Legal Drug

When it comes down to it

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these wonderful characters from CLAMP. However, I wish I did. Sadly, it is not possible, I probably would never have thought of it, go figure. But, I do own Kouji…I think. Maybe? I CAN DREAM!

Authors Notes.

Okay! So…I hope that you will all enjoy this. It is my first Legal Drug fan fiction, and eventually I hope to develop it into a yaoi, so that means man-sex, okay? If you don't like it, then don't read this. This story contains NCS, if you don't like that either, please, please don't read this. I don't want to hear "What, why did you do that!"

Sorry, but I couldn't help it. We'll see how it goes, all right? I'm going to put my own sort of twist on this so be warned… Here we go, enjoy. Oh, and you know the drill R&R, please. Be mindful, I have only read the ones that have come out, I do plan to get more, so I might not know all the details, stick with me, okay? Anyway, on to the story.

"How long has it been?"

Kazahaya, slightly jolted, looked up from his position of the floor. He stared up into the eyes of the taller, Rikuou. Confused at the question he tilted his head.

"Huh?" He replied with that 'dazed' look.

"I said, how long has it been?" Rikuou sat down next to Kazahaya so that they were at an equal eye level, for the most part.

"How long has it been since what?" Kazahaya adjusted his position to face Rikuou. Allowing him to look directly at him rather than having to crane his neck.

"How long has it been since we got here?"

Kazahaya shrugged, "I don't know, about 3 days?" Rikuou nodded, "Seems longer than that."

Kazahaya had to agree. They had been at this 'get away', apparently, for 3 days now. It was another assignment. And of course, Kazahaya ran head first into this one, needing the money, before checking out the "full" background behind this.

It seemed simple enough. Arrive, locate, and deliver. Simple as that, Kakei has sent them out again. An extra job, as he liked to call it.

A client had asked them to find her "lost" mirror. To say the least. It contained the soul of her beloved; he had died a while ago. He gave her the mirror upon returning from his business trip to Spain.

They were to be married shortly after and he thought of it as 'an early wedding present' but unfortunately, he was hit by a car on the way home from work, one after noon, and was rushed to the hospital. The driver of the vehicle was driving recklessly from the consumption of too much alcohol, Youharu, as he was called, died a few hours later.

Suffering from a collapsed lung, brain damage, swelling of the brain, and internal bleeding. Though, the doctors did what they could, he never pulled through in the end. If he had survived he would have most likely been in a coma for the rest of his life, the damage to his brain was extensive.

Kazahaya sighed. They had been there for 3 days, staying at a place in the mountainous region, it rained almost nonstop and it gave a bleak outlook to the rest of the place. Apparently she had lost her mirror somewhere in the woods around here. Is it invisible? Kazahaya thought dimly.

No sign of it anywhere, even with his powers Kazahaya was still unable to get a clue that they could actually use. A flash here a snippet there, but never any solid information to go on.

"You know, we should probably go look again." Rikuou broke the uneasy silence.

Kazahaya looked back over to Rikuou, he had zoned out again, thinking. Kazahaya nodded, "Probably…"

Rikuou sighed, he knew that tone, "But?" He gently prodded trying to get the other boy to continue.

"Huh? Oh…But…I'm afraid that we probably won't have much luck this time…again. We haven't found anything yet, and the clues I'm getting just aren't there, if you know what I mean."

Rikuou shook his head, "No, I don't know what you mean, exactly. Explain."

Kazahaya leaned back so that his elbows were resting on the ground, keeping him in his reclined position. "Well, I mean, I can see things…for example; when I touched a picture of the mirror, I could see the man giving his fiancée the mirror."

He paused for a moment, "It had a ruby stone on the handle and diamonds around the edges of the mirror…having a handful of one happy wife to be in his arms, adoring the wonderful present," He stopped, frowning.

Rikuou waited for him to finish.

Kazahaya abruptly sat up, "And…and then suddenly I felt hatred, and fear…sadness I felt like the emotions were consuming me! They were burning strongly wanting to get out, needing to get out, they over powered me, and burned into my soul, and it was just simply a picture of the mirror, and yet it had so much hatred."

Kazahaya paused, regaining his thoughts, "…And then everything went black." Kazahaya winced at the memory of it. "She seemed so happy…what happened?"

Rikuou shrugged, "I don't know."

Rikuou smirked trying to lighten the mood, "Hmm… always passing out, one way or another, aren't you?"

