"Hope's Paradise"
written by Shayne Thames and Kathryn Shiver

Yu-Gi-Oh and related characters and indica © 1996 - 2005 Kazuki Takahashi

Author's Note: Yay! New YGO stuff!


Sonic Remix: Calm down Yami, this is a nice fluffy story!


Yugi: I'm still seeing a psyciatist for that one.

Sonic Remix: TRUST me, boys. No one gets hurt. Would I lie?

Both: Yes.

Sonic Remix: Feh, you'll see.



It was a day unlike any other. Joey and Seto had decided to take Yugi to the beach because he needed to get away from the city for a while. Yugi's always been a lonely person who longs for the relationship he sees in other people. At the moment, the three had arrived at the gorgious Atlantis Hotel on Paradise Island. Joey's jaw dropped. "Aren't these like the 1200 a night rooms!"

The blue eyed brunette merely smirked at the pup's reaction. "For the pair of you nothing is better than here. You rather say at some roach infested hotel?"

Joey was quick to wave it off. "This is good! This is good!" He looked around. "Wow, they got everything here...let's get check in so we can get our rooms! Then we can hit the beach!"

The small teen nodded slowly before chasing after the blond to the room they were assigned.

Joey dropped his suitcase and quickly claimed his room with Seto's, Yugi getting the other room, which has a view of the ocean with a small balcony.

Sighing he headed for the other room without complaint, knowing how the other two were together.

After a few minutes, Joey was a blur, heading for the bathroom to chgange into his swim trunks, jumping out afterword to grab some sunscreen.

Giggling the youngster went to change as well into his own trunks, followed by Seto.


Together they headed out for the beach, where the ocean was CLEAN, a BEAUTIFUL and clear aqua color. Perfect for swimming.

The youngster was quick to enter the water before the other two could join him.

Everything seemed so perfect as the waves lapped up. A fish even jumped out of the water near him.

Yugi easily occupied himself with the ocean, sometimes diving under the surface to hunt for shells.

Joey was tugging at the brunette, wanting him to come into the water. "Come on! Come on!"

Seto grumbled in annoyance as he was dragged into the water.

Joey then proceeded to glomp him and slpash around and play with him.

Sighing the brunette gave up trying to keep his cold attitude and smiled at his pup's antics.

After a while, Joey finally got tired enough to let Seto go get some sun so he could talk to Yugi alone. "So how's the water treatin ya?"

The said teen was easily floating on his back. "I'm loving it. How bout you?"

"It's awesome!" He looked Seto's direction before leaning in. "Need to ask a question. Wanna know what you think. And be honest."

Curious amythest eyes blinked, moving to look at his friend. "Think about what?"

He nodded towards Seto's direction. "...think he's gonna pop the big one...?"

Yugi blinked again now, glancing over at the brunette in thought. "No idea at all Joey. You know Seto, he only does things when he decides is the right time."

"Lesse...Bahamas, 1200 dollar rooms, gorgous backdrops, right mood..."

He couldn't help but laugh at that. "Joey, this is Seto. He won't do nothing but perfect for everything"

He pouted. "Guess that only means one thing...TREASURE HUNT AGAIN!" He scampered off to shore to sniff around Seto's sitting spot for any clues.

Laughing now the youngster watched as his friend looked around, Seto merely raising an eyebrow slightly.

Another wave washed through and lightly smacked across Yugi's back. Someone bumped into him when the wave hit. "Ow...oh...I apologize."

Surprised he turned around to see who had run into him.

Ruby red eyes gazed back at him in wonder. A teen, looking JUST like him, if a bit older, sat there in the water.

Surprise showed clearly on his face at what looked like a mirror image, amythest eyes wide.

His mouth moved for a bit before he found the voice to speak. "Hello..."

"Ummm... Hello..."

He gazed at him for a long time before he asked. "Oh...sorry...um...are you a tourist?"

Shyly he nodded at the question. "Yeah... Here with a pair of friends..."

He nodded and held his hand out. "Welcome to Paradise Island then. My name is Yami."

Hesitating slightly he shook the offered hand. "I'm Yugi."

"How long you here for?"

He blinked for a moment. "A week."

He nodded. "Hope you enjoy your stay."

"Th... Thanks..." Nervous now at being with the stranger that looked like him, he glanced over to see how the other two were doing.

Joey was just coming back with a beachball. "Hey Yug! I got the ball! Wanna-" Joey paused, staring at Yami. "-hey, who's the clone?"

"His name's Yami! And where did you find that?"

