Okay! Chapter Five! Get ready people!Oh, and if you haven't played Sly 3 yet, you probably won't want to read this chapter.

Skip:I'm so bored it's not funny.

Oh, you won't be bored after this chapter.

Disclamer:I don't own Sly Cooper. Never have, probably never will. I shouldn't have to say this again.

In a foggy stretch of sea, somewhere north of Blood Bath Bay

"Hey Bentley, I'm not seeing anything in this fog." said Sly.

"Let me try, Sly. remember, I've got an infrared eye. If there's a sea monster out here, I'll be able to see it."I said, as I scanned the water for signs of heat. "Uh-oh... Bentley's right about this sea monster, there's a massive heat signature underwater!" All of a sudden, the monster shot up above the water. "Um, Panda King, I think you're going to need some bigger fireworks!"

"Ace, I'm coming up, this is just to cool!" Skip said over our new binocucoms.

"All right, but bring the Panda King up with you. this could get hairy!"

Skip and Panda King came above deck, and we prepared to battle crusher. I pulled out my latest upgrade, a twin-cannon built into my back. now, two cannons came out of my back instead of just one. This way, I could really rapid fire! Boy did Penelope look freaked out when I upgraded myself by spinning around my torso and upgrading my cannon. And the main reason we were out here came back to me...

Flashback Sequence

We had just dug up Black Spot Pete's treasure chest, which contained alot of gold, and Dimitri's Grandfather's diving suit. We were celebrating, when LeFwee popped up unexpected with his cutlass against Penelope's throat.

"Ah, didn't think you could steal from the smartest man on the seven seas and not feel the repurcussions, didya?

"Let her go!"Sly said.

"I got him"I said, pulling out my new twin cannons.

"Ah, but one move, and the girl gets it!"LeFwee said.

I froze, I couldn't risk a team member's life! Bitterly, I pulled back my cannons.

"Now if you'll just be off to your ship, we'll take this gold and the girl lives!"

"Do what he says!" Bentley said.

"Don't abandon me!"Penelope said.

"We'll rescue you, I promise."

"I trust you."

"Aye, and I trust you all are still planning to head back to your ship" said LeFwee.

We slowly walked back to the ship. We had almost gotten all of the team members we needed, when we were back to being short a member. I looked at Bentley. He seemed to have a plan already forming in his mind. As soon as we were aboard, LeFwee and his men had already set sail for Blood Bath Bay.

"Alright we've got to get moving! First, we'll put Dimitri's new diving gear to use to get our ship some more firepower. Next, we should have enough power to take the Red Sail Sea dog clan down. Finally, we'll go find Crusher, the believed sea monster, to see how it works. maybe we'll be able to mimic it's behavior when we take on the Death's Head, LeFwee's boat. Once we've done all of these things, we'll be ready to try and rescue Penelope.

End Flashback Sequence

Panda King, Skip, and I started to fight off Crusher. We shot at all of the tentacles that threatened to hit the ship. It was tough work, but with the three of us, Crusher didn't stand a chance. After a while, it's tentacles shrank back underwater. Next, a mush larger tentacle rose above the water and shot firey meteors at us, while more tentacles tried hitting us. Finally, it stopped it's attack once more, but we figured it would have more in store for us.

That's when we saw that it was latching tentacles onto our boat, in an attempt to pull us under.

"Skip, go below deck. Panda King and I can take this on ourselves." I said

Skip went unwillingly below deck, and me and Panda King positioned ourselves on either side of the ship, to make sure that our side didn't get to many tentacles on it. Finally, it stopped.

"I must go below deck and hurredly make more fireworks." Said the Panda King.

"Allright, but send Sly up just in case." I replied.

Panda King went below and Sly came up.

"I think this things on it's last legs," Sly said. " I mean, what else could it have?"

"Oh, I would say about a hundred more feet, and about a thousand more tentacles." I replied, pointing over Sly's shoulder. Sly turned around, and we gaped at Crusher. It was huge! We dodged out of the way as one of it's tentacles smacked the deck of the ship. it stayed for a little, then went back.

"Wait, I've got an idea! what if you hit those tentacles with your cane! They'll probably get stuck, and if enough are on, Crusher might come over to pull them loose. Then I hop on and knock the stuffing out of her!" I exclaimed.

"That's not a crazy idea, Let's try it out" Sly said asmore tentacles came on. We had tentacles stuck all along this side of the ship, and Crusher came over to pull them loose. I jumped onto crusher, and used my cannons like fists to pound Crusher into unconsiousness. Which reminded me of when I did this kind of thing before...


We had encountered the first of the Red Sail Sea dog's ships. Armed with our new cannon upgrades, it was a piece of cake taking down the masts.

"Remember, don't take this guy out, hop aboard and take down the captain to get the schedule for the rest of the fleet" Bentley said over the binocucom.

