Chapter 17

Burn In Hell

Speak to me
Of those days I wont forget
Your worst dreams
Has just returned - to pay you back
Im still laughing
Theres not much else I can do
But ones things certain
Im coming back for you

Rain woke up to the feeling of her brain being split in two, she heard voices echoing through the darkness, she tried to open her eyes and almost panicked before realizing that she was blindfolded, so if she was blindfolded then she had to be chained up...she couldn't smell anything but she could taste blood. The pain that shook her was almost numbing and she held back a wince, doing a mental check list.

Her nose was probably broken, it hurt like hell. From the feel of it her jaw was swollen, and she might have had a few broken ribs, she felt the gashes on her wrist and god knows how many bruises and scratches...Who had her here? Where was here? She asked herself, before the fight had brought its ugly memory up, How the hell did they get her? She could since maybe 20, 25 demons, and she remembered they were all neko. She growled inwardly. 'Filthy stinking cats!' thought she with a groan of pain.

Someone laughed and her head snapped to the source, whoever it was wearing boots and most have been wearing cotton, she could hear it.

Have you got a gun
Do you remember well
Who you used it on
Its time to burn in hell

"Hey boy's Wolfie here is awake." He laughed harder, "You don't seem too afraid Rain." He laughed.

She growled. "Its because I have nothing to fear."

She heard him hiss and she smirked. "Aw did I hurt the wittle kitty's feelings?" She got out before she felt something barreling into her stomach, new blood made its way to her lips.

"You should be Red Devil, you don't have a single Ace in your hand." Rain laughed coughing up the blood, a dumb smile on her face.

"Damn, you sure do know how to talk to a lady...all the little girls must beat down your door." She joked.

He backhanded her his ring tearing into her face, she yelped like he'd just kicked a dog.

"You fucking wolf! Do you have any idea what they call you in my village!?" He roared, angered by her joking manor. Rain spit up the blood in his eye.

"I'd be a lair I pretended to care what stupid felines thought of me! No cat has ever won my respect except one and she's the only decent thing your race produced! And if I could I'd kill you all for what you've done to wolves and wolf land!" She snarled with venom dripping in the words. Again came his fist straight into her nose it hurt like playing darts with needles and Rain screamed in the pain.

She felt his cold hand grab her face and slam it into the wall behind her.

"Where I come from, your the monster under kids' beds, your our Grendel, the Butcherer of the Massacrer of Wolf Fang Pass, my father was in that battle! And my brothers! You bitch! You desecrated their bodies, you not only killed them but you made sure to spit in the eyes of their family!"

She groaned the pain subsiding a little. "And for what you did to the settlers at Stone creek I'd do it again!" She said firmly, feeling his fist smack into her again.

"Shaleshaska!" He yelled out. Someone must have grabbed him, to stop his rage Rain smirked showing bloody teeth. She knew that name, she'd heard it several times when going through neko lands back home. Man she wished she was back at that place right now, it would be a cold night their, and she'd be drinking smooth, smooth bourbon and her sisters would be smiling, and laughing...oh lord how she missed them...and she had since the very beginning... the western lands still called to her, and her heart still ached for the Land Of Fire.

Her day dream and sudden peace were broken by someone yanking her hair making her scream she felt them, the hands grab her long thin braid and she heard the scissors open and she heard them close, she struggled but found it in vain, she tried to flame up but couldn't summon the power..and she went on hearing the tool and her pride fall like feathers to the floor, the only thing louder was the laughter. She had never cut her hair, it was the pride of a Gunji, and that braid, it was the honor of a skilled warrior, she let the blackness take her and was out like a flame.

