Disclaimer: I only own anything not familiar
Full Summary: 'Maybe he wouldn't kill her just yet.' She was only meant to be another kill; instead they're both caught up in a cat and mouse hunt and stuck with each other. "Well I sure as hell chose the wrong girl to kidnap." Murder, lust, space-ship chases, fighting for your life and lots and lots of swearing. "I'm bleeding all over my new clothes, being chased by more Mercs than I care to count and I'm on a stolen space-ship. Now I know I'm hanging around with Riddick."
Pairings: Riddick/OC
Rating: M – swearing and sex scenes
Chapter One
He smelt her approaching before he even caught a glimpse of her in the darkness, his eyes flashing as he took a further step backwards into the shadows. She smelt tempting; a sharp citrus scent like lemons mixed in with the intriguing smell of danger. He cocked his head to the side as she passed; her head held high making her long red hair shine in the moonlight filtering down onto the deserted street, and her hips swaying confidently. In a flash he had moved into the doorway of the next building merely a step behind her but she made no indication of having seen him, her bright dark green eyes the colour of wet foliage were fixed on the street ahead of her and she showed no fear at being alone in this dangerous neighbourhood so late. Richard B. Riddick liked that.
As he watched a drunken homeless man staggered up to her clutching a mostly empty bottle of whisky, his trousers were almost fully undone and he leered at her as she approached, wiping the back of one dirty hand across his mouth.
"Hey, hey you!" To his surprise she didn't stop nor cross over the road she simply continued to approach him not once faltering her step. "How much?"
The tramp indicated his crotch and she finally stopped bare inches away from him, her slightly turned-up nose wrinkling at his stench as she ran her eyes over him. Riddick froze in the shadows of a nearby doorway, his glowing eyes fixed on her; she didn't look like a whore.
"No thanks; I'm saving myself on the off-chance I get raped."
Her voice was cold and detached and yet there was a slight musical note to it, as though she had once been a very happy person. When the drunk lurched towards her she pushed him back with the tips of her fingers making him overbalance and sending him sprawling backwards into a pile of nearby bin bags which split and released their rotten stinking entrails all over him and the street. With lightening reflexes she snatched the falling whisky bottle out of the air and drained the last few dregs in one mouthful before tossing the bottle into the rubbish around the now unconscious tramp.
Continuing on her way she turned left into an alley, pausing when she reached about halfway into it. She was cloaked in darkness, not a single sliver of light penetrating where she was standing save for one arrow of moonlight that struck the floor at her feet like lightening.
"What do you want?"
He froze and retreated back against the wall of the alley for a moment wondering how she had heard him when another figure materialised out of the darkness opposite him. Neither gave any indication that they had seen him watching them as the figure approached the girl who hadn't yet turned around. Riddick crept along the wall until he was once more a step behind the girl as the figure behind her spoke, revealing himself to be a man.
"What you used to want."
From where Riddick was standing he could see every muscle tensed in the girl's body as though she expected an attack, she was balancing on the balls of her booted feet and when she shifted slightly Riddick caught the quick flash of a shiv at her waist.
"Well you see now that's tricky; I used to want a lot of things. World peace, chocolate, a happy little family with a bunch of smiling round-faced children and a pretty little house with a dazzlingly white picket fence and a perfect front lawn…"
The figure gave a harsh grunt and Riddick distinctly caught her heart-shaped mouth curving upwards into a smile as though the figure's displeasure pleased her immensely. She turned finally until she was facing the darkness of the alley behind her, the smirk still there on her face although her eyes were fixed unflinching on the figure.
"You know what we want."
A third figure had appeared from a doorway to her right and Riddick glared at him; how had he not seen him standing there all that time? Turning his mind back to the conversation occurring before him he watched as the girl gave no indication she had noticed the appearance of the third man let alone heard him speak.
"We want what we have always wanted."
The girl looked bored now as the original figure's voice joined the new one's. Reaching up lazily behind her she pulled out a long deadly looking hair pin from the sleeve of her long dark green velvet coat and securely fastened her hair up at the back of her head with it.
"You know I'm really getting sick of all this."
The figure took a step towards her, his eyes blazing in the darkness and his face contorted in anger.
"I don't give a shit what you lot want, I want to be left alone for once."
The two figures stepped forwards simultaneously and yet she still did not reach for her weapon. Riddick was itching for a fight by now, the tension in the air and the overpowering scent of danger the girl was still giving off was curling enticingly around his nostrils firing up his own anger.
