Thankyou to everyone who reviewed! I feel so special, 7 whole comments! And this is only my first fanfic! K, so here we go.

Chapter 3.

Head Boy?

It didn't take long for Hermione to find her friends' compartment. Sitting inside were Harry, Ron, Emma, Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom. After saying hello to Neville and Ginny, Hermione settled on a seat next to Ron, who looked slightly less nauseous now, and began to read 'Hogwarts: A History' for what must have been the 17th time.

Suddenly, she leapt to her feet. Everyone jumped, especially Ron who actually stood up too.

"Shit! I completely forgot about the meeting I have to go to with Professor McGonagall!" Hermione said, stowing her book in her bag and making for the door.

"Wait, what meeting? Where are you going Hermione?" Ginny asked, seeming to speak for everyone.

"Oh, sorry, completely forgot to tell you- I got Head Girl", Hermione replied, looking flustered as she pinned the badge to her shirt.

"Hey, nice one! Congratulations!" Emma said, smiling at her. Everyone else made his or her congratulations before Harry asked-

"Who's Head Boy?"

"Oh, I've got no idea. Spose I'll find out soon though, I'm supposed to be meeting him and McGonagall in the back compartment, like, now, so I'd better go. See you!" Hermione said rapidly, before speeding out the door and down the train to the back.

"Soo sorry I'm late Professor, I completely for-"

But Hermione stopped short when she noticed who was standing, next to the Head of Gryffindor.

"Malfoy! You got Head Boy?" she gasped, shock written all over her face.

"Well, well. Granger. I expected as much. Looks like this year's going to be a lot of fun", he drawled, grinning wickedly.

"If I may interrupt for a moment", McGonagall said sternly. The two students stopped talking and looked at the teacher, Hermione looking much more abashed then Malfoy.

"Now, as you both know, you are this years Head Boy and Girl. Congratulations. I know its come as a bit of a shock, considering you are not exactly best friends. However, you'll just have to get over all that as you are to be sharing a dormitory for the year".

Both Malfoy and Hermione began to voice protests but McGonagall silenced them with simply a raise of her hand.

"I do not", she began, "want to hear any complaints from either one of you. This is supposed to promote inter-house unity so you will both try to get along. Now I'll leave you to discuss your plans for the year". McGonagall left in a flourish of black robes.

"So…" Malfoy said, laying his body (his hot, hot body) along a seat and staring at her.

Hermione shifted uncomfortably under his intense gaze. "Look, we're both going to have to call some sort of truce", she said, avoiding his fiery blue eyes.

"Yeah… I guess we are… "Malfoy said softly, slowly moving across the compartment until he was standing over her.

"Um… so maybe we should… um", Hermione trailed off when she realized how close Malfoy's face was to hers.

"Malfoy…" she whispered.

"Granger…" he whispered back, as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers firmly.

Then something happened that neither of them expected. Instead of pushing him away. Instead of slapping him in his smug face. Instead of rushing of to tell Potter and Weasley, she kissed him back. Just as firmly.

A/N: Whatcha think? Sorry its so short but its all I had time to do coz I'm babysitting atm. I'll update soon. 