This is my first stab at a school story. I got tired of the hard angsty stuff. This is a bit more laid back. Let me know wut u think, flames accepted!


Chapter 1


I glared out the car window at the trees and houses rushing by. Everything was going wrong. I was being banished to boarding school after my parents got tired of dealing with me. Yup, they got tired of me. Dumped me onto someone else, they didn't want the responsibility anymore. You could say my family is a bit dysfunctional. I was more than pissed at them. They were making me give up connections with the few good friends I had, so now I had to go to a new school and make all new friends. Plus, I had to give up my ambition, blitzball. They didn't have a co-ed blitzball team at this school, only boys. Screw them.

I sighed as the chaperoned car turned down a long, winding driveway. In the back of my heart, I mean the very back, I was excited. Just a little bit. I was excited to have more freedom, to not have people breathing over my shoulder constantly. The responsibility to go where I wanted on weekends, and hang out with the people I chose. Maybe this boarding school thing wouldn't be that bad after all. Just maybe.

The magnificent school came into view. It was a huge, brick building with smaller brick buildings behind it. There was a large green lawn, with sidewalks and benches scattered everywhere. Students were mingling on the walkways, in front of the school, and on the grass. It looked like a place of pure peacefulness. Perfect, a bit too perfect.

All of a sudden there was a loud holler, and the car came to an abrupt halt. I jerked my attention out the windshield, and there was a tall boy with spiky blonde hair standing innocently in the road, holding a football. He grinned sheepishly as my driver swore out the window, and his friends laughed from the lawn. Suddenly, I was excited. People here were normal, not prissy and stuck up, like I feared they world be. I found myself excited to get into the school to meet my roommates and fellow students.

The irritated driver pulled into a small loop at the front of the school, and opened the door, storming over to the trunk. He opened it quickly and began throwing my luggage in the street. I climbed out of the car, and came around to where the driver was standing. "Do ya need any help with this shit?" he asked gruffly. I scowled. "No I think I can manage a backpack and duffel myself thanks," I responded, and picked up my stuff. Did this guy think I was weak or something? I was about 5'6 and thin, with shoulder length, layered red hair. I had cut it myself when I got fed up with the haircut my mom's stylist had given me. I thought it looked far better now. I waved the driver away enthusiastically, and began trudging towards the school.

As I passed people, some turned to look at me, curious expressions on their faces. I smiled as I passed a few, some smiled back. Others frowned, obviously snobby people are everywhere. I pulled open the huge oak doors at the front of the school, and walked into the air conditioned lobby, to the front desk. "Um, I'm new here. My name is Kairi Hakuna," I said uncertainly to the woman behind the counter. She smiled and handed me a handful of papers, and a key.

"Welcome Kairi. Here is your schedule and room number along with your key and some school guidelines and rules. Your roommates are Larxene and Selphie. They will help you get settled in. Your dorm is the one on the right, third floor, room 346. Floors 1 and 2 are boy dorms, and are off limits after 10 pm. If you have any questions, just come down here and I'll answer them for you." The woman smiled pleasantly, and I grinned in return. Even the people here were nice.

I walked back outside, hauling my duffel behind me. I found my dorm okay, and when I walked in, I was greeted with total chaos. There were people running around everywhere, guys in bathing suits and towels, girls in casual clothes and uniforms. People were lounging in the chairs that were stationed up front near the TV, and others were tossing a football across the room.

"Hey look it's a newbie!" I looked in the direction of the talker to see it was the same guy that had almost been hit by my insane driver. "Oh I know you! You're that girl with the pmsing dad!" He walked over, grinning.

"That's not my dad. Just some shitty driver my parents hired cuz they were to lazy to drive me. I'm Kairi." "I'm Tidus." Tidus held out a hand and shook my enthusiastically. "Do ya need help with that bag?" He asked politely. I smiled and shrugged. He picked up the duffel with little effort and glanced at the papers in my hand. "Oho you're roomin with Selphie. She'll be a blast!" Tidus said enthusiastically. Then he frowned. "Larxene though, I would watch out for her. Kind of rough around the edges if ya know what I mean," Tidus gave me a shifty eye and raised eyebrow as if to exaggerate his point. This guy is pretty cool. I decided I liked him. "Hey, Tidus, do ya think you could show me my room, since I have absolutely no idea where I'm going?" I asked timidly. Tidus grinned louder, and indicated the elevator. "Sure thing. Right this way!"

So we set off for the elevator. This was going to be an interesting day.


So wut does everyone think? Give me feedback, flames accepted!