"You really think you have that option now?"
She narrowed her eyes at the figures who were now standing in front of her, one to each side of her.
"Yes actually I do."
The newest figure growled and took a step towards her but the other threw out an arm to catch him across the chest and stop him;
"Kerr, no! Don't be foolish."
The girl let out a high back of laughter that resounded around the large alley sounding ten times louder.
"As if he really has a choice about that by now, you've made a good living out of doing the stupidest thing in any given situation haven't you?"
He muttered something at her in another language that sounded distinctly insulting but she was not fazed by it, on the contrary she uttered back something that sounded much worse with a pleasant smile on her face.
"I'm getting seriously pissed off with this now. Back off, I'm warning you."
The original figure straightened his back and stared down at her fuming figure. Riddick shook his head; she was letting her anger get to her, she should be keeping herself calm, you make mistakes when you're angry.
"I am sorry but it is already decided. We want this world."
Riddick cocked his head, watching as Kerr lazily pulled a gun out of his pocket; the girl seemed not to have noticed.
"And unfortunately for you, it has chosen you as its saviour. Which makes you, our enemy."
Throwing her head back the girl laughed out loud as though this statement truly was hilarious. Amidst the laughter Riddick made out the words she barely whispered at them;
"Me, a saviour! Do I look like the kind of girl who gives a rat's ass what happens to this godforsaken planet? And if you're gonna choose a saviour then at least choose someone who thinks its worth dying for some stupid noble cause."
Kerr let out another growl and took a further step towards her brandishing the gun at her face. She didn't even blink; instead she turned her cool steady gaze to him as he spoke;
"I don't understand your resistance! Your mother accepted her fate and fought well…"
She interrupted him in a deadly quiet voice, her words laced with warning and poison;
"My mother is dead. Killed by lackeys like you two because she decided to fight. She was followed by my sister, my brother and my father. And don't pretend you knew them; the only time you noticed them was when you looked down to see what it was you were standing on."
Riddick could feel the anger rippling off her in waves now and the hairs along the back of his neck tingle and jump to attention when he felt it washing over him. She moved forwards but Kerr blocked her way with a hand on her chest, the gun still at her head.
"Do you have kids, Kerr?"
His brow wrinkled and his eyes narrowed in suspicion as he watched her;
She smiled at him, which only made him shift his stance a little nervously and tighten his sweating grip on the gun still trained on her forehead.
"There are still small miracles then."
Before his words could sink in she had whipped the gun out of his hand and shot him dead-centre in the crotch. Blood splattered her tight black trousers as he let out a piercing shriek and clasped his hands to his shattered manhood, blood instantly soaking over his hands and dying them red.
"Now I guess you never will."
She turned to his companion who was pointing his own gun at her with both frantically shaking hands, sweat dripping over his face. His fear stained the air and Riddick licked his lips. He was ready to intervene if it looked like she was going to get her head taken off; he wanted the pleasure of taking her life. But he had no need to worry.
In the blink of an eye his gun was skittering across the alley floor and into the shadows, before he could turn to look at her she had stabbed him squarely in the chest. His eyes rolled up into his head and he fell forwards onto the floor into a pool of his own blood. She turned to Kerr who was kneeling on the floor, one hand thrown out in front of him to steady his body while his other still clutched at his ruined jewels.
She leant forward and wiped her bloodied shiv on his shirt before pocketing it and grabbing his hair, pulling his head roughly back so she could look him in the eye;
"Poor, Kerr." She stroked his hair away from his sweating forehead tenderly. "You never stood a chance."
Giving him a seductive smile she pressed her lips briefly against his own bloody ones before stepping away from him and making her way further down the alley. Stopping she turned and fired one shot at him, effectively splattering most of his head around the alley. A splash landed on Riddick's cheek but he didn't move to wipe it away as he watched Kerr's body slumped on his knees leaning backwards at an impossible angle. Rising to his feet from his crouching position he watched as the girl continued walking down to the end of the alley, not even stopping as she tossed the gun carelessly to one side where it was swallowed by the surrounding darkness.
He watched her until she had disappeared around a corner. He looked back at the two bodies lying near him and a smile slowly curved his lips. Maybe he wouldn't kill her just yet.
A/N: Just a short one to see if anyone likes it or indeed bothers to read it. There will be much more Riddick in any other chapters have no fear.