Kazahaya blinked, what the hell…

Kazahaya glared at Rikuou, only making him smirk more, "Would you rather I drop you, what you don't like it when I 'save you'. Having you fall into my arms, at my will, and command."

He leaned over till his mouth was to Kazahaya's ear, he whispered, "Besides, you look cuter when you're not yelling."

Kazahaya blushed, furiously. "AH, GET AWAY! AND I DO NOT YELL, JERK!"

Rikuou laughed, "Sure you don't."

Rikuou got to his feet, and stretched, smirking at the still fuming, Kazahaya. He loved to make him mad. It was rather amusing to see Kazahaya get worked up over the littlest of things.

Changing the subject, "Anyway, we should get going."

Kazahaya stopped yelling and looked up," Uh, right."

Kazahaya quickly went to the door and gathered his shoes, slipping them on. He opened the door and looked out. The rain had stopped but there were still touches of lightening in the sky. The light flashed across the sky illuminating the dimly lit ground below. It only lasted for a second and the ground was plummeted back into its semi-dark state.

"Here." Rikuou held out his coat. Kazahaya turned around, taking it, and slipping it on before stepping outside. He turned and waited for Rikuou to come outside and close the door. Rikuou turned back to the door making sure it was locked, placing his keys in his pocket.

The dark-haired boy turned back around to face Kazahaya, walking forward. Kazahaya got the message and turned around to walk towards the forest. Once again they began their search for the missing item.

It was pure monotony, doing the same thing everyday. Search for a few hours here, trekking deeper into the forest, check more of the surrounding area, find nothing, trek deeper still…find nothing. The pair had split up about a mile or so back. Rikuou suggested this, thinking it would be a better way to cover more ground.

Unfortunately, that probably wasn't the best of ideas. As the day went on, it grew darker still. The rain had begun again, as a light drizzle. To say the least, Kazahaya was lost.

He has been so engrossed in finding the mirror, to be able return to the warm cabin successful, he hadn't noticed that the scenery had changed quite a bit. The forest's trees grew thicker and the dirt trail had turned into lush grass.

Kazahaya sighed as he stopped and looked around. "Well…I would say I'm lost, but that would be stating the obvious."

It probably would be a better idea to head back the way I came, if I knew where that was. Kazahaya took a seat on a near by rock, not caring if it was wet or not. He sat there for a while looking around, taking in the scenery

By now it has begun to pour. The thunder and lightening danced across the sky, the rain coming down in sheets. Kazahaya got up off the rock, and walked back over to the "path". Wandering around was better than staying here, he headed in the direction he thought he had come.

x x x x x x x x x x

"Damn, it's cold." Rikuou shoved his hands into his pockets, in a vain attempt to keep them subliminally warm.

When it had begun to pour he thought it was best he went to find Kazahaya, and head in for the day. Nothing was getting accomplished, and without a solid clue to go on it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Dammit, Kazahaya, where are you?

Like Kazahaya he had found nothing solid to go on. Believing the mirror was either invisible or nonexistent. He sighed, wrapping his coat tighter around himself. Though, it wasn't helping, he was already soaked to the bone from the downpour. After walking around all afternoon, he decided to find Kazahaya and head back, till the rain let up a bit, and he regained the feeling in his hands…and the rest of him.

"Maybe he went back to the cabin." Rikuou stopped walking, looking around. It was getting hard to see. If he didn't know better, he would say the rain was getting heavier by the second. He sighed, seeing his breath damn it was cold. He turned around heading the way he came. "First I'll check the cabin, if he's not there, I'll look again." He nodded to himself, happy with his decision.

x x x x x x x x x x x

Kazahaya stopped walking. "I know where I am! Just kidding." I'm so lost. Kazahaya was just as wet as everything else out there, his clothes stuck to his skin, and his hair was matted to his face. "Great…"

He sighed. Grr. Getting lost was a bitch. Kazahaya turned around; maybe I'm going the wrong way. A twig snapped behind him, and he turned around. When he saw nothing he shrugged it off, and turned back around trying to decide on which way to go.

He ran a hand through his soaked hair. "My, my, what do we have here?" Kazahaya whirled around, startled. "Really, now, I would have thought you would have a better sense of direction, my dear."

Kazahaya backed up, recognition dawning on him. "K-Kouji?"

He laughed, "Wow, that was quick, I didn't think you would recognize me." Kouji smirked.

Kazahaya glared, "What are you doing here?" He asked immediately, his senses flaring up adrenalin pumping, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Why do you always assume I'm doing something bad? Isn't it enough of a reason to be here because I wanted to see you?"

