closed once again.

"Ok" Greg placed his arms under Sara's and lifted her with a grace that had been perfected over the past two weeks so she was propped on a pillow.

"Has the doctor been in?" she asked indicating for Greg to pass her a drink.

"Not yet" he smiled handing her the cup of water of which she slowly sipped at.

"He said I could start my physiotherapy, " said Sara enthusiastic because once she had started that the closer she was to getting out.

"Eager to leave?" smiled Greg taking the cup of her and placing it back down on the side. "You now it's going to be strange not seeing you everyday" he said.

"Well you could see me everyday if I moved in"

Greg nearly had heart failure

"Your kidding right. Not that I don't want you to but…your winding me up" he got out in one breath

"No" replied Sara simply.

"What if it doesn't work or you don't like my flat?"

"Greg stuff 'what if'. What if I die tomorrow then we'll never know. I'm feed up of not doing things just encase. The saying's true. Life is too short"

"You're moving in," shouted Greg a little too loudly.

"Yes"-laughed Sara kissing him to shut him up.

"Were going to live together. I need to clean my house," he added making Sara laugh.

"It probably looks like a dorm room" she commented.

"Well there's no scanner in my back room but I do have a few text books"

"Hey. There's nothing wrong with my scanner" said Sara pouting.

"Ok…workaholic" said Greg in that childish cough.

"Funny!" said Sara hitting his arm playfully.

"Your awake" the doctor made Sara jump.

"Seems your bodies getting over the anaesthetic quicker" he smiled flicking through her chart.

"Well?" asked Sara prompting the doctor.

"Well the nerve damage is as we expected. Your blood supply is sufficient, but not as much as we would like hence the mottle appearance," he said gesturing to her foot that was a mixture of grey skin tones.

"But the metal pins we inserted are doing there job and there has been sufficient bone re-growth around them that you can start your physio tomorrow" he smiled.

"Thank you" said Sara with a smile plastered across her face.

"Thank you" said Greg shaking his hand as he left.

"I take it you'll be running out here tomorrow" smiled Greg sitting back down.

"What back to your dorm room? You know I've never been to your…what is it anyway?" asked Sara realising she had no idea where Greg lived.

"Apartment" finished Greg. "Are you sure about this? I mean it's a big step we've only got the one proper date before this"

"Greg I've known you for five years, that's a pretty good foundation" replied Sara.

"Yes but you haven't lived with me for five years!"

"I haven't lived with you for five minutes. I haven't really lived with anyone"

"Neither have I"

"So we have nothing to compare it to. We wont know if we do it wrong"

"There's a wrong way to live with someone?" asked Greg smiling.

"If you use all the hot water there could be" warned Sara.

"Well just you keep of my hair products. I know what you women are like"

"The only hair product I have is shampoo. You probably have twice as much as me. How do you make it stand on end"? She asked playfully trying to mess his hair up.

"Hey" he said pushing her arms away from his face and grabbing both her wrists in the process seemed a good time to kiss her.

"Please not in public!" came Cath's voice from the door.

"Were moving in," said Greg excitedly. Catherine hobbled in the room. She no longer needed crutches but still had a slight limp.

"Hey no pot" said Sara pointing to her arm.

"Just got it off. Thought I'd come and see you. No framework" she said sitting down.

"No all gone" said Sara pulling the blanket back over her leg.

"How long before they let you out?" asked Cath

"Depends. Could be next week at the earliest"

"Wait when Greg said 'were' moving in did he mean?" asked Catherine raising her eyebrows so high they looked like they were about to fly off.

"Yes" both Greg and Sara replied.

"Oh congratulations" she hugged Sara and then lent across and hugged Greg.

"I've go to tell everyone" she said getting up and excitedly waving before leaving.

"That was strange" smiled Greg.

"I think they may have given her Prozac of something," laughed Sara.

The next day and Sara had finally got to the stage she wanted. The physiotherapist was stood at the end of the bed talking to Sara who had swung her legs over the side and was listening to the lady.

"Right its going to be strange the first time, you need to look at your foot as with the lack of feeling you wont know when it hits the floor"

a frame had been placed in front of Sara reminding her of one a old lady uses. But after been assured she could have crutches to walk with and not one of them she had come round to the idea.

"Ok now the muscles in your other leg will also feel strange because they haven't been used for so long" the lady said.

Sara placed her hands gripping the frame. Slowly and with little difficulty she pulled herself up. At first her balance wobbled and she nearly fell but with the support of Greg and the physiotherapist she was able to stand. She looked down seeing both feet on the floor. It was weird only feeling the one. At first she felt as if her left leg needed to go down further and found herself lending that way.

