Voldy's Boss?

She stormed into the girls bathroom, snarling at moaning myrtle as she passed. Suddenly she stopped and yelled loudly "VOLDY!"

In a flash of light Tom Riddle appeared. He looked around, slowly turning and stopped when he saw Her.

He got to his knees and said in a quiet, almost fearful voice "Mistress I did not mean to mess up- it was not my fault! It was Lucius, he did as I didn't not want. He has been punished, I promise. All I dealt with!" He continued babbling about nothing in particular as she listened half-heartedly.

As the minutes passed she got visibly less and less interested until, with no warning, she had her wand pointed at his throat and was whispering "I don't care whose fault it is or what happened- I just want it done. I will give you 3 days to kill him." Then her voice rose to a normal tone. "He will die- he knows too much and I suspect he is a spy for Dumbledore. I'm nearly a member of the Order of the Phoenix and he must be gone by then- he could figure it out too easily. 3 days and that's it- it is his head or yours."

And before he could turn around she was gone leaving Tom to find a way home from the center of the castle on his own.

In a different part of the castle the golden trio was found walking to dinner.

"Huh, what did u say mione?"

"Oh nothing, just cursing Snape- bad class huh?"