Disclaimer: Gokusen so does not belong to me...

by: Hime

If Sawada Shin did not want to be noticed, he would not have bleached his hair and then dye it scarlet red.

If he didn't want to be noticed, he wouldn't flaunt the fact that he went to Shirokin High School and had such friends, all the better to show how far he stood from his austere father and his claustrophobic rules.

If he didn't want to be noticed, he wouldn't get perfect scores on the tests his teachers gave as if to say, "See how smart I am that I can get these grades without ever having to show up to your useless classes."

And most of all, if he didn't want to be noticed, he would call her "Yankumi" like the rest of his classmates rather then "Yamaguchi" like he did instead.

...do you see me now?...

Author's Notes:

You know that your fandom has truly made it when people start to drabble it. Or maybe not…

This was written after I had watched all 13 episodes of the Gokusen anime one night and noticed that Shin calls Yankumi Yamaguchi instead of her nickname. To me that just seems as if subconsciously (or is it a conscious decision?) he wants to separate himself from his classmates, perhaps to be viewed on a more equal footing with her instead of just as a student. Or he could just be rude…maybe a combination of both?

Okay, enough with the psychobabble…

Oh and yes, the title for this piece is the title of that song from the 80s. You know which one I'm talking about...