hello!i'm feeling better but now its the holidays!yay...but i'm been trying to write a new chapter...it hasnt been comming to me yet...so heres the new sucky chapter!

Kagome ran down the hall way .there were may doors.she stopped and went skidding forward.she saw a small hallway.'no time to think..gotta go that way...Sesshomaru could be after me.'

She ran down the hall way like she had just seen Inuyasha at the end of it.not as many doors where down this hall way.one stood alot with about 50 feet away from the others.Kagome ran down the hall way as fast as her legs could carry her.she finally reached the door.she put her hand on the door...

what she saw could of made her faint again.it was a skeleton.she staired at it until she heard foot steps comming.

'oh no someones comming!'

Sesshomaru slowly walked down the hallway towards the doorway where Kagome was standing.Sesshomaru smells the bones and decides to not take another step.


Inuyasha sees a castle up ahead.


"holy crap you did."said Sango.

Inuyasha ran as fast as something that runs really fast.'KAGOME!I'M COMMING!"

Sango and Miroku and Shippo all rode on Kilala.Koga ran right behind Inuyasha.


Kagome was still staring at the bones.Sesshomaru was still behind her.Suddenly there was a bang on the glass doors.Kagome turned around and ran past Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha couldnt wait any longer.He smashed threw the windows.soon rain was pooring in.Sesshomaru was now right behind Kagome.Inuyasha saw Kagome and ran towards her.she was overwelmed with joy and tears and they hugged while Kilala and the rest arrived.Koga noticed that Inuyasha had Kagome in his arms and decided not to disturb them.

Sesshomaru was pissed.First his glass doors are now smashed and his dirty little half breed was hugging his maid."what are you DOING in here?"

"bringing Kagome back with me!"

"you cant have MY maid that easily!"with that Sesshomaru pulled out his sword and lunged at Inuyasha.Inuyasha push Kagome out of the way and drew out his long sword.

Koga ran over to Kagome."are you ok Kagome?"

"yeah i'm fine"

Sango was running towards Kagome."Kagome i've missed you!"

"i've missed you to Sango!"said Kagome.Miroku told Kilala to take Shippo away from the fighting scene.Kilala bite the back of Shippo's shirt and flew away.

Miroku ran over to Sango.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were still clashing swords when Rin came down.Rin stared at Sesshomaru with teary eyes.Sesshomaru looked at Rin and saw that she was crying.He was very mad to see Rin so upset .thenSesshomaru lunged his sword at Inuyasha and ran up the stairs.Inuyasha fallowed him up the stairs.'ha now that fool doesnt have a sword.'

Kagome stared wide eyed at the sword on the ground and then looked at Inuyasha,apparently angry,that he was going after Sesshomaru trying to get Rin."INUYASHA!"shouted Kagome.Inuyasha stopped part way up the stairs.she glared at him with angry eyes."INUYASHA...SIT!"

Inuyasha fell to the ground,well the stairs, and waited till the spell went away to get up."KAGOME! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"cant you see hes trying to get Rin?"she yelled back.

"so?he kidnapped you and made you work for him! who knows what else he did too!"

"he may have kidnapped me.."she said standing up."but at least he did go running off with KIKYO from time to time!"

Inuyasha sighed.he was that angry any more just hurt.and ashamed.he slowly walked down the stairs.


"RIN?"Shouted Sesshomaru."where are you!"

he heard some sobs from another room.he fallowed them and got to the door they were comming from.it was Kagome's old room.he slowly opened the door and inhalded all the memories he remembered what harsh things he'd done to her.Rin was sitting on the corner of the bed crying.Sesshomaru walked over to the bed.he stood next to her by the bed.then he sat down.Rin started to fall in his direction because of the weight now on the bed.She scootched over a bit so she would fall that direction.she stopped her sobbing and peered up at him.he was staring at the ground with sad eyes.

"i'm sorry Rin."

"its ok. Rin dont like it when you fight.it's scary."

"then please stay up here."


hows that fora chapter?i havent updated in ...well scence october!lol...but i got one up before 2006!

see you guys and chicks in 2006! hay that rymed.lol

please reveiw on how you felt about this chapter and

THE NEXT CHAPTER IDEAS!gimme ideas of how YOU want it to end!the best idea will win...and if i dont like anyof em...then i win!lol...

love u ppl,
