Disclaimer: I don't own Beyblade, Kai (GothicSabrina stole him), Batman or Alien. But someday, I will steal something.
Title: Waiting in the Wings
Chapter Title:
Waiting at the Bus Stop
Rating: T
Categories: Romance/Drama
Summary: Dedicated to GothicSabrina. Mariam and Kai both want to be independent, not relying on someone else. Not relying on 'love'. When they meet, their opinions only grow stronger. But could there be love waiting in the fiery wings of Dranzer?
Feedback: Reviews! YUM! Flames? Why would you bother? GothicSabrina better review, since it is her fault I'm writing this.
Status: Chapters. But only if you review!
Notes: Dedicated to GothicSabrina after her constant argument that Kai would NOT like that 'pink-haired bimbo' Mariah. So, I wrote a Kai/Mariam because I was hassled. Yep, hassle me and you'll get what you want. By the way, ahem… LOOK! A CLOWN!

I apologise to those that read my other stories, my laptop that had the files is… dead. I have to write the chapters all over again and now I do not have a permanent computer. I am kind of… 'Hopping', if you will.


Mariam and Kai both want to be independent, not relying on someone else. Not relying on 'love'. When they meet, their opinions only grown stronger. But could there be love waiting in the fiery wrings of Dranzer?

© 2005

Part I
Waiting at the Bus Stop

Mariam sighed as she waited at the bus stop with her nearly empty coffee cup in her hands. It was late now, past midnight, and the silver stars were absent due to the un-clear sky. Not to mention the air pollution caused by this darn, factory-infested city. The white moon was hidden behind the misty clouds.

She had found that life back with the Saintshields, with Ozuma in their village had been too boring. Far too boring. Joseph, a growing teenage boy now approaching his dreaded last teenage years, wanted to go to somewhere that he could hang out and not be scolded by the village Elders and Mariam – being his sister – agreed with no resistance. She was getting agitated there anyway, and Ozuma had been smothering her.

Of course she loved him, but she loved him differently to the way she loved him when they started their relationship. He was more like a close friend than a boyfriend, or a lover, or even a husband.

So she had travelled to Tokyo with Joseph. It seemed the logical thing to do, since they spoke Japanese and they had been there before. Mariam still kept in contact with Max (just as a friend, only as a friend) and he was able to look for some apartments for her. It had been quite difficult, but they found a one-bedroom flat that she could afford with a job (though Max paid for the first month of rent, but Mariam promised him that she would pay him back as soon as she was able to).

Finding a job had proved even more difficult. No one wanted an inexperienced, twenty-three year old with no written proof of an education. She had no CV, no recommendations and the overdue rent was mounting up slowly but surely. Max was paying the first lot off, but Mariam felt bad just loading these bills on him. She felt useless, and she hated feeling that way. She was an independent woman, not needing the help or money from some man.

The blue haired woman had found a job as a secretary for a construction company. This job was far too long for walking so she would have to get two buses – a B90 and a 157 – to get between home and the workplace. The pay was normal, just enough to cover the rent and the food shopping with a little bit extra. When she had enough money, she was going to buy a mobile for herself and one for Joseph.

Taking a sip of the now cold coffee, Mariam tapped a rhythm against her leg. Tonight she had been piled with some extra work and promised a pay rise if she finished it before the next day. She had finished it at 11:57, just in time. Unfortunately, this meant she would have to travel home past midnight but at least she could get one bus – a N90 – and be done with it. Safe at home and safe with her brother. She would crawl into her bed and travel to the lovely place where she could dream.

Gone was the orange and red dress, red and black boots and red headband. Instead, she wore a white blouse and a black skirt with some comfortable but scuffed black shoes. She still wore her gold earrings and her gold wristband. Draped over her arm was her black jacket and in her left hand was her handbag with her purse, her apartment keys, her beyblade Sharkrash, her ripcord and her launcher.

Yes, still after seven years (1) since Saintshields had faced the Bladebreakers, Mariam still kept her beyblade, as she thought most competitors from back then still did. Why not? It demonstrated what skills they had learnt and what obstacles they had overcome in their childhood. They had felt grown up then, and how Mariam wished to be a child once again.

There was a sudden wolf whistle and the blue haired female nearly jumped out of her skin. Her head turned to the direction of which she had heard the sound and saw a group of males lurking around a bench about a dozen yards away. Some were leering at her (making her increasingly uncomfortable) while the others laughed like a pack of hyenas.