Say my name
I can hear you whisper
Not to blame?
You are going to blister
Scream in the night
Ive been counting the days
Its so amusing
To see you again

Her eyes opened slowly, thanking heaven above that there was very scarce light, scanned the room, she didn't feel much like fighting them, she didn't want to even see herself, or her shame, a shame that ran through her veins and stayed, and it welled up inside her like gazer, she didn't even have the energy to glare at them when they watched her, smiles plastered sickly on their faces. One of them laughed taking a big swing of her beloved Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey, she still couldn't smell it but oh wow she wanted too. He laughed and she glared at him, it was the one who'd she'd taken care of earlier.

He picked up a mirror pouring the whiskey on her face. Thats when she knew her forehead had a huge gash in it, it stung the fire out of her making her curse loudly. She watched him smirk as he lifted up the truth teller and closed her eyes shut never wanting to look upon her own dishonor. He only laughed harder forcing her eyes open.

"You sure are an ugly bitch!" He laughed, Rain knew that wasn't true, she was a fox in every since of the word but as she looked into her own green eyes, the tears threatened to fall at the sight of her almost gone once long and showed the pride of her people like all reds. She gazed at her reflection in horror and shame...deep rooted shame.

He laughed harder seeing her sadness like a bulls-eye in her emerald orbs.

"Your not so strong without an Army Shaleshaska !" He grinned knowing he'd won, he'd finally made his people's worst enemy fall to her knees before him he just wanted her to cry, he wanted to smell her salty tears and he wanted her to be so disheartened that she would beg him to end it.

Rain's heart pounded low in her ears... Hearing this fool cat...she WAS the Gunji army...they followed her orders without question because she was the strongest, and the heir of Apollo.

"I should have known an old bitch like you was nothing more then another weak blue blooded noble!" He laughed taking another swig of the tonic Rain wanted so much to taste.

That word... "Weak." Rain despised that word among all others, She wanted him to eat that word, she wanted to neko blood, she wanted to feel it staining her claws like ice cold water, she wanted to hear it splatter about as she tore into their bodies, to taste it to see it painted in the red color of her know she gave them painfully, gruesome deaths that none of them could ever imagine.

Have you got a gun
Do you remember well
Who dya use it on
Youre going to burn in hell

She snarled lunging at her captors like the rabid dog they were taught she was, eyes flashing from green to blue to pure red as she took on more of the wolf, her anger pooling up in her mind, flooding every deep dark corner of it until the chain was flung from the wall and she whipped the chain witch was connected firmly to her arms out at the first neko she just happened to lay eyes upon, the thick metal links bashing into his skull. Snapping her fist back she wound the chains around her fist, bashing her now heavy armored weapon into the face of the next dancing in the sound of his bones breaking and cracking under her continuous blows, loving the joyful music of their screams, blood fling up with their fur and flesh. She laughed happily, as her most primal, sadistic urges came out of her, she saw them try to run but she sent a huge mound of rock earth top block their last chance, they knelt, preying to their gods and she laughed the blood of their brethren splattered all about her, she laughed throwing her head back, spiting out a large red fountain, the very picture of neko spook stories.

One got stir crazy and tried to run, she snatched him up by his neck putting her arm around it she smiled licking his ear, toying with her new game, she whispered in his ear, tasting blood that trickled from his face.

"Burn..." With that he was a flame, she let him run about his voice that of a school boy before things drop as he batted about trying to stop the flames. only to watch him drop and die... such a lovely show. Others didn't get that lucky, one by one she tore them limb from limb.

Time to pay the price
I will
Have my sacrifice

"Tell me Boy do you feel dead?" She asked sinisterly holding a neko's heart he stared up at her trembling before her. Showing her fangs she grinned taking a bloody bite of the beating life giver. Fire in her fingertips she bent down to snatch up the liver... and with that same evil eat em and smile grin she made a feast of that too. There were no screams now...only hiding crying fools who believed in mercy. Hypocrite bastards she thought sniffing them out, making them pay... NO ONE DISHONORS FURY!!! Fury that was what they called the wolf and she liked was very...fitting.

