Hey peoplez! SSSSOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED! I've been sooo busy. Middle school was harder than I thought! Oh well, here's the next chapter!

Kagome kept on sobbing, leaning against the door. Stupid Inuyasha! she thought ,How dare he break into my house, then call me a wench! he's such an idiot!. A very loud knock interuppted her tthoughts. "Kagome" Inuyasha's muffled voice came from the other side of the door. "What the hell are you still doing here, mutt?" Kagome replied coldly. "Kagome," Inu started, "When did you get the guts to talk like that?" "Um, let's see, probably when my old love dumped me for a rotten old clay pot. May she burn in hell." Kagome said. "Um, actually, Kikyo's dead." Inu said. "Well good!Now, I can finally sleep well, knowing that Kikyo is DEAD!" Kagome said. "KAGOME!DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT KIKYO THAT WAY!" Inuyasha said, pretty pissed. "I CAN TALK ABOUT HER HOWEVER I WANT! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Kagome yelled at Inuyasha."I can and i will!" Inuyasha yelled at her.

Kagome opened the door and stared at Inuyasha. Red eyes, and all. "Kagome..." Inuyasha whispered. "Don't get cocky, dog boy wonder, these tears aren't for you" Kagome said to Inu. "Don't you EVER talk to me like that!" Inu scolded Kagome. Kagome punched Inu square in the face. When he landed on the ground, Kagome placed her foot on his chest. "you don't EVER mess with a broken hearted preistess..." She said. She lifted her footed and kicked Inu on the chest.

Kagome left Inu on the floor and went back in her house. 'stupid Inuyasha! Who the fuck does he think he is, telling me what to do!' Kagome thought as she stormed up to her bedroom. She jumped on her bed, burried her face on a pillow, and started bawling her eys out. When she finaly stopped, she thought,'what happened to me and Inuyasha? We used to get along soo well. Well, maybe not so well, but we got along. My, how the years have changed us, inuyasha.' those were her last thoughts before she threw her alrm clock at her window. "STOP SPYING ON ME, INUYASHA!" Kagome yelled. If you looked outside, you would find Inuyasha on the floor, unconcious.

When she woke up, it was 8:00 in the morning. 'Good thing its saturday. I wouldv'e been in big truoble for not being able to go to work.' Kagome thought.She walked downstairs to get some food. She started cooking some curry. She heard rattiling in the window but decided to ignore it. While she was turing off the stove she was spun around by Inuyasha. He immediatley grabbed her wrist so she can't move. "Let me go, Inuaysah!" Kagome yelled. "I'm not gonna give up one you!" He yelled.
"Inuyasha let go!"
"Not until you let me talk to you!"
"NO! I don't care! Leave me alone!"
"Kagome! I love you!"
"You should've told me that 10 years ago!"
"Kagome, please listen"
"Why should I?"
"Coz you know you want to." That shut Kagome up instantly. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Kagome, pleas don't cry" Inu pleaded. "What else can I do? Inuyasha, I loved you. I try to tell you, but what do you do? Ditch me for Kikyo" Kagome said while tears flowed freely from her eyes. "Just hear me out..please." Inu pleaded. "Fine, what do you have to say?" Kagome gave in.

"Kagome, after being with Kikyo, I realized that I loved you. Shipo came up to me and started yelling at me one day. He said That you loved me and I loved you. I doubted that. But I slowly realized that he was right. But I couldn't leave kikyo. It would break her in half and she would probably turn evil again. When she died, I saw this as a chance to get you back. It really hrt me when you were saying all these nast things about me. But, I love you, Kagome. Please, forgive me."

"Inuyasha, I'm sry. If you really loved me, you wouldv'e picked me. You can't just switch from one girl to another. No girl desirves to be treated like that. Not even Kikyo . I can't, inu. You can't do this to me. I don't deserve this. Now, just get out of my house."


So, that was the last chapter. If I get a good response, I'm making a sequel. S, yah, BYE!