Past and Present

Chapter 11

The Final Straw

Taichi anxiously scrambled to untie the rope that was tied around his wrists; luckily, for him Tony didn't know how to tie knots well. He quickly threw the rope on the floor of the car, "KYANDII FOR GOD SAKES SLOW DOWN THERE IS A CURVE COMING UP!" he shouted sitting up right from the back seat.

"Don't worry Taichi I got things under control," she said she geared down and braked Turing the corner carefully and then geared back up on high speed.

He jumped into the front seat of the car startling Kyandii, "HOW DID YOU GET UNTIED!" she shouted angrily at him.

"I have my ways. Now I want you to stop the car," he said firmly.

"This is the police pull over!" said a cop who was in the perusing helicopter above them through a megaphone.

"Do it now," Taichi demanded.

She looked at him and shook her head, "Not a chance," she said and pushed the pedal down all the way so fast that Taichi was thrown against the passenger's seat.

Taichi held on to his the seat then looked at her she looked possessed. At this point she will never stop and I might die with out even a chance to pursue anything with Sora he thought.

Just up a head, there was another sharp curve but Kyandii wasn't slowing down this time, which got him concerned.

"SLOW DOWN!" he shouted his eyes wide.

"NO! IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU THEN NO ONE CAN!" she said pushing the gas all the way so it went way over one hundred miles per hour.

"YOU ARE INSANE!" Taichi cried he looked to his locked door then up ahead if he didn't jump now there was no way he was going to survive a drop off a three thousand foot mountain.

"NO, I'm in love," she said glaring at him.

He was astonished that she even said that to him with out second thinking his idea in his mind he unlocked the door and opened it and jumped out of the car. Covering his head with his arms, he rolled several times before coming to a stop and lying motionless at the side of the road.

Kyandii having witnessed Taichi jumping from the vehicle looked back in front of her and screamed as her car went over the railing and down into the ravine making a horrible sound of crushing metal and rock.

Police Station...

Hikari and Sora were waiting patiently for word from the officers about the chase and to see if they got Taichi back safely on to the ground.

"The car went over the railing and into the ravine about five thousand feet down," said an officer who just came out of one of the rooms said.

"NO!" Sora said in disbelief. Hikari looked on horrified at the officer who shook his head.

"The car went over but someone jumped out before it did," he replied.

Both looked at him shocked, "Girls come one," Takeru said running in.

They turned around, "Takeru?" Hikari questioned.

"Come on, I saw it on the news Taichi jumped out of the car," he said urgently.

"He didn't go over the side of the mountain," Sora said shocked yet happy.

Takeru shook his head, "Let's go."

At the Hospital...

When they arrived at the hospital Taichi was already in the ER, they were waiting in the waiting room where they were shortly after joined by Taichi and Hikari's parents with Yamato. Jyou came to the waiting room too after hearing about what had happened from the nurses.

"Have you heard on his condition?" Jyou questioned Takeru.

"No they are still in," he said.

"Let me see if I can talk to one of the nurse and find out myself," Jyou replied he walked over to the nurse's station.

Takeru sat down next to Hikari and watched Jyou talking to the nurses. He then turned back toward Takeru and the girls, "they have him stable he's just unconscious at the moment. He has a minor concussion and various minor lacerations and burses on his face, arms and head," he said.

"Thank god, that he is okay after all that I did to him. I could have stopped this all from happening," Sora said getting up from her seat.

"You couldn't have known that Kyandii would have done what she did," Hikari said as she too got up, "Don't blame yourself," she put a hand on Sora's shoulder.

Later on…

Taichi was transported to ICU room number seven to recover, though still unconscious.

Hikari came out of the room she then looked at Sora, "You can go in," she said.

Sora smiled at her, "Thank you," she said.

ICU room 7: Taichi's room

As Sora entered the room she saw, Taichi hooked up to machines his arms and head were bandaged and he had various scratches on his face. She went closer to his bedside and sat on a chair that was there.

Taichi moaned groggily he opened his eyes and saw Sora sitting there, "Sora…" he whispered his voice was under the affect of the painkillers they had given him earlier.

"I'm sorry for waking you," she said quickly.

He shook his head, "No, I woke up when my mom and dad were in," he explained.

Sora smiled, "I'm so relieved that your all right when I heard that the car had plunged off the mountain into the ravine…" she stopped, "I was so afraid that you were gone."

"But I'm not," he said comforting her, "I was lucky because her help didn't tie the knot good, so I was able to get out of the vehicle."

"If only I could have read your warning sooner before you left the building," she said.

