You must read this: Ok, firstly a wise reviewer told me not to just count votes alone, so I didn't. But I'm just going to say that the pairing wasn't easy to pick, in fact, I just picked a name out of a hat because I can't be decisive for buttons, I just hope my friends who disagree with the pairing don't hate me forever.
Second, I may make a sequel to this, it will have various pairings not just EliwoodxWhoever, if you'd like me to do that then please tell me because I'm not going to do it if no one thinks it's a good idea.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Dedications: Anyone that's actually still reading, especially anyone who has reviewed/given ideas/faved you may all have cookies, flowers and little toy Ravens' (Because I know you're all Raven fanboys/girls even if you don't like to admit it.)
"Lord Eliwood… I give up!" Marcus flapped his arms around helplessly before staring at his reflection in the mirror. "No no, this will never work Ginny." He shook his head and took a seat next to the girl.
"Ok, let me try." Ginny stood up and waltzed over to the mirror "Mi'lord Eliwood, I personally don't consider myself one to go against your orders, but please! Matchmaking for you is just too hard and I'm afraid that Marcus and I must resign and go back to simply being your jeigan and oh-so-adorable tactician."
The paladin applauded. "Wonderful! You truly are a suspected mind!"
(A/N: 'Suspected mind' is the title you get if you are a D rank tactician… not that I would know…)
"Right, so lets go tell him then."
"Now son, I know the thought of people matchmaking for you probably makes you cringe uncontrollably but I think I may have done it. I hope you're not too surprised by who I chose for-"
"I'm not, in fact, I saw them all staying in the guest rooms earlier."
"Oh," Lady Eleanora looked disappointed. "Well you might as well come in then." She opened two large doors and stepped inside the room.
There stood Lyn, Ninian, Fiora, Hector and…
"I don't even know who you are." Eliwood said pointing towards a girl with blonde hair and a brown dress.
"I'm Random Pheraen Villager Number 34, silly!" She giggled.
"Isn't she a darling? So, who would you like to marry Eliwood dear?"
"Excuse me, but both Lyn and I are already married." Fiora stated.
"Oh really?" Eleanora tried to act innocent. "I had no idea, but um… If I may ask: are you really happily married?"
"Yes, we are."
"Oh, you're absolutely sure that they're not cheating on you?"
"What are you implying?"
"Nothing, nothing. Oh Hannah!" She called.
The fortune-teller shuffled into the room carrying a crystal ball.
/On Dread-Isle/
"Right, it says here that Nergal has returned and we need to stop him." Kent looked around for any signs of evil.
"That sounds like a bad parody." Rath said.
"Ah evil!" Kent yelled as a group of bats flew out of the trees and at him. "Save me Rath! Ginny always used Sain not me, I'm too weak to die!" The cavalier jumped at Rath knocking him to the ground.
"…" Rath said.
/Back in Castle Pherae/
All that Lyn and Fiora had seen was their husbands in the explicit position, not the events leading up to it. Eleanora smirked, Lyn looked annoyed, Fiora was trying to hold back her tears, Ninian was expressionless, Hector appeared to be having a staring contest with one of the walls and Random Pheraen Villager Number 34 was eating a cupcake.
"Well, fine then."
"So, who will it be son?"
"Um… I really don't know… I'm just a little confused, perplexed if you will."
"Then you go to your room and come back down when you've decided."
"I could marry Ninian, that would sure spite Marcus. I guess I could marry Lyn, I'm a little scared of what will happen if I don't pick her. Fiora's another choice, that may stop her grieving over the loss of Kent. I can't believe I'm actually considering this, but at least I know Hector likes me… the others may not. And what about that random girl? She may be my soul mate. I just don't know!"
"Lord Eliwood!" Marcus burst through the lord's bedroom door followed closely by Ginny. "We have something we need to tell you."
"Mi'lord Eliwood, I personally don't consider myself one to go against your orders, but please! Matchmaking for you is just too hard and I'm afraid that Marcus and I must resign and go back to simply being your jeigan and oh-so-adorable tactician."
"Um… well that's great and all but now I have my mother matchmaking for me as well."
"Oh I heard. So… who you going to marry then?" Ginny asked getting excited.
"I don't know…"
"Aww, c'mon it's just the girl… or boy that you're going to spend the rest of your life with, how hard can it be?"
"No Marcus, wrong answer. You must have some idea who you'd like to be with." The tactician snapped her fingers showing that she had an idea. "We should do a dating show! Nar nar na na nah! Nar nar na na nah!" She began to hum some sort of dating show theme tune.
"Um… no Ginny, that's probably not a good idea."
"Well, then just choose. THINK DAMN YOU!" She shouted shaking the redhead's shoulders violently.
"Whah! Stop that!"
"So who is it then?"
"Well I guess out of the five I like Ninian mo-"
"Perfect! We'll tell Lady Eleanora!"
'Well, I guess that means there'll be a wedding in a few days…'
"I'm not sure I want to go along with this." Eliwood said while flicking some dust of off his outfit.
"Pfft! You said you liked Ninian, and now you're complaining about marrying her, whatever next?" Ginny asked rhetorically.
"I said I liked her, not that I loved her. But I suppose I should have expected an arranged marriage from the day that I was born."
"Exactly, now quit your belly-aching."
Eliwood sighed. "How long until the wedding starts?"
"About ten minutes?" Ginny guessed.
"Then I should head over to the church. Are you coming?"
"Eliwood my duck, I wouldn't miss it for the world."
So the two old friends headed of towards the church of Pherae so that Eliwood could finally be wed.
Shortly after the ceremony Marcus and Ginny were walking together a short distance away from Castle Pherae.
"So you see Marcus, Eliwood didn't need your help to find a wife after all."
"Hmm, I guess not but still…"
"Marcus!" Said paladin turned around coming face to face with Lady Eleanora and what seemed like an endless army of rather peeved off soldiers.
"Marcus, I myself am sick of you horrendous matchmaking and I'm sure that a lot of people agree with me." She signalled to an assortment of people whose loved ones had been victims of Marcus' matchmaking. "So I've decided that the only thing to do is run you out of Pherae. Guards!"
"Oh, well that's just great." Was all he could manage before being chased out of sight by Eleanora's army.
Ginny sighed and smiled. "Well I guess everything turned out alright then. Marcus is fleeing for his life, Lord Eliwood and Ninian are happily married and their son Roy will grow up to be a great hero… or maybe just the poor man's Ike." She paused, "It's all good. But as for me, who knows. Maybe I'll find my true love in Sacae."
So Ginny headed off in the general direction of the plains stopping only once when she saw the most terrifyingly amazing sight.
"My gosh! That cloud looks like Lord Pent!"
- The end?