"It's ok you'll get used to correcting yourself" the lady smiled as Sara tried leaning either was to get straight.

"What's it feel like?" asked Greg.

"Strange. My knee thinks it's on the floor," replied Sara.

"That's normal because you only have feeling in it your brain is telling you it must be on the ground whereas it still on your knee" she smiled while helping Sara gently lower herself down.

"That's enough for today well do it for longer each day and soon you'll be ready to try walking. She said picking up the frame and heading for the door.

"You did well" she added before leaving.

"Wow. Bet you can't wait to tell everyone" smiled Greg hugging her and showing how proud he was.

"Don't. I mean don't tell them yet. I don't want them to expect anything of me"

"Ok we wont tell them" reassured Greg.


"I've got a present," said Greg pulling a bag from behind him.

"Oh" cried Sara like a small child.

"Yeah" she smiled as she opened it to reveal a multi tonal purple support "how you get that?" she asked leaning forward to kiss him.

"I saw this girl from the children's ward with ones with fish on and I asked, I got it from this medical catalogue" he smiled as Sara undid her white one and replaced it with the purple one.

"Of course I'll have to match my outfit to it" she smiled.

"I'll by you a whole new wardrobe"

"Your lucky" smiled the physiotherapist-walking in. "fancy" she commented.

"Are you ready?" asked the physiotherapist smiling. Sara had already swung her legs round and was kicking them both from her knees down smiling. She had gotten used to her support and was proud of her new multi coloured one.

"Hold onto the frame and we'll try standing" Sara gripped the fame and pulled herself to a standing position.

"Good" she said examining Sara's leg.

"I've done this before," said Sara pouting.

"I know but were got to work up to walking but I think your muscles have improved enough to try. You will however have to go in a wheelchair there"

Sara looked unhappily at Greg as he helped her into it.

"Cheer up" he smiled pushing her along the corridor "I could go really fast" he suggested getting a smile from her.

"Here we are" the doctor opened the door to what appeared to be a gym "over here" Greg pushed Sara over to a set of bars that looked like the type you used for gymnastics.

"Right park yourself in the middle" Sara altered so she was at in the middle.

"You're getting handy with that" smiled Greg remembering when she got her bracelet caught in the spokes and nearly took her hand off.

"Pull your self to a standing position" Sara was up before she had finished.

"Right now you'll find you wont be able to bend you ankle at the minute this will improve with time but for now you will either have to swing your leg our or drag it which ever your prefer" Sara moved her hands so they were in front of her on the bar.

"Lead with your bad leg then use your arms to lift you like with crutches. Sara did this her leg hitting the floor hard, as she couldn't tell when it connected with the floor until the vibrations hit her knee.

"Good. How's it feel?"

"Strange it's like it's is rubber and squashed" replied Sara.

"That's normal" she smiled.

"Well I'm pleased to tell you should be able to go home once the doctor has done his rounds" Sara smiled showing her gap between her teeth to Greg.

"But first we better show you how to use crutches" Sara took them of her and stood.

"Now just like the bar" Sara found it move difficult with crutches as she had to use her arms to support her completely when she moved forward.

"Good but remember to rest" she smiled as Greg helped Sara beck to her wheel chair.

The doctor was now stood signing a discharge form with Sara ready and packed and swinging on her crutches eager to get out.

"Your free to go" he smiled and with that Sara was half way down the corridor when Greg caught up with her.

"Can we go to the lab?" asked Sara "I want to see everyone"

"sure. Want to show of" he asked opening the door for her.

"Some thing like that. Oh my god trees" shouted Sara on hopping into the car park "the world still exists"

Greg couldn't help but laugh at her as her helped her into the car. He forget how long it had been since she'd been outside.

"Can we have pizza for tea?" she asked as he started the car.

"We can have whatever you want" smiled Greg.

Once they arrived at the lab Sara hopped inside closely guarded by Greg the first person she met was Hodges who threw himself at her and hugged her.

"Good to see you " he said pulling away and actually smiling. Mia ran out the lab to great them followed by Judy as Sara hoped further up the corridor towards the break room she could see Warrick and Nick sat on the playstation.

"Well your fast"

"DOC" he gave Sara a one handed hug.

"I'm going to have to race you" he smiled looking at her leg. "Nice colour" he commented smiling "you'll be on one like me in no time"


Sara hoped to the doorway. Nick and Warrick were facing away, Grissom had his head in a textbook and Catherine was looking in the fridge.

"HEY" shouted Sara getting their attention.

"Sara" Cath leapt up from the fridge slamming the door and hugging her

"Your standing, you're walking"

"Well hoping actually but soon."

