((A/N: I've finally gotten to drabble ten! ((cheers))
To Those Who Reviewed:
Ky0Kichi: When I first read this, my mouth practically hit the floor. ((laughs)) You can't possibly think I'm as good a writer as you!.. I'm horrible!.. ((smiles)) Cute is very good. :)
Kaeleer: I really cheered you up? ((grins)) Now you've cheered me up!
Kat R. Fair: ((laughs)) yes.. so very very sneaky..
flyingdaggers: Yay! It was actually good! ((cheers))
Aki of the forgotten: ((laughs sheepishly)) Yeah.. I'd just finished watching an extremely scary movie and was thinking about my fear of them.((smiles)) I've never really been afraid of the dark though. Sorry if the drabble was bad, by the way.
Laurena: I don't really think I'm being too hard on myself. ((grins)) I'm just really bad at writing drabbles, so I have to abuse myself at least a bit for it. ((laughs)) I really thought I sounded cocky in a lot of my stories. I guess not, though.
Well, here it is!))
Hide And Seek
"Ninty - nine.. One hundred!" The ox exclaimed, as he stood from his crouching position. "Ready or not! - Here I come!" He yelled through the seemingly empty house. He entered the living room, searching every place the cat could hide. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" He whispered to himself.. He heard a small snicker behind him and turned around, only to find nothing but the empty room.
He smirked as he spotted the couch that had yet to be searched. Slowly, he walked toward it, his heart steadily picking up it's pace. He took hold of the cloth covering the couch's legs and pulled up. Nothing. "But, how?" He whispered to himself. He heard another snicker directly behind him. He spun around, face to face with a grinning Kyo. "How long have you been standing behind me?" He asked. The cat's grin only grew as he stated,"Since you reached one hundred."
((A/N: I finally got in the'Kyo Revenge Drabble'I'd been itching to write!((smiles))I love Hide and Seek, even if I was rarely able to play it as a child. ((laughs))
I dunno.. I'm not really sure if I like this one or not.. I guess it's better that way though.. :)
Please Review And Tell Me What You Thought!))