He grinned. "Take a guess." He tossed it. "Hey Yami, wanna join us?"

Yami smiled. "Only if Yugi doesn't mind..."

Thinking for a moment he smiled a bit. "I don't mind."

Joey whooped, and together they tossed the ball around. Joey sometimes sent it a good distance.

After awhile of having to swim after the ball the youth was betting tired. "I think I best get some rest on shore."

Yami looked at him for a bit before nodded. "Yes...I think I bevver get ready to head home as well."

Waving slightly he headed for the shore.

Yami waved before headed off. With Yugi's back turned, Joey was waving off Yami as well when he gasped. "Holy shit..."

Yugi turned around to look at his friend. "What?"

"I thought-" He rubbed his eyes to look again. "Nothing...think I got saltwater in my eyes."

Giggling he finally reached the shore and plopped down onto one of the towels.


It was the next morning when Yugi and the others decided to take a tour of the nearby island, getting a look at the authentic village of the Bahamas and seeing the major port. Everyone was out in the street offering gifts to sell to the tourists.

Bright amythest eyes lit up as he looked at the many different gifts the sellers had to sell.

Down alongside the road, the port river flowed, and small boats were floating through, carrying new shipments like fruit and fish. Near one dock, Yugi could actually spot Yami in the water, helping to push a boat to a dock and helping to hand the supplies from it to the dockworkers.

A small smile showed on his face and waved, not really caring if he saw him or not.

Yami saw the wave out of the corner of his eye, turned, smiled, and waved back happily.

Giving a meep, he darted behind Joey. He hadn't excepted the other to wave back.

Joey looked behind him. "What's with you?"

Yugi looked up shyly at his friend at the question, making his eyes even larger.

"...why are you looking at me with those evil eyes?"

Amythest eyes blinked at that. "What evil eyes?"

"Your evilly large eyes."

He pouted now. "They are not!"

"Well just answer my orginal question then!"

"I didn't think he'd wave back..."

"Then why'd ya wave in the first place?"

The youth looked down. "I don't know..."

Joey thought before he smiled. "Oh just talk to him!"

Yugi actually looked scared at that and shook his head.

"Aww, why not?"


"And what was yesterday's interaction called?"

"He bumped into me..."

"Uh huh. Listen, you wanna be alone all yer life?"

Slowly, Yugi shook his head.

"Then buck up and go say hi before I kick your tushy that way."

Large amythest eyes looked up at Joey fearfully now at that.

"I mean it."

Relucently the younster looked down at the ground and moved in the direction he had seen Yami.

Yami saw Yugi approaching and smiled swiming to rest his arms on the dock. "Hello again."

"Hi... Ummm... You work here?"

"I help out. I help a lot of people in the village, they appreciate it a lot."

Yugi couldn't help but smile at that. "Ever been to any of the cities?"

"Just the ones around the rivers and bays."

Nervous, Yugi couldn't find anything else to talk about

"Having a good time here?"

Slowly, Yugi nodded at the question. "Yeah... Its not like this back home."

"Really? What's your home like?"

Sighing silently, Yugi began to explain what home was like.

"Oh! Japan! I met some japanese tourists a few times. Most were from Tokyo. It sounds like an interesting country."

"Yeah, but then, any place you havn't been to is that way."

"So what do you like to do for fun?"

Yugi shifted slightly at the question. "Play games..."

"Really? What kind of games?"

"Mainly board games and card games..."

"Ah. Me, I like to go shell hunting. I also like to take pictures of sea creatures for marine biologists."

Amythest eyes blinked at that. "Really!"

Yami smiled. "Yep!"

"Wow... I wish I had that kind of life."

"You sound like you could use a new friend.."

Sighing, Yugi nodded sadly at that. "Yeah..."

Joey finally called to Yugi. "Time to go Yugi!"

Smiling at his friend, Yugi turned to say goodbye to Yami before bounding to the blond.

Yami called back. "Yugi, wait!"

Stopping, Yugi turned to look back at Yami.

Yami looked up at him. "Is there some place and time I can meet you later?"

"I... Umm... I donno..."

"Maybe at the beach later...?


Yami smiled before gestering for Yugi to lean closer.

Confusion on his face, Yugi moved closer.

Yami spoke lowly in Yugi's ear. "I like you." Yami pecked Yugi's cheek before darting underwater.

The small teen was frozen on the stop, surprise showing clearly on his face.

Joey called to Yugi again. "Yugi! Come on!"

Blinking, he shook his head to clear it and raced after his friend.

