Ellie Nash blinked a few times, dazed and confused. The night before was mostly a blur in her mind. She closed her eyes and tried her best to remember what had happened. Nothing came to mind besides a couple half drunk bottles of vodka and whisky alongside some rusty razorblades. Lifting up her right hand slowly, she touched one of her wrists. Instantly her heart beat speed up. She felt something that had never grazed her wrists before, a think gauze pad taped down tightly.

As the minutes passed, some of her memory from the night before came back to her. Her portable CD player was blaring, drowning out the sounds of the party outside the bathroom she had locked herself in. Numerous bottles of Alcohol were lined up across the bathtub, each having their fair share consumed by her. As she got more and more drunk, she looked in the medicine cabinet for a razor blade. She had found a few. They were chipped and rusty, but at the moment she had no reason to care. No reason to live.

"Ellie? Are you awake?" The girl who had been sitting in the chair beside the bed said. She stood up and placed her hand on Ellie's shoulder. "I'm so glad you're alright. I was afraid."

Ellie slowly opened her eyes again. In front of her she saw a messy and tired looking Ashley Kerwin. Ashley had been her best friend for a few years now, and she was always there for her. "Yeah. I'm fine. I guess," she said as she pulled herself up into a sitting position. Her instant reaction was to look over herself, seeing what damage she had done. Everything looked normal. Except for her bandaged wrists that is.

"You.. You were in there for a while. You locked yourself in, and by the time someone got me the key you had already lost a lot of blood." Ashley looked down, ashamed of not taking better care of her friend.

Ellie bit down on her lip. She hated seeing people feel bad for her. In a way, it was like being embarrassed. "Why did I.." She paused, then motioned with her eyes to her wrists, "do this?"

A few tears began to rise in the corners of Ashley's eyes. "I don't know. You were fine when I last saw you. I went off to get a drink, and when I came back you had left the room. Maybe someone else knows, or-"

At that moment, the room to Ellie's hospital room opened. Craig Manning, Ashley's boyfriend, walked in, holding multiple drinks. "In case she wakes up soon, I figured I'd get her variety," he said, looking down at the drinks, not even noticing Ellie sitting up, eyes open. He placed the box of drinks on a table in the corner, then turned around. Instantly his eyes caught the sight of Ellie. She looked back into his eyes, and more memories of the night before began to unfold in her mind.