I don't own Kingdom Hearts. KH belongs to Squaresoft and Disney. I own Christie, though! No stealie Christie. Oh, this is also based before the whole Heartless deal.


Christie yawned and looked at her clock. 2:31AM. She smiled and continued playing Kingdom Hearts. She loved the summer vacation. She's a nighthawk, and it's so hard to stay awake in classes when you only had three hours' sleep.

She saved and turned off the PS2. She uprighted herself so she was sitting on her bed instead of laying and yawned again. She was about to

stand when she heard a soft buzzing sound.

What's that? The blonde thought, looking around. It's getting louder...

She began pressing her ear against the walls. On her way over to the wall by her TV, she stopped. It's right here...

Christie's head whipped this way and that, until, finally, she looked down. The PS2!

She kneeled down and studied the Playstation. It was off, but the CD was still spinning, it seemed, at about ten times the usual speed. Christie took a heavy dictionary from under her bed and put it in front of her face and covered her heart with the rest of her arm. Peeking fron behind the large book, she braced herself and pressed the eject button. It open dispite the fact there was no power, and Christie lowered the dictionary and stared in awe. The CD was spinning uber fast, and still was, even with the compartment open.

"What's up, bud?" She murmured. Gently, she reached out and touched the CD. Immediatly, the disk began spinning faster... faster... faster...

Christie pulled her hand away and fell on her butt and stared. The colours were blending and was now a dark purple, close to black. She gasped at a light forming in the center. It was the size of a marble and was growing. It stopped when it was the size of a baseball.

Then it exploded. I wild fury of colours enveloped around Christie. She tried to pull away, but they sucked her in...


"Ugh..." Christie moaned. She opened her eyes and stood. Looking around, she saw she was in a bedroom, and, judging by the posters of girls, it was a boy's bedroom. She went to an open window and saw nothing but a beach, the ocean and an oddly familiar island far off. "Wow..." she whispered, smiling. Then she noticed the two people, a boy and a girl, talking on the beach. "Th-that's..." she squeaked out, but she couldn't finish the sentence. Instead, she listened in.

"Kairi, there's something I wanna tell you..." the boy started.

Kairi, the girl, turned and smiled. "What is it, Sora?"

"Uhm," Sora rubbed his arm nervously and blushed, "...I like you, Kairi..."

"I like you too, Sora."


"Yeah, you're a great friend. It's tough not to like you!"

Geez, she's dense, Christie thought, nuzzling her chin in the palm of her hand.

"Oh," Sora said, looking a bit dissappointed, "okay."

"Is that all?" Kairi said, expectantly.

"Yeah, that's all. Uhm... I'm going home." With that, Sora spun on his heels and left. Christie caught a glimpse of his face. He looked about ready to cry.

"Okay... bye," Kairi muttered. Then she, too, left.

Christie looked at them. Poor Sor- OHMIGOSH! Christie spun around and looked at her room. Sora said he's going home...and this is his home!

Christie looked for a way out other than the window (it was a long drop), but quickly changed her plans and sat on Sora's bed. I'm gonna play cupid, she thought, grinning, and I'm gonna help Sora get Kairi!

She crossed her arms and legs and waited for Sora to open his door. She only had to wait about two minutes. Sora opened the door, still looking sad. He closed the door and, finally, looked up.

"Ah!" He cried, jumping.

"Oh, shush," Christie said, smirking. "I saw you and Kairi on the beach. Man, that girl's a bit dense, ain't she?"

"Hey, don't talk mean about my friend. What do you want, anyway?"

Christie shrugged. "Dunno what I'm supposed to be doing here. I'm assuming I came from another dimension-"

"Another what?"

"Di-men-sion. Anyway, I was about ready to jump out the window once I figured out this was your house, then I thought 'Nah, I think I'll help Sora with Kairi!' So... here I am- Cupid Christie, ready to help you and your love tangles."

Sora smirked and jumped over to his bed. He put his hands on the bed and leaned forward, smirking. "Will you really help?" He asked.

"Erm... yeah. Just said that."


I wonder what's up with Sora? Kairi thought, walking along the beach. Why do I get the feeling I misread something... I'm going to go to Sora and find out what he meant- that is, if he meant anything at all.

Kairi walked up to her friend's house. She opened the door and trodded up the stairs. She raised her hand to knock, but shook her head. He's my friend. He won't mind if just go in.

Kairi put her hand on the doorknob, and turned...


"So... how're you gonna help me?" Sora asked, leaning more forward, nearly touching his nose to Christie's.

Geez these anime kids are straight-forward, Christie thought, trying to pull away. "Dunno yet," she mumbled.

The door swung open before either kid could react- or before Sora could move. Christie stared at the readhaired girl standing in the doorway.

"Kairi!" Sora exclaimed. He stood up, but as soon as he did, Kairi ran off.

"Kairi, wait!" Sora yelled after her. But she was already gone.

"Sora...did you see her face?" Christie asked standing up. He didn't reply. "She was jealous..." Christie continued. Silence. "Get a girl to pose as your girlfriend and then Kairi'll want to be your girlfriend."

"But... there aren't any other girls my age on the Destiny Islands."

"Oh... well... do you only swing one way?" Christie asked, her mind filling with images of Sora and Riku.

"Uhm, ew. Hey..." Sora's face brightened up, "why don't you pose as my girlfriend!"

"Me! Well... uhh..."

Sora's eyes widened and he pushed his hands together. "Puh-leez?"

Christie's eyebrow twitched. "Fine..." she sighed.

"Yay!" Sora punched the air. "I got a girlfriend! I got a girlfriend!" He sang.

"Hold the phone!" Christie started. "I'm not really your girlfriend! I'm just helping you get Kairi!"

"Right!" Sora laughed.


Well, there's chapter one. I hope you enjoyed it! Hopefully, chaptertwo will be up soon. I'm probably gonna make a manga based on this fic... hm...