Chapter 1: A Date

Kagome's POV

It was just another day and Kagome Higarashi was sitting below a large oak tree on the school lawn. She sighed. The wind felt nice blowing through her hair. It would be a perfect day, she just knew it. Maybe Sango will go to the mall with me after school today. She thought.

"Sango." she breathed quietly to herself. Sango Takahashi was Kagome's best friend and had been since childhood. She had always been there for Kagome from the smallest things, like spilt ice-cream, to bigger things, like when Kagome's hopefully-to-be-boyfriend Inuyasha had ignored her for 3 months to be with her cousin Keikyo.

"Keikyo, that- aaahhhhhhhhhh!" Kagome screamed as something came crashing into her hard. She fell over and was temporarily knocked out of breath. When she was able to breath, she looked up and glared at the boy next to her. He had long, silver hair that went down

to the bottom of his abdomen. He had stunning golden-hazel eyes and was wearing a plain black t-shirt with plain faded blue jeans. He grinned at her.

"Hey Kagome! Glad to see your out of space. Welcome back." he said and dodged the oncoming backpack that was flying at him. He chuckled. "Fiesty are we?" Kagome shot him a death glare and started thinking about all the torture tactics she knew. Some of them could even be fun.

"Inuyasha, if you do that again, I swear- ummmm...," Kagome said and thought of something particularly unpleasant, but nothing came to mind.Inuyasha laughed.

"What's the matter? Couldn't think of anything to do to me?"

" No it's just... aarrgghh! Inuyasha, you drive me nuts!" she screamed and stood up. Inuyasha also got up and smiled. Kagome was so darn cute when she was mad. Her beautiful chocolate-brown eyes seethed with anger, and while turning around, she purposely made her silky, black hair smack his face. Inuyasha just stood there.

"Hey!" he yelled. Kagome giggled and walked away. Man I love her laugh. Inuyasha thought. Kagome turned around.

"Hey Inuyasha! Want to go to the mall with me after school?" Kagome asked. Sango was probably busy, and now was a good opportunity to be with Inuyasha after weeks of Keikyo hogging him. Inuasha grinned.

"Oh i see how it goes. You hurt me and then make it up to me by taking me out, and then when it's time to buy it all, you pretend you don't have any money so i'll pay the couple hundred dollars for clothes and makeup and shoes. Well I am not the guy to go to for money you know!" Inuyasha pretended to be offended. Kagome giggled again.

"Oh c'mon. Since you are now officially psychic, let's celebrate by going to the Mall!" Kagome smiled and put on her cutest puppy dog face. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

"Din't you hear anything I said?" He laughed. Kagome looked at him.

"Nope!" she exclaimed and put her hand on his shoulder. She pulled his ear toward her mouth and at that second, Inuyasha's heartbeat got quicker. He never had a reaction like that when Keikyo whispered in his ear. Kagome felt it too. They both blushed, but seeing as how they were in a position where they couln't see each others faces, well they couldn't see they blush creeping up on the others face. Kagome's warm breath showered Inuyasha's ear as Kagome whispered.

"Inuyasha." Inuyasha shivered. He felt like pulling her around and... kissing her! He almost pulled away, which would have been smart.

"TAKE ME TO THE MALL!" she screamed. Inuyasha amost fell over. His ears were strangely advanced and could hear things from over 100 meters away. Nobody knew why, but it came in handy sometimes, just not this time. Inuyasha cringed.

"Kagome, what did'cha do that for!" he yelled. Kagome looked hurt. Inuyasha sighed. He absolutely hated it when girls were upset or crying. Oh, that Kagome. It's so hard to say no to that! Kami-sama save my credit card. I'll just have to give in. Curse Kagome and her cute faces.

"Oh Fine!" Inuyasha said and instantly regretted it.

" Oh Yay! Thank-you sooooooooo much! Ashiteru, Ashiteru!" Kagome screamed. Inuyasha just stood there in shock. He was going to be deaf by the end of the day. Literally!

"Okay, calm down! Just please go easy on my credit card." Inuyasha said, but Kagome was long gone. He sighed. Kagome yelled behind her

"I'll call you after school Inuyasha!" and ran off to her next class.

Inuyasha's POV

"Sure." Inuyasha mumbled, still thinking about his fellings towards Kagome. It was impossible for, well...that certain feeling, but then what was it? Inuyasha walked to his next class, hoping to 'accidentally' run into Miroku. Miroku Houshi was one of Inuyasha's best friends, and was pretty knowledgable. Although he did have a certain 'thing' that every guy posseses.

For Inuyasha it was his love for ramen. Beef, Pork, Chicken, you name it, inuyasha loved it. For Miroku, it was...lechery. Yes, sadly Miroku was a lecher. He groped girls or asked them to 'bear his child' whenever he got the chance.

Inuyasha walked into his last class, History, and looked around to see if Miroku was there. He wasn't and Inuyasha sighed.

"Curse Miroku, he's not here." Inuyasha mumbled to himself. The teacher cleared his throat.

"Mr. Taisho, is there something you would like to share with the class?" the teacher said. inuyasha's head jerked up. He snorted.

"Ya, Mr. Ikeda. I was telling myself that I was going to kill Miroku for not being here in this boring class with me." Inuyasha replied. Mr. Ikeda glared at Inuyasha.

"Well, If you would like, i could put you in detention, which i'm sure Mr. Houshi would certainly be in." Mr. Ikeda said and raised his eyebrow, waiting for an answer. Inuyasha snorted again and gave his world famous...

"Feh." Mr. Ikeda eyed him suspiciously. It probably wasn't smart to put the two together. When put together, they were deadly, hazardous, beneficial to anyone's health, and anything relating to those words.

"Fine. You know where and when." Mr. ikeda finished and went back to the same old 'boring' class. Inuyasha did in fact know where and when. The two friends had been in detention more times than anyone had bothered to keep track of. Inuyasha sighed. Only 45 minutes until he was free from this hell-hole.