"Don't blame yourself because it was something that couldn't have been predicted," Taichi coughed and wince because it caused pain to do so.

"shh don't talk anymore," she said softly. Taichi only nodded and he closed his eyes, "I'm going to let you sleep your body needs to recover," she said getting up.

"Wait, Sora," Taichi said before she opened the door, "I love you."

Sora smiled, "I love you too," she leaned in and gave him a kiss, a soft one because he was hurt she didn't want to cause him any more pain.

Outside the room

Yamato peeked in through the curtains and as they were kissing, "Fate finally is working with them," he said smiling when he turned around a man waring a suit approached him.

"Do you know where I can find Sora Akamatsu?" he asked Yamato as he said that Sora came out of the room.

"Did someone say my name?" Sora questioned looking between Yamato and the man.

"Yes, Mrs. Akamatsu you have been severed," the main said while handing her a yellow envelop.

Sora looked at the envelop then looked at Yamato, "Divorce papers?" she questioned.

Yamato shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe open it up," he suggested.

She opened the envelop and sure enough it was what she thought it was, "So it is," she replied for a moment she paused and reflect that they both had a good time just her and Ryo. However, in the long run her heart didn't really belong to him, "Do you have a pen?" she asked Yamato.

"No sorry," he said.

Sora walked to the nursing station and asked the nurses for a pen, which she got, then at the bottom of the pages she signed where she was to sign. She gave the pen back to the nurses then put the paper back into it's envelop.

Hikari who was watching her got up and walked over to her and Yamato, "I hope you know that Mimi did what she thought was right to do to her. To save your marriage," she said.

"I know Hikari," she said, "She did all she did but the truth is that I didn't really love him."

"I know," said a voice far off it was Mimi walking toward them. "I did what was right by my values," she said pausing she looked at Yamato then to Hikari. "Because I was the only one who wasn't willing to accept that your marriage to Ryo was a disparate attempt to get back to normal after being depressed for so long," she said.

"Does this mean that we are once again friends?" Sora said to her looking hopefully at Mimi. Mimi nodded then Sora gave her a hug, "I know you were only looking out for me."

"This is good to see," Jyou said after seeing Sora and Mimi make up.

Three months later…

Taichi picked up one of the many books that he had piled on his desk and placed it inside a box. He was packing up and he put his resignation for the good of the hospital's publicity. After all being involved with the PR representative would not looked good either mind you, this was all still secret.

There was a knock at the door, which startled him out of his thoughts. When he went to get it was Sora, "Hi Hikari told me you would be here," she said.

"Yeah," Taichi said.

"What are you doing?" Sora questioned looking at the boxes.

"I resigned, I think it is best for you and for me that what happened in Osaka never leaks out into the media don't you think?" he asked.

Sora nodded agreeing, "That is true, but where are you going to be going?" she wondered.

"I'm going back to America," he said.

Sora looked at him shocked and upset at the same time, "Why your going to leave me here again! I love you why would you do something like this!" she shouted at him angrily.

"Sora calm down, this is what I want to talk to you about. Come on let's go for a walk in the park," he suggested holding his hand out to her.

Sora reluctantly took his hand they both left the hospital and entered the garden that was right across from the hospital.

"So tell me why you are planning to leave me here again? Please make it painless Taichi," Sora said to him looking down at the ground but she was still holding his hand regardless how she felt at that moment.

"Don't be so sad this will be our last day in Japan," Taichi said putting a little emphasis on our.

"Taichi you don't understand the last time you left it hurt me so deeply that I couldn't know what to do. I didn't understand why you were so hurt then after-," she paused for a moment then looked at him, "did you say OUR?" she questioned confused.

Taichi smiled because she guessed, "Yes this is why I want to bring you out here to the park," he said he stopped in the middle of the walk way in font of one particular bench which they had sat long, long ago. "I want to ask you if you wanted to go with me," he said.

Sora hugged him the sun was setting so it gave of a brilliant orange red glow on the trees around them, "Yes! I want too," she cried tears falling down her cheeks.

Taichi pulled away from her, "You might want to save the tears for the question I'm about to ask you know," he said.

She looked at him confused he only smiled then got down on one knee, "Sora will you marry me?"

Sora looked at him speechless at first she couldn't believe he was saying that. Taichi got up and she passionately kissed him he responded back but he needed to do one more thing Taichi pulled away far enough for her to be able to open the box and show her the ring, "I guess that meant yes?" he said.

Sora nodded as Taichi slipped the ring on her finger, "I love you Taichi Yagami," she whispered then pulling him into another passionate kiss.

The End