Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Buffy or Angel characters they belong to Joss and ME.

Summary: What if the 'Doppelgangland' episode happened in Season 2 when Angelus was still around.

A/N: The story starts before 'Passion' but they still live in the mansion; also Jenny doesn't know anything about re-souling him. Also Vamp Willow has just come into this world and is at the factory.

Nocturnal Pleasure

Chapter 1: Puppy Can Bite

Vampire Willow looked around her surroundings confused, where were all the people, where were all the vampires. She stood up and dusted herself off, she looked around and seen no sign of life anywhere.

She exited the factory and started walking towards town, once she got to the main streets she seen people walking around. Which was unusual people didn't do that in her world they were too scared of all the dangers.

She decided to head to the Bronze, things would be right there. As she got nearer to the Bronze she smelled all the people alive, healthy, enjoying themselves, there was no fear around at all. She decided she didn't like this world at all.

As she walked into the Bronze she felt eyes on her, nothing unusual there, then someone she didn't know approached her.

"Rosenberg? What are you doing trick-or-treating? I thought you were supposed to be at home doing my history report. I flunk that class, you're in big trouble with Snyder." Percy said to her cockily.

"Bored now." Willow stated before throwing him over the pool table. "I'm having a terrible night. Wanna make it better?" Willow purred as she walked around towards him. She picked him off the ground and wrapped her hand around his neck. He tried to fight her but she was too strong.

"Hey what's going on?" Xander asked a group of guys who were looking and pointing at Willow and Percy. Xander looked shocked then angry before heading over and pulling Percy off Willow. "You stay the hell away from her!"

"Okay, I'm, yeah." Percy murmured before running away.

"Xander, you're alive." Willow purred silkily at him before walking over and hugging him, she ran her hands down his back.

"Wow, Will, verging on naughty touching here." Xander said pulling her hands off him.

"Your alive." She stated sadly as she realised he was living.

"You mentioned that before. You alright?" Xander asked looking at her.

"No, everything's different. This world's no fun." Willow sulked moving away from him.

"Wills wait." Xander grabbed her arm trying to stop her.

"Get off me." Willow shouted at him turning around in her vampire visage.

With that she walked out of the Bronze and along a dark alley. She then noticed she was being followed.

"Willow Rosenberg?" A vampire asked from behind her.

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." Willow told them in a child-like voice.

"Then we won't talk." The vampire threatened and went to attack. Willow easily countered their attacks; she threw one against the wall, knocking him unconscious, the other she got on top of after twisting one hand behind his back.

"There's been a mistake we were sent after a human." The vampire told her.

"Who do you work for?" Willow asked running her hand along his fingers.

"I'm not telling you a thing." The vampire said through gritted teeth. Willow waited a few seconds before breaking one of his fingers.

"Who do you work for?" Willow asked again still running her hands along his fingers.

"Angelus, the master of Sunnydale." The vampire chocked out. Willow gripped his next finger along and broke it.

"Puppy?" Willow questioned to herself. "Take me to him." She stood up and he stood after wards. The other vampire had regained consciousness and stood as well.

The two vampires she had been fighting took the lead and led her towards the Mansion on Crawford Street.


"As long as you're just spinning your wheels there, listen to this…" Angelus started saying to Spike but was interrupted by two minions running in. "This better be good." Angelus threatened turning to them in vamp face.

"Some one has requested to see you, she forced two of your minions to take her to you." The minion who had disturbed him said shrinking back in fear.

"Well why didn't you tell me we had company?" Angelus changed back into his normal visage and sniffed the air. He felt a powerful master vampire in the Mansion and guessed it must be his guest. "Lead the way."

Willow stood in the main hall of the Mansion waiting for Angelus, which was the name her puppy used to go by. Maybe in this world he might be evil and powerful. She shivered in anticipation.

When she had entered the Mansion she had felt the presence of three powerful vampires, the strongest of the three was now making his towards her. She still couldn't see him, but guessed it would only be moments.

Angelus rounded a corner and looked into the main all, and his jaw nearly hit the ground as he seen his guest, Willow Rosenberg, it couldn't be she couldn't be this powerful after just being turned, and if she was dead the slayer would have been in a rage he would have heard about.

"Puppy." Willow purred as she seen him round the corner. He looked even better in this world than in hers. His legs were encased in tight leather and his torso was covered by blood red silk.

"You look very much like an old friend of mine." Angelus stated as he walked closer to the vampire Willow.

"And you look like a toy of mine." Willow purred as he circled her, he suddenly grabbed her and slammed her against a wall, his hand around her throat. "Ooohh, in this world Puppy bites. I like it." Willow purred showing no signs that he had her by the throat.

"In this world?" Angelus questioned realising the hold on her throat.

"Yeah, this is the first thing that's good in this world, everything is else is no fun. You see in my world, we have people in chains and we can ride them like ponies." Willow told him wistfully, as she remembered her world.

"So your not the Willow from this world." Angelus stated while wondering how this Willow had got here.

"No, this is a dumb world." Willow sulked leaning back against the wall.

"What am I like in your world?" Angelus wondered why she called him Puppy. Willow smirked at his question.

"You're my Puppy, you don't bite, you're chained up, and when I'm good the Master let's me play with you." Willow smiled at the thought and at Angelus' face as he scowled.

"Well let's get one thing straight, in my world, I rule, I'm no ones Puppy." Angelus told her, spitting out the last word with disgust.

"Well if I can't call you Puppy what should I call you?" Willow asked moving towards Angelus and running a hand over his silk covered chest while looking into his eyes with a child like look in her eyes.

"Angelus, or if you want to please me Master." Angelus told her catching her hand as she reached the top of his leather pants, he moved her hand back down to her side.

"Master." She tested the name on her lips, even though she used it before, for him it was different. "Angelus." She tested the first name he had given her. She had read the books and heard the stories, he was a vicious, cruel, evil, killer and she liked it.

A/N: Please review to tell me what you think and you'll get your next update sooner