"YOU DIDN'T SAY YOU COULD WALK" Shouted Nick nearly knocking Warrick over as he ran and hugged Sara.

"What? When?" questioned Catherine sounding like a small child wanting to know what's happening?

"I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want you all to know if I couldn't"

"I don't care I'm just pleased you can" smiled Warrick hugging her.

"And as a extra piece of good news, it's sorted" smiled Grissom getting up and gently patting her shoulder avoiding too much contact.

"What?" asked Greg looking confused.

"I'm the new cadet teacher" smiled Sara proudly.

"God help the cadets," laughed Nick

2 years later

The night shift of Las Vegas Crime lab was assembled waiting for their supervisor to come in.

"Hey heads up Nick tell me when she comes" key CSI Warrick Brown scooted out the break room and across the hall into the lab hugging his fiancé Mia and causing a commotion around him.

"Warrick be romantic on your own time" sighed his supervisor coming in.

"Oh come on Cath it's sweet" laughed Nick looking across to Louise. Louise was the latest member of the shift. She had recently qualified and Nick was mentoring her.

"Now as you know today we have a special guest before the new cadets come in. some of you will already know him" Catherine Willows looked From Warrick to Nick who grinned in response. While the other member Ryan looked confused.

"May I welcome Gil Grissom of the entomology unit, Las Vegas"?

Warrick and Nick got up and shuck his hand while the other two hung back.

"I see not much has changed," Grissom said shaking hands with the other two before sitting down.

"Well that ring Mia's wearing cost Warrick about three weeks pay" said Nick grinning.

"Congratulations. When's the wedding?" said Grissom.

"Next month your invitations in my locker" replied Warrick. "Nick's going to get down on one knee soon" he finished

"Mandy, she works in PD Brass introduced us last year" said Nick proudly producing a picture out his wallet. "I'm not however getting down on one knee in front of a room full of Cadets like a certain spiky haired someone" he laughed as the person in question appeared.

"Hey. Oh late" the new level three CSI Greg Sanders came to an abrupt halt when he saw Grissom.

"GIL" he hugged Grissom making him very uncomfortable.

"I'm a level three as of yesterday" smiled Greg proudly sitting down.

"Right now catch up has been done I believe the cadets are on their way to listen to your lecture" Cath looked over at Grissom who nodded.

"Come on don't stare" the cadet leader was marching a bunch of scarred students down the corridor. Sara Sidle was striding ahead each step followed by the predictable click of her crutch while the other hand held textbooks and files. One cadet stood out among the others not looking nervous but enjoying themselves. Lindsey Willows graduated a year ahead of her class and got an early place on the training programme. Her mother was head of Night shift this however meant the only special treatment she got was harder questions.

"Right in and sit down" Sara stood in the door while the cadets walked in Lindsey smiling at her mum as she grinned back.

"Congratulations" said Grissom as Greg got up and hugged his wife his hand coming down and resting on her ever-growing bump.

"I'm, going to look like a beached bridesmaid," moaned Sara sitting down as Grissom made a half-hearted attempt to hug her.

"Yes but you'll be my beached bridesmaid" laughed Greg as the cadets starred.

"Don't worry he's not going to kiss her again" Nick assured them all.

"Spoil sport, Warrick kisses Mia all the time," hissed Greg.

"Oh Grissom can I have a word outside" asked Sara.

"We'll be back in a minute," said Catherine getting up. The entire team minus the new recruits followed them out.

"How far along are you?" asked Grissom as Greg wrapped his arms round Sara.

"Five months, all the time you've been in South America chasing you rare bugs" smiled Sara placing her hand over Greg's and leaning her crutch against him.

"Well Catherine's going to be god mother and Nick and Warrick are another two"

"Not in the together sense" said Nick quickly.

"Yes and telling the nurse that we were a couple of heterosexual god fathers made it less strange" said Warrick playfully hitting him.

"Well anyway. We wanted you to be a god father as well to our little girl"

Grissom's face did something anyone rarely saw it do a full smile broke out across his face.

"I would be honoured"

With that a round of applause broke out from all the cadets assembled at the door.

"SHOO" cried Sara waving her arms at them. All of them ran expect Lindsey who came and stood next to her mother.

"I guess for today the teams back together" smiled Nick.

"Plus one" said Lindsey smiling.

"Plus two" finished Sara as the growing life inside her gently kicked.


Dear god that was long! Hope it didn't bore you too much please tell me what you thought of it : )

Just encase anyone wants to know I'm writing a new storey called poison running threw my veins (it Grissom/Sara) so I doubt anyone who read this will care. Just thought I'd mention it

And on a final note I decide to post this all together because it was dragging on and I'm easily distracted so if I didn't do it now I never would!