Kazahaya growled, "No."

Kouji laughed. He had a few inches on Kazahaya.

He was soaked to the bone, as well. His blonde hair falling in his crystal blue eyes, his white shirt doing nothing to hide the tight abs, and pecs, biceps budging from the tight sleeves.

A pair of regular jeans outlined his long legs, sticking to him like the rest of his clothing.

Kouji was finally back. Sad enough, but true. Guess he came back, after all, Kazahaya thought dimly. They had dated a while back, when Kazahaya was still living with Kei.

She had not approved of their relationship, but that didn't matter. As time when on, Kazahaya and Kouji grew closer, yet Kouji had developed somewhat of a drinking problem.

He had gained "dominance" of their relationship, and would be abusive at times. Demanding Kazahaya lived with him so he could keep an eye on him, being powerless to stop it, Kazahaya agreed.

Regretting their relationship everyday. He eventually became a prisoner in his own, well Kouji's house. Not being allowed to go out, or talk to the people he once loved. Completely closed off from the outside world.

"Don't be so mean, Kaza-baby, I came here to see you, I love you." Kouji held out his arms, and Kazahaya took a step back.

"Don't touch me."

Kouji frowned. Yes, it had been a while. "I'm surprised you're still alive, I would have thought for sure you would die after I left you out in the cold that night."

Kazahaya smirked at the memory. That was the day that Rikuou had found him, and taken him in. Giving him a place to live, and a job. (Of course, Kakei had offered him the job.) He thought for sure he was going to freeze to death in the cold. People were passing by, looking down on him. "Poor thing." They would say, not stopping to see if he needed help.

His few tries to keep moving proved useless, and he finally lay motionless on the ground, too tried to walk any farther. He couldn't keep going. Rikuou eventually walked by, and Kazahaya weakly looked up at him.

Closing his eyes again, Rikuou began to walk away when a weak, "Not yet… I can't die yet," reached his ears. He turned back around to look, "Not yet…" Kazahaya finally said before slipping into unconsciousness.

He didn't know what compelled him to hoist the unconscious Kazahaya onto his shoulder; he carried him back to the Green Drugstore, sharing his room, to this day. He didn't think twice about it.

"Heh. I bet you wanted me to die, too? After you got tired of me? Just dumped me out on the street. Well, you know what, you can go fuck yourself, because I'm through with you. And if you haven't realized that, then you're blind." Kazahaya folded his arms across his chest, glaring at Kouji.

Kouji frowned, "You belong to me," he said tonelessly.

Kazahaya's eyes widened slightly. "I don't belong to anyone, much less you."

Kouji started forward again, causing Kazahaya to instinctively step backwards. Kouji raised an eyebrow before lunging at Kazahaya. Being caught off guard Kouji slammed into the brown-haired teen making them both land on the rain soaked ground.

Kazahaya gasped as the wind was literally ripped from his lungs.

"That's better," Kouji said, pinning Kazahaya's hands above his head, holding them by the wrist with one hand, while his other hand came up by Kazahaya's head to balance himself. Kouji was straddling his waist.

"Ugh, get off, dammit," Kazahaya struggled against the grip on his wrists, trying to at least get one hand free, maybe then he could punch this asshole, and make a run for it.

The grip was too tight, though, and all he could do was struggle, effortlessly.

"Dammit, Kouji, what do you want from me?" Kazahaya stared up at the blonde man, who was now grinning, trying to read the emotion in his eye.

Kouji grinned, "You are mine, and anyone that says otherwise dies, even you."

Kazahaya rolled his eyes, "Great, so you're going to kill me now? I feel so much better, this day just keeps getting better and better."

Kouji shook his head, "Oh, no. I have bigger plans for you death is far off. I have been following you for some time, my dear. I was actually surprised to learn that you had been living with another man."

He paused a moment, "I want you back, no one but me is allowed to be with you. No one."

Oh, brother. "Listen, Kouji, what we had is in the past. Why can't you just leave it at that? I'm so much better off now can't you see that? I don't want to go back with you, I wasn't happy…with the way I was living…not being able to see my friends…" He sighed, "Your drinking problem."

Kouji raised his free hand to backhand Kazahaya. His head whipped to the side, the skin already starting to turn red. A nasty bruise would form there.

Tears stung at the corners of his eyes, widening. "Shut up. You are mine, and you will acknowledge that." Kouji said in a dangerous whisper.

Kazahaya blinked furiously, he would not cry, not again.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Kouji grabbed his chin and forced the brown-haired boy to look at him.