"Alright Sly, I can get him from here." I said, pulling out my cannons and aiming them at the deck of our ship. I fired, proppelling myself into the sky. I landed on the deck of the enemy ship, and pulled my cannons over my head and used them like arms. With explosive fists at the end. The captain and his crew proved very weak, and soon the patrol schedule of the Red Sail Sea Dog Clan was mine. Our ship came over, and I hopped back aboard, ready to take down the rest of the fleet.

End Flashback

I had just delivered a crippling blow to Crusher, who now seemed inanimate. I jumped off as Bentley and the Guru came up. Guru tried somehow communicating with Crusher using his mind. Crusher grabbed Guru with a tentacle and sank below the surface. We had to fight Murray below deck, as he didn't want his master to be gone too.

Alright, we're all set for the heist. I call it, 'Operation Reverse Double-Cross' First, we'll fight the Death's Head, but not sink it, as Penelope may be inside. Next, Sly and Ace will jump aboard and surrender. Then they'll get LeFwee so angry, he'll tell us where he's hidden Penelope. Then, we'll roll out plan A or B, depending on whether Penelope is in the Skull Keep, or the Death's Head. Let's go!

Upon arriving at Blood Bath Bay, we found LeFwee's ship patrolling the harbor. We immediately began fighting. We got rid of there masts, then rammed into it so that me and Sly could jump aboard.

"Not the smartest eh, Cooper?"LeFwee said. "This ship is packed with over a hundred pirates. Sure your cane and that pooch's cannons are up to the task of crackin' all of our skulls?"

I growled. Pooch? Why I oughta-

"I'm not sure about all of you, but yours, it can manage!"

"I'll make you walk the plank, lubbers!"

The plank came out of the side of the ship, and me and Sly took our first step on it. Sly turned around, and said something to LeFwee. I couldn't hear what he was saying, because I was too preocupied with the fact that soon I was going to be shark food. Apperantly, what Sly said angered LeFwee, because we were forced farther along the plank. Sly kept angering LeFwee, and we were soon at the ewnd of the plank. I thought that this was it. Then I saw Murray rowing our jollyboat under where Sly and me were. "Your the captain!"Sly said,jumping off. I followed him. I landed in the jollyboat, and Sly told Murray that Penelope was in the skull keep.

"Can't you go any faster?" I asked Murray.

"This is as fast as she goes!"Murray replied.

"We'll see about that." I said, putting my cannons into jetpack mode and firing them. We went really fast, and soon the dock was rushing towards us. "Alright, Sly, you ready to fly?"

"Sure! Murray, get ready to stop this thing once we lift off." Said Sly

"Aye-aye Sly!" Murray said.

I grabbed Sly under the armpits, and pulled up. We were airborne in no time. Soon, we were far above the skull keep.

"Get ready for a quick landing!" I yelled.

"What?" Sly asked, yelling.

I stopped the jetpack, and Sly and I fell to our doom. before we hit, though, I activated the jetpack again to slow us down. We landed safely on top of the keep and went inside to rescue Penelope. We found a dummy wrapped up in dynamite.

"LeFwee!" I said.

"He's good." said Sly.


"Bentley! Ace and Sly are blown up and LeFwee's getting away!"

"Don't worry about it! We've got to rescue Penelope!"

The gang's ship was almost to open sea when LeFwee's vessel came and blasted off the masts.

"Afraid ya didn't quite make it to deeper water!"LeFwee said smugly.

"I don't know, this water seems deep enough." Replied Bentley.

"Deep enough to be your grave!"

"Guru, Crusher, now!"

Crusher rose up above the surface, with Guru perched on top. All the men on the Death's Head scattered. Bentley jumped onto the ship, and told Guru to keep away guards while he unlocked the ship to free Penelope. Finally, it was open and Penelope jumped out in a dress.

LeFwee came up and said how he realized what their plan was, explaining it at the same time. He also stated how he wasn't going to fall for it anymore because he was the "Smartest Man on the Seven Seas"

"Sly, Ace, are you getting this?"

"Yeah, we've got a good idea of what's happening." I said as me and Sly flew into an attack with LeFwee. What happened next was so fast I don't really remember what exactly happened. But suddenly, Sly and I were plummeting to the sea, and my jetpack wouldn't start. Being made of metal, I was about as boyant as a rock. I closed my real eye and watched on with my infra-red eye. So this is the end, I thought. Soon I couldn't see, and I was running out of air. Everything went black.

I woke up on the deck of the Death's Head.

"What happened? Where's LeFwee?"

"I told Guru to save you and Sly after you fell. And Penelope defeated LeFwee." Said Bentley.

"So that's it? LeFwee's beaten, we all go onto the next heist like nothing happened?"I asked.

"Well, I've got a girlfriend now." Said Bentley.

We watched as Bentley and Penelope flew off, talking so fast we couldn't even follow their conversation.

"Ya know, I think their made for each other." I said.

Well, are you still bored?

Skip: Nope, that was some action-packed swashbuckling!

Please R&R people!