Men… Mariam thought to herself, finding herself growing agitated that these males were sizing her up like a piece of meat. She wanted to say something, being Mariam and Mariam always had to make a sly comment but she knew they would turn hostile and they outnumbered her six to one. No way would she be able to fight them off. These past few years had made her rusty in her fighting techniques and even her speed was not what it used to be when she was sixteen.

"What's up, pretty lady?" one of them called as the others broke into uncontrollable laughter. Mariam rolled her eyes sharply then clenched her fists –crushing the empty coffee cup.

Just wait for the bus, she told her brain; if you ignore them, they will get bored.

More wolf whistles and steps coming closer. They obviously would not get bored anytime soon and if Mariam made any sudden movements (i.e., getting her beyblade out and launching it so Sharkrash could nip at their feet), it would be dangerously foolish.

"Pretty lady?" another called, "Why don't you come home with us?"

Because I don't want to, idiot. The first was within two metres of her now, and she was getting slightly nervous. She didn't trust this scenario, not one bit. Where the hell was that bus?

Vaguely, she heard a shout in the far distance but was unable to make out the words fully. Stop…? Stop it? Stop what? It sounded like a male, but it was too far to be one of the men in front of her.

The 'leader' was in arm's length now and she could practically smell his putrid breath that stank of alcohol and tobacco.

One guy at the back laughed, "Cat got your tongue?" She clenched her fists tighter and looked to the gang of boys gradually but tactically surrounding her. Now or never, Mariam.

Mariam pushed her leg back and hit the man that was about to grab her from behind in between his legs – painful. She ducked under a punch then tripped him up. Her roundhouse kick didn't manage to hit anyone, but it made them step back. All she needed was a little path out, and then she would be able to lose them. One punched her in the back of the head and she stumbled forward but then crouched and did another sweeping kick, knocking two of their feet. Her head really did ache now, but she had to remain focused and stalling would enable the ones she had already hit to recover.

She lunged forward desperately and pushed a man away so he fell on his back and pulled down the one behind him as well, leaving a clear path. Not allowing others to fill in their places, the green-eyed ex-Saintshield member ran as fast as she could. It seemed only a matter of seconds before she heard the gunshot; her face paled and she waited to feel it…

Kai had somehow picked up the habit of patrolling the streets at night. It seemed a strange thing to do, and Tyson (still the arrogant, loudmouth pig) had made a joke that maybe he wanted to be a Japanese version of Batman. And he would be called… Phoenixman! Or something like that…

Unfortunately, six years (2) after Kai's last beyblade tournament against BEGA, he did still keep in contact with Tyson and the rest of the Bladebreakers (including Hilary, since she was now Tyson's fiancée). He even still conversed with Tala, Bryan and Spencer by letter or on the phone. He hadn't heard from Ian at all. Mystel occasionally visited Tokyo but Ray said he was spending a lot of time in the White Tiger village.

He knew that Ray was beginning to dislike Mystel. When he was in Ray's village, he would talk only with the girls and show off in front of them. The one most talked to was Mariah, and Ray knew that she had a slight attraction to the blond beyblader. Though Ray and Mariah still weren't officially 'going out', everyone knew that they both were hands-off. Kai just hoped that Ray would marry Pinkie and get it over and done with. With this new threat, Ray probably would.

The reason Kai watched the streets when there was no light other than the moon and stars? He couldn't sleep. Nightmares from his earlier childhood, nightmares of Boris and his grandfather, nightmares of water, nightmares of Brooklyn (3) and nightmares of losing. They all ganged up on him and he couldn't take it. He would wake up sweating and screaming. He would then promptly throw up and shake uncontrollably. He could hear their whispers.

Made perfect…(4) sinking… slowly sinking… "You're history…"… kid's game… "BEGA DOESN'T NEED YOU, KAI!"… Kai Hiwatari has lost to Tyson Granger… not so perfect anymore…

Gasping for breath, Kai leant over and took in deep breaths. Even when conscious these thoughts plagued his brain. He could hear them all laughing at him. Loser Kai… Imperfect Kai… Useless Kai…

"Stop it…" he whispered to the voices, "Stop it!" he hissed. They continued taunting him, tearing at his mind and ripping at his soul. They had no heart to play with because he was heartless. If they continued this, his body would soon follow. His hands began to shake and he clenched them in an attempt to stop their trembling.