"You will be with me again, even if I have to force you. You belong to me, and I'm going to show you just how much."

Kouji reached into his back pocket and took out a piece of rope. Kouji reached up and tied it around Kazahaya's wrists so he would have both hands free.

Fear rapidly increasing, he struggled more, having his arms free now, he brought his arms forward, even with the rope tied around his wrists Kazahaya pushed at Kouji's chest, to no avail, trying to get him off. Oh, God, please no…

Kouji slapped Kazahaya again, "Do as you are told," Kouji hissed, he took hold of the hands pushing at his chest, and forcibly pushed the arms back above his head, trying the end of the rope to a stray root, making sure he wasn't getting away any time soon.

Pulling at it a few times just to make sure it was secure. "Kouji...please…" Kazahaya begged. "Don't do this."

Kouji smirked, "Be quiet." His face stung enough, he decided to keep his mouth shut this time and not protest and farther. Afraid was an understatement: he was terrified.

In all his time with Kouji he had never been this afraid. There were times when Kouji would come home so drunk it was an effort just trying to understand him. He would get angry easily, and Kazahaya had to be careful of what he said, to no avail, Kouji forced himself on Kazahaya many times, this wasn't something new.

And, yes, he had been afraid. He had gotten used to his new life style, and was happier with the way things were going, he could not handle Kouji again, and would not go back to him.

It was still raining buckets. He would probably catch a cold, but that was the least of his worries…Kouji made quick work of discarding his clothes, and then Kazahaya's since he couldn't get the shirt off with his hands bound, he left that on.

Kouji grabbed one of Kazahaya's legs and draped it over his shoulder. "Please…" Kazahaya begged, "Don't…please…"

He had no reason to hold his tears back now, and they were flowing freely, though with the rain, it was hard to tell. Kouji leaned over him and grabbed his chin, and kissed him fiercely before thrusting forward.

The scream was lost in the kiss. Kouji laughed. Getting enjoyment out of seeing Kazahaya suffer. A choked sob left his lips.

Kouji ruthlessly took him, over and over till he finally reached climax and collapsed on top of "his" Kazahaya. Kouji reached up and untied his hands, the wrists were chaffed, and marks from where the ropes were, the marks would serve as a constant reminder.

Kouji bit into Kazahaya's neck drawing a little blood, hard enough to leave a mark. "There, now that will remind you of who you belong to."

Kazahaya stared off blankly, broken. Kouji slipped out of him and Kazahaya winced a little. He slowly put his clothes back on. And then he went over to where he had discarded Kazahaya's clothing, boxers, pants, shoes and socks. Almost mockingly, he put them on slowly careful to take his time

Taking him so roughly, it was only normal that he would bleed. "I will be back for you, my dear." Kouji leaned down and kissed him once more before walking off.

Kazahaya lay there, unmoving. After a long while he turned his head to the other side, staring off in the direction Kouji had went. Slowly he sat up, wincing. He used the ground for support as he stood on two shaky legs.

Almost falling, he took a staggering step in yet another random direction. His vision was blurring around the edged threatening to pull him into unconsciousness. No, I have to keep going, He thought silently to himself.

He didn't know what gave him the strength or sense of direction, but by the time he got back it was well past 1 in the morning. He sighed, knocking on the door.

He waited silently for Rikuou to answer. Rikuou's eyes widened when he saw Kazahaya, he had been searching all day, and had only gotten back a little while ago. His worry for the man increased tenfold when he saw the condition Kazahaya was in, haggard looking, beyond soaked.

"You're back! What happened, are you alright?" Rikuou had thousands of questions, but he hoped that the most important ones were answered first.

Kazahaya nodded, he smiled weakly before pitching forward. I'm back… Was his last thought before the darkness engulfed him.

"Kazahaya!" He could faintly hear his name being called, but he was too tired to care. He was back, and away from Kouji, that was all that could possibly matter. Rikuou reached out and caught Kazahaya before he fell to the floor.

Easily lifting the brown-haired boy into his arms. One arm was under his knees, and one around his shoulders. Rikuou gently placed Kazahaya on the bed, changing him into something less wet, then carefully pulled the covers up.

"What have you gotten into this time?" He pondered softly to himself. He pulled up a chair; it was going to be a long night.


Authors notes: Phew! That was so hard! I can't believe I did that to poor Kazahaya. And since they haven't revealed his dark past yet, well not fully, I have done it for CLAMP! BWHAHAHAHAHA! So, should I continue this? Tell me what you think.