"Shippou, calm down, "Miroku said soothingly.
"But why Inuyasha?" Sango asked him.
Inuyasha looked down at the floor. He had not slept for days, all he had done was weep.
"The shards are collected and the Shikon jewel in complete I shall use it to become a full-fledged demon. But we shall pass through the well one last time. We are all to go to Kagome's memorial service. Kagome's mother-Mrs. Higurashi-told me that it's where people come to honor Kagome's memory and we are to help Kagome's mother with the preparations and anything else she needs of us."
"But what about Lady Kaede?" Sango asked.
Just then a huge gust of wind hit the small hut. Inuyasha sniffed the air, but did not move.
"I thought I smelled a mangy mutt! Where have you been Inuyasha? Off sulking because Kagome chose me over you?"
They all watched Inuyasha in fear waiting for him to react like he normally did, but he did nothing. He just stood there and took it.
"What's the matter with you dog-breath? Did one too many 'sits' rattle your brain?" Koga laughed.
A single tear slid down Inuyasha's cheek.
"Why you heartless bastard!" Sango yelled lunging at Koga only to be held back by Miroku. "You're nothing more than a coward! If you were a real demon and used that so-called brain of yours you'd be able to realize that Kagome's scent no longer resides here, but only her memory through the hearts of her friends and Inuyasha, the one she loved!" Sango collapsed sobbing. Miroku knelt to embrace her as Sango buried her face in his chest and clung to his robes.
Koga's smile faded and his usual pride seemed deflated. The air around him had disappated.
"Kagome's dead," Inuyasha whispered. "And it's my fault."
Koga's face twisted into an angry sneer. "You let her DIE!" he screamed.
Inuyasha stood motionless. Then he quietly said, "I'm bringing her body back here to be taken care of. Tell everyone who knew of Kagome they are welcome to come and mourn her loss."
He then quietly made his way out of the hut. Inuyasha wandered around not really paying attention to where he was going, but he was in so much pain. He tried not to think of her, but all of his thoughts came back to Kagome. Inuyasha finally looked up to find himself at the base of the Sacred tree. He walked up to it. His fingers traced the spot where the arrow had pierced it's bark sealing him to the tree only to be woken up by her fifty years later. He loved her from the minute he set eyes on her. 'And now she's gone,' Inuyasha thought to himself. He slid down the tree until he sat among the roots and he stared at the sky with hollow eyes.
'Was that Kagome?' He stood up quickly only to see Sango, Miroku, and Shippou walked towards him. His heart sank.
"We're ready to go Inuyasha," Sango said.
"Follow me," Inuyasha instructed.
When they got to the well Inuyasha held onto Sango's hand and jumped through the well. Once he made sure she had climbed safely out of it he went back from Shippou and Miroku.