You're heartless… who would want you? Who would love you? You're a loser. You're broken. You're a Nobody. You're faulty. You're IMPERFECT!

"STOP IT!" he bellowed and the voices instantly stopped without as much as a whisper. Now Kai was left back in his peaceful silence, and he revelled in it. Finally, it was a place where he felt at home. Empty streets, dark sky, silent sounds… yes, he preferred life this way. Much easier if no one is around to watch your breakdown.

Kai carried on walking down the abandoned streets as he slowly regained his breath. He was better alone than with someone else. He didn't want anyone to love him, or even anyone to love. That would make him dependent on the person and if she did leave him, he would be left broken. Maybe his problems would scare her. Maybe she would only want to go out with him because of his fame when he was a teenager. Maybe she would only go out with him for his money that he had inherited off Voltaire. Maybe she just wanted someone to love her, and didn't love him back.

It would be much simpler to not get involved in the whole relationship issue.

A gunshot tore Kai out of his thoughts as his body turned to the direction of the noise that began to echo around him. He did not even have to think of what to do as his feet ran towards the source of the sound. His hand went in his pocket and pulled out his launcher, ripcord and Dranzer – his trusted beyblade that he had gotten when he was just a child.

Approaching the location, he got ready to launch his beyblade…

But no pain came. She turned slowly, her pulse begin to race and the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. Her heart was going to thump its way out of her chest, like that alien in that movie Alien. Wasn't it called a chest-buster or something? She did not have time to think about this as the man holding the black handgun took a step closer, the weapon pointing ominously at her face.

Instead of shooting her, he had shot the sky to stop her from escaping. And it had worked. Damn, she had not thought for one second that they may have a gun.

"Where do you think you're going, girl?" he asked, making sure the safety was off. She stayed silent, staring at the offending firearm still situated so that if a bullet were to be fired, it would enter her head right between the eyes. This man knew how to use a pistol, and that chilling fact scared Mariam even more.

"Well?" he questioned, coming closer. There would be no doubt that he would miss now and by the time Mariam so much as raised her hand or ducked a centimetre, the gun would be fired and Mariam would die. She knew that there was no plastic or rubber bullet in there, or even a sign that said 'BANG!'… She hoped it was a sign that said 'BANG!'…

However, she just couldn't let this guy intimidate her. She was Mariam! She was supposed to be the intimidating one! She was superior and damn well knew it. No pitiful gun could scare her. Even death did not frighten her.

Mariam was about to say a colourful range of curses when the gun was suddenly knocked out of his hand by something small and blue. The man cursed and looked around. The others looked confused at they stared at the rotating, small object.

"What the…" the leader said, "What is that? A spinning top?"

"No," Mariam said, recognising the object even after seven years. Who would have guessed, eh? It seemed pretty improbable and cliché but hey, she could go along with it. "It's a beyblade. It's…"

A voice interrupted her. "Dranzer."

Authoress' Notes

There. I started a Kai/Mariam story. Please review, as I am new to this couple and I am eager to see people's opinions.

(1) — According to AbsoluteAnimeDOTcom, Mariam was sixteen years old in V-force. If this takes place seven years after that, she should be twenty-three and in this story, she is twenty-three. Get it? I apologise if the information is incorrect.

(2) — If it is seven years since V-force (and G-Revolution was one year after that), then it would be six years since G-Revolution (the tournament with BBA Revolution against BEGA). According to AbsoluteAnimeDOTcom, Kai was fifteen years old in G-Rev (fourteen years old in V-force). Six years later, he would be twenty-one. So, with this information I got, Kai is two years younger than Mariam.

(3) — In G-Revolution, when Brooklyn and Kai were battling to see who would get the fifth place for the BEGA team, Brooklyn (or evil Brooklyn, or even his bit-beast) made Kai have hallucinations of sinking in water (Kai has a fear of water) and Hiro telling him that he was not good enough to beyblade anymore. After losing and being injured, Kai walked around in an empty-like state until he went to see Tala, and saw an improved version of his beyblade – Metal Dranzer. This is only what I can remember, since my tapes were taped over by football. ((Sobs))

(4) — Apparently (GothicSabrina told me -), Kai was genetically altered to be 'perfect' when he was small.

Cookies for those who review. The 'Green Goo' for those who don't.

Flowerperson (R a v e n o f D e s p a i r 1 3 AT a o l . c o m)