WHISTLE An ffx freak by the name ofLuana Potter

All these characters are part of the game FFX by Squer Enix and are not mine.

This is my very first fanfiction. Short but powerful, I guess. Please, read and review.

Yuna still shivered when she approached the moor. She felt the lump in her throat yet again, day after day she felt it. Hands clamped together she stopped at the end of the harbor casting her looks over the wide ocean. The sun shined brightly and reflected her rays on the ocean-mirror. She took a deep breath and push her finger and thumb at her tongue. A sharp whistle sounded throughout Besaid. She inhaled and blew again. And again. And again. He would not come, yet she would not, could not, let go of this habit.

« Whistle and I'll come running. »

« And still it's been ages since I heard you whistling back at me, » she whispered, inhaled and blew. « Why aren't you here ? » No, he was not here. He had left for the Farplane, he had left her. Taking a deep breath she blew again. How much had she whistled yet ? Ten times ? Maybe twenty ? Or thirty, perhaps ? She did not know.The inhabitants of the village pittied her. Poor sad little Yuna, she misses him so much. Another whistle. "I know how you feel darling, it's nothing to be ashamed of?" Ashamed? Had she ever been ashamed of losing him? Had she ever been ashamed of crying because she missed him so? Had she? Had she been ashamed when she sent him? When she said she loved him? Ashamed on how she could never forget him? Had she? A tear ran down her cheek. Ashamed, because she was not given the chance to hold him one last time? To see him leave. Frustrated and her sight blurred with tears she blew, so loud it could hardly be called a whistle.Falling on her knees she cried. She was, she was ashamed. Ashamed on ones thinking, that everything was worth it. Everything, if only Sin would die.

Sobbing she crawled back up and whiped away her tears. As she walked home she tried to remember. Remember... his face, and then – his voice. His smile, his absurd laugh. She wanned her journey to be filled with laughter. He made her feel happy and that was enough. If only she could have held him ones more before he faded, she would feel that happiness again.

Arriving at the village, no one saw her tears. She had swept them away before enterring. Wakka had lit a camp-fire and the flames filled the town with a faded glow. Night was falling when she entered her house. Tired she fell down onto her bed, didn't even mind pulling her shoes off. She just grabbed her pillow and closed her eyes, falling asleep with the same thought she eased her sorrow with every single night.

"Tomorrow at the shore, when I whistle, you'll come running.

Tomorrow is yet another day."