Grabbing another by the foot ripping it from the knee she wallowed in pain as she grabbed her back slamming her head into the wall she slammed her fist into her neck, loving the way her blood pulled at her fist and dropped from her arm to an already red painted floor. She grabbed where the she neko's spine began and ripped hearing the screams of pain an agony only made the wolf higher...the bones cracked, popped and broke...ah music to the wolf's ears...until that is her new toy gave it up and left her with nothing to do but drop her and pounce on another trying to get away. She laughed at the woman pulling her hair to bring her neck up she stomped on her back, smelling blood from the torn scalp, feeling her foot hit the floor...Tearing the body away she failed to notice that some of these neko had actually hit her she was bleeding her old wounds reopened, the new just gushing out as fast as it could.

She still failed to notice but what did catch her eye was the leader... the first to talk but last to die...good she wanted to save the best for last... its like when you eat m&ms you save your favorite color for last to devour. Seeing him sneaking through a window she ran to catch him, which didn't take much turning him around she punched him in the face.

With fear
I am getting near
Time to eat some fire

"Whats My name bitch!" She screamed at him kicking him as hard as she could. He stuttered backing away in a fear that she could smell, oh wait that was his urine...silly me. Hearing nothing but the chattering of his teeth she grabbed him up from his golden hair.

"Fucking cat!" She screamed again in rage punching him right below his ribs. "MY NAME!" she screamed bashing his face into the door nob, his blood running to join the others. "You cats think you can fuck with your betters!" She screamed tossing him on the floor not really caring if he was dead or not jumping to straddle his stomach she punched into his chest, and again and again, blood and skin flying up with the scraps of bone and tissue. She screamed.

Zeek had seen it all...he was almost to afraid to go near her... but she needed to stop before the cops came... he was so scared for her...she hadn't come home the night before... so he tracked her up to this he wished he hadn't. So afraid to lose her he put a hand on her shoulder...

Have you got a gun
Do you remember well
Who'd ya use it on
Your going to burn in hell

"Rain you've got to st...op" He got out looking down at his stomach he couldn't believe it... falling to his knees he looked up at his killer.

"Rain." He muttered in pain, tears coming from his perfect but fading blue eyes. "Rain what have you done?" He cried blood leaking from the corners of his mouth. "Why?" He cried weakly his hands going to touch the arm that impaled him.

Slowly the wolf faded and Rain was left alone... her eyes faded back to green and she knew what she had done...she bent down with him...her breath short she sobbed harshly holding him afraid to remove her arm for fear he'd bleed out faster

"Oh Zeek...I'm so sorry..." She cried holding him to her, kissing his bloody lips she tired to keep him with her, clinging to his massive dying form. "Zeek, Don't leave me!" She cried. "Zeek I love you...I love you! Oh Gods I love you...don't go...don't leave me alone..." She weeped cradling him to her her chest. "Oh Zeek, I never wanted it to be like this... love ...don't go." she said kissing his temple.

Zeek coughed and blood was coming faster, he weeped. "Rain...its getting cold." he got out his eyes half leaded. "Its so cold." He muttered. Rain laid her head on his chest knowing there was nothing she could do she cried and cried. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She chanted knowing he was gone... she just said it over and over until she was taken to the black, darkness of sleep.

Burn in hell
I can hear you whisper
Burn in hell
You are going to blister

Banjin, the very old bat demon sighed looking down on the long lost leader of the pack, he shook his head knowing in full the sins that came with losing control...Rain had such a fragile grip on the wolf, Fury he heard her name said back in Japan, since Youko the fox had been gone...he understood that too, loss was that hard to deal with... loss was forever...and the loss of love well it took more then took part of your mind and part of your heart, perhaps even a bit of ones soul.

These neko had attacked her and stole away her pride...he was happy that they had paid with their lives, still he heard the fox cry over the man that died by her claws...and it wasn't worth the heartache she'd go through. Growling he took to doing the only thing he knew to do... he had been told to talk to Snow if he found anything...he had found her months ago...the fox deserved her peace...and from the smell of things...she would need it still...