"Hey, what was that all about?"

"He... He said he liked me... And kissed my cheek..."

Joey tried to keep from snickering. "And?"

"He darted underwater..."


By now the youngster was blushing like crazy.


The blush only increased now at that.


Totally embaressed now he ran on ahead.

Joey chuckled.


Later that afternoon, Yami was, in fact, waiting in the water along the beach, hoping Yugi would show.

The small teen was nervous before leaving the hotel to join him.

Yami waved happily to him when he saw him. "Yugi, hello!"

"Hello Yami." Smiling he swam out to meet him.

"Look at what I found for you!" Yami showed Yugi a Sand Dollar.

Amythest eyes widened in delight as he gently took ahold of the shell. "Where'd you find a whole one?"

"Found it while I was shell hunting earlier."

"Its lovely Yami! I've only found pieces of them on the beach..."

"Then I must insist that you keep it."

Yugi blinked now before looking at him. "Really?"

Yami grinned. "Absolutely."

Yugi couldn't help but smile happily. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. So, did you bring a ball today?"

Slowly he shook his head at the question. "I couldn't find it."

"That's okay, we can play other games."

"Like what?"

He smiled and tagged him. "You're it! He darted away pretty fast."

He blinked now in reaction before relizing what game it was and tried to catch him.

After a while, Yami was tagged, and took a while to be able to catch Yugi. The game was fun and actually took up a good chunk of the day. Sometimes they'd just stop and talk about things, laughing and having fun.

Sometimes Yugi would have to head to the beach to take a breather from swimming, wondering how Yami could swim all day like he was.

Finally came the time to part ways for the night. "You going to the village in the morning?"

Slowly he nodded at the question. "Yeah, Joey and Seto plan to watch a movie together."

He smiled. "I shall see you then, my friend." Suprisingly, he gave him a quick and gentle kiss on the lips before dissappearing underwater.

He gave a surprised meep at the kiss before hurrying out of the water, picking up the sand dollar before heading into the hotel.


Joey was sitting in the hotel room watching TV by himself when Yugi came into the room. "Hey Yug."

Amythest eyes blinked. "Hey Joey, where'd Seto go?"

"No idea. I bet he's up to something REAL good..." He smirked, not resisting the next question. "How was yer date?"

Yugi's face went red. "It wasn't a date!"

"Did you decide a place to meet?"

"Yes, but it wasn't a date!"

"Did you decide a general TIME to meet?"

He shook his head at that. "Nope."

"Ah. Was he there waiting for you?"

Slowly he nodded that time.

"You two have fun together?"

Once again he nodded.

"Did he give you any gifts?"

"Only the sand dollar."

"Nice. Did he kiss you?"

The blush returned full force to his face.

Joey smirked. "It was a date."


He snickered. "You keep telling yourself that and you'll never get a boyfriend."

Amythest eyes glared at him before retreating to his room.

Joey glanced up as Seto came in. "Ah, the guy that taught me about the 'How you know you're on a date' questions. I have a question, oh great love master..."

One eyebrow raised slightly as he glanced at the pup. "You may speak, pup."

"How many out of the 5 questions do you have to answer yes to before your meeting is considered a date?"

"One, why pup?"

Joey yelled to Yugi's room. "IT WAS A DATE!"


Joey held up 4 fingers to Seto with a smirk.

The brunette merely rolled his eyes before settling down beside the blonde with a box of chinese.

"Ooh!" He dug into the box before calling Yugi out for supper.

Grumbling slightly, he emerged from his room to eat.

And for an hour between bites- "Was."

"Was not!"



Joey held up 4 fingers. "You answered yes to 4 of the 5 questions."

"Don't care it wasn't a date."

He looked at Seto. "Hey Seto, can you guess the only question Yugi said no to?"

Blue eyes narrowed in thought for a moment. "Time."

Joey blinked. "How'd you guess?"

The brunette smirked. "I know him better than you think, mutt."

"But you know what that means, right?"

He merely nodded as he continued to eat.

"He said YES to the kiss question! THAT KISS QUESTION! If that doesn't spell D-A-T-E, then Yugi is in denial."

A small growl emerged from the youth before he up and left them, returning to his room.

Joey leaned on Seto. "So...you got any presents for me? Any...little...small...present?"

"Pup, sit and eat like a good boy."

He whimpered but did as he was told.

Seto smirked slightly now, he knew what Joey wanted but he wasn't ready to let him have it.


The next day, Yugi was on his own as he wandered into the village where the docks were just as busy as usual.

Figuring that Yami would be helping with the boats again, he headed down there.

Yami was indeed helping, and he waved to Yugi early. "Yugi, hi!"

"Hi Yami!" Sitting down at the end of the docks, he set a small bag beside him.

"What's up?"

"Wanted to visit."

He grinned. "Glad to hear that! Have a good morning?"

Happily he nodded at the question. "Mhmm"

About that point, a woman in an explorer's uniform approached Yami. "Yami! Glad we found you! There's been a wreck that was found not too far off the coast, and we were wondering if you were interested in taking pictures."

Yami nodded. "Yes indeed! I think I know the one you speak of."

Amythest eyes blinked at that before looking down at Yami. "Can I come?"

Yami smiled. "Sure! I'd love that! OH, Chris, this is Yugi, my new friend."

Chris smiled and shook Yugi's hand. "OH! So you're the Yugi that Yami was talking about. I should of guessed from your looks!"

A blush formed on his face at hearing that, smiling at the thought of being able to go with Yami.

She started to say something else when she saw a boat coming down the river. Yami turned, saw it, and frowned. "Aw no...not today..."

Chris looked at Yami. "No problem. I'll stall Dr. Deadhead while you head for safety."

Yami nodded. Thanks." He looked at Yugi. "Meet me at the beach in 2 hours?"

Slowly he nodded, confusion as to why he wouldn't want to face the one guy on the boat.

Yami ducked underwater as Chris yelled to the boat. "HEY! Monague! Still chasing fairy tales?"

Amythest eyes blinked, looking up from where he sat on the dock to look in the direction of the boat.

Chris glared at the man standing on the boat. "Sides, I thought the Nassu Police barred you from coming around here again!"

Confused he looked up at her now. "Why was be barred?"

"Public disturbance and destruction of private property while attempting to kidnap someone." She glared at Montague.

"Kidnap... Someone...?"

There was a yell from the middle of the river. "HEY! Get this thing off me!"

Startled, Yugi looked in the direction of the yell. It sounded like Yami!

One of the smaller motorboats had netted Yami and was pulling him in towards the boat. "Someone help!"

"Yami!" Not really thinking, Yugi jumped into the water to help.

Yami was starting to really twist and fight now as he was starting to be pulled out of the water.

Yugi was swimming as fast as he could and started tugging at the net to try and free him.

One of the men rushed to pry Yugi away. A netted BEAUTIFUL black tail, swirled with unpatterned red lines, tried to swat at the man trying to pry Yugi off.

Amythest eyes went wide now, pausing for a moment before trying to get Yami loose again.

By this point, the fight had tangled the net so badly, Yami had trouble fighting. His mouth hung open now as he fought to get some air into his syetm.

"LET HIM GO!" Panicing now for his friend, he tugged hard at the net.

Hands suddenly added to help pull Yami away from the boat. Some of the natives, and those who were dressed like Chris, were working to get Yami away from those bad guys. The gills on the side of Yami's neck were fighting to swallow any water at all to breathe, his mouth working to suck in any air into his underdeveloped lungs.

Yugi's hands were sore from trying to get his friend free, scrambling to find a way to undo the net.

The group managed to pull the net away from the boat and tugged Yami into the water and towards the docks, where another crew dressed like Chris came in to help start cutting the net. "It's tangled in real good this time..."

The small teen pointed to a few select areas of the net to cut to get Yami released the fastest.

Yami opened his eyes again while their were working, holding completely still while they worked on freeing his body.

Finally getting the net cut, Yugi started to pull it away.

Yami floated upright and looked at everyone, who cheered for him. "Thank you everyone..."

Curious amythest eyes were looking at Yami now, as if he couldn't beleive what he had seen.

As the others shook Yami's hand and patted his back before leaving him be, he looked at Yugi with a shy smile and looked towards the water.

Nervous now, he swollowed a bit uneasily.

He frowned when he looked up and saw the look. That wasn't good. He sank low in the water, with only his eyes out of the water, though they were looking down as well.

"Ummm... We still going to the ship...?"

Yami lifted his head to speak. "If you want."


Yami smiled softly. "Yes...I'd like that."

Yugi couldn't help but smile as well.

He leaned in a bit, his face coming closer to his.

Wide eyes only widened a bit further at how close they were.

His beutiful red eyes gazed into his before he placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

A surprised meep emerged in reaction at the kiss.

He looked at him, blushing, maybe even a bit scared, before he ducked underwater, leaving.

Startled, he looked around for his friend and remembered where they were to meet.