Chapter four

Harry walked around the room. People were talking with others. He looked over at the snack table and the person named Rowena was talking to a girl dressed up as Draco. He looked over at the Snape-look-a-like who called herself Hermes. He walked over to her

Harry gave a cough and then said "hey, I'm Haley" he said making his voice high-pitched.

"Oh." She said looking surprised "I'm Hermes" she said.

Harry looked over at Diane. Now a giant martini glass had appeared and he was sitting in it. A whole bunch of people surrounding him. A girl with long black hair tied up into a pony was giggling. Her nametag said K-K. She was dressed up in a black suit with a red tie.

Harry turned back to Hermes "well I'm going to wander around the club" he said

Harry went to the snack table and took a plate and started to gather some food. eating it bit by bit looking around as he did.

Hermione looked around the club and looked at her watch. 10.30. 10.30! she had so much homework and they should of been in the common room. She looked around at everyone lauging.

Draco was now out of the martini glass and got up at the front of the room "okay people!" he yelled "Next time were going to have a fashion contest. You have to pitch in 2 sickles if you want to particapat and the winner gets all the money that was pitched in at the third meeting. Peace out!" he giggled

Yah i know it is short. but i needed to update. so i did. i promise that the next chapter will be longer. my partner in... deadly writing (I know u hate that word Katie-poo but yah) has left me... or i left her either way were not in the same city so it's hard cause she co-wrote the story but yah. it will still be good.