A/N: Well, really i should be getting on with my other fic, Bleach, but i couldn't help but feel the urge to write a Dark Angel fic. I'll try and keep this one short though lol. Set in Season 2 between The Berrisford Agenda and Borrowed Time, hope it's okay!


Pushing the unneeded possessions she had on her, into the locker, Max slammed it shut, locked it and turned walking in the direction of dispatch, where behind his perch, Normal stood barking out orders to his employees tossing packages left, right and centre.

"Bip, bip, bip! Get moving! How many times do I have to tell you people? These packages don't move themselves! Hey you!" Tossing a cylinder shape package at a guy who had untimely walked right in on his ranting, Normal faked a smile at the poor guy before dropping back into a scowl. "Sector twelve, there's a rush on that." The guy, who'd obviously just got back from a long run, stood and blinked at the package when Normal yelled him out of his daze. "Yeah, hello? Rush means go now moron! Bip, bip, bip!" Frowning the guy headed back out muttering obscenities as Max approached the dispatch desk, a smile curling her upper lip.

She'd missed Normal's banter, annoying as it was. But just to be back in the real world and free of being '452', made her understand that losing the life she had built for herself outside of Manticore, the people who were involved and made her existence worth while, made her appreciate having freedom even more so than before. Her little thoughts of wisdom were interrupted by the sound of Normal clicking his fingers in her face and 'bip, bip, bipping' for her to snap out of her reverie. Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she locked eyes with him attentively as he finished off with one of his usual agitated and sarcasm laced telling offs. "Just because you were in bright and early today doesn't mean you can slack Missy Miss, you hear me?"

"Damn, it doesn't? Gee Normal you just wrecked my day." She teased smirking from ear to ear, while grabbing a package from his grasp and turning to head for the vending machine. 'Damn I'm thirsty today…' she thought as she popped the coins into the machine before punching the buttons for her can. Water would have been the better option, but the fountain had stopped working over two days ago so the fizzy drink would suit just fine. A rumble, thud and second later Max reached into the bottom of the machine, grabbed the drink and opened it, almost downing half the contents in one gulp. 'Better' She sighed, heading out for her bike.

Locking their bikes up outside Jam Pony, Alec and Original Cindy made their way into the building just as Max came out, walking right into them in a world of her own. "Boo!" Snapping her head up, Max looked at them doe eyed and muttered an apology before she slipped passed them outside.

"Boo, you okay?" OC asked following her back outside.

"What? Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Gotta Jet." She smiled securing the bag on her shoulder, when Alec came up to her besides OC and rested a hand heavily on her shoulder.

"Max, you don't look too hot." Frowning she slapped his hand away. Stepping back, rolling his eyes and holding his hands up, Alec backed off. "I'm only tryin' to help Maxie."

"I don't need any help, back off both of you. Please? I'm fine." Resting a hand on her hip OC looked at her quizzically. "OC, I'm fine!" She laughed.

"Uh huh." Putting her hand to Max's forehead, her eyes went wide as she pulled it back. "Sugar, you better get yo' ass home right now before I drag you." She smiled softly taking the package from Max's hands. "You be burnin' up like we in Miami, your sick, go home and we'll deal wit Normal sugar okay?" Before she could protest OC cut in again. "Transgenic or not I'll beat on yo' ass if you don't go home right now." Suddenly she felt the cold hand of Alec reach up and feel her temperature, closing her eyes momentarily at the soothing chill before snapping them back open as he pulled away.

"Max, I think OC's right. Your temperatures crazy, it could be a fever." He stared intently into her eyes trying to get his point across and she gave in leaning on her bike handlebars and dropping her head. "C'mon I'll take you home, OC can fill Normal in, 'kay." He looked to OC who stood thinking it over for a second before she nodded and patted Max on the arm gently.

"I'll drop by later sugar." Then turning to Alec she scowled. "You take care of my boo and make sure stays home hotboy, okay?" Mock saluting he grinned and patted Max on the back as OC headed back into Jam Pony.

"C'mon Maxie, lighten up. You get the day off!" He smiled at and she looked at him in defeat.

"I feel fine, but hell since I've got no say in the matter…" Swinging a leg over her bike she waited for Alec to unchain his own and pull up next to her.

"You're not gonna puke or anything while we're ridin' are ya?" He questioned as they pushed forward through the traffic.

"Shut up, you ass." She retorted agitated.

"Hell, you're not sick! You're still having dirty thoughts about my ass. Maxie, how many times? I'm not interested." He skitted and leaned away as she took a swipe at him while they rode through the bustling traffic, a smile dancing at the corner of her mouth.

A/N: Hope that was okies, i'll update soon! AnGeL