Taking out a long knife he set forth beheading the dead neko, putting them in a bag he attached a note and sent them via portal to Snow...she would hopefully know what to do.

The note read.

"This is what happens to those who offend a Gunji. Had I been here before her rage, I'd have killed them myself."

Picking up the fallen Rain he had a hard time taking her from the man...still he got him buried marking the grave he burnt the rest of the bodies...with the work done he took Rain to a hospital, where upon arriving he threatened the owner, snatching him up by his shirt, lifting him high from the floor his feet were accustomed to.

"You will get me a room and a doctor who will keep his mouth shut and do as I will give me a room with a crib... and you will leave me and my sister be...understand." The man nodded and soon Banjin was standing in the darkest corner of the room standing guard over Rain who was hooked up to machines and receiving meds every few hours. Later Shin, the dragon who Rain had called little brother arrived to assist the grumpy bat...together they watched, guarded and waited for a sign that she would wake up.


Zeek and Rain had just gotten into a fight like lovers often do, but this time she didn't look back before walking out the door, nor did she cry jumping on her bike. She figured this time she was leaving, going home was a painful thought...not only was she afraid to face Youko's haunting memory, she was afraid to face her had been three years, three long years, but happiness had come in the form of the greatest man second to her Fox King...second...did he know he was second in her heart? Did he know she dreamed of him on full moon nights and called out his name in wanton passion...yes...Zeek knew...Zeek knew, but bless his soul he loved her, even if she didn't deserve it he loved her.

All this said and done she was running again, the east coast did sound like a beautiful thing...and she could still run her that was where she was headed. Stopping at a bar she ignored the whispering of a few neko, she didn't mess with them they don't mess with her...she loved that rule in the states. But maybe she should have, after a long night of drinking more then she had in years she practically crawled to the bike only to black out and awake to dishonor to the faces that made this a nightmare. She was beaten, but they all got what they deserved each and every one of them felt death at the wolf's hands...but still the ruthless of the attack made her want to craw under a rock. Then she saw him...her love fall bloody at her feet. He spoke her name as blood stained his chin. His eyes glared up at her in disbelief.

"Why Rain...Why would you kill me?" He coughed out accusingly. She cried.

"No...It was an accident...I didn't mean..." She stuttered falling to her knees before him.

"You killed me! I loved you so much...and you killed me." He snarled at her, evil intent in his eyes.

Snarl like a dog
Youll scream like a banshee
Stuck like a hog
Your gonna love me


She woke up screaming in the night snapping the bat and the dragon out of their funk...they rushed to her, Shin holding a red haired Fuzz ball in a blue blanket. They asked her questions about her name, her homeland, her sisters finally her age all answered with ease . Looking around she caught sight of what Shin had been holding...She decided to ask.

"Who's the kid?"

Shin smiled placing him in her arms.

"He's your son Little Red...I call him Fuzzy and bat breath calls him Brat but you have to name him." Said he. She glared at him.

"How long have I been out?" She said not really believing him.

"About 11 months now...he was born four months ago, August 5th ." Banjin answered with a smirk he tried to hide.

Rain peered down at the boy who had his fathers eyes and markings... he was hers alright. Rain kissed the boy's forehead.

"Your my little bear aren't you?" She spoke to him. "I bet your gonna be tall like your daddy and just as good looking." She said a tear coming to her eye. She held the little bear to her, his bright red hair thick and in gravity defying strands upon his head. She sighed feeling him wrap his hand around her fingers, his eyes squinted together in thin lines on his face. He was so small, and so fragile... but he was Zeek's son... all she had of her love...a perfect clarification of her love for the man...she only wished he was here...but he would never see his little fire bear...she had robbed that from him.

Banjin sighed watching them, going forth to remove her attachments to the machines. He packed the things he'd bought for the child and threw it into a sack.

"We're going..." He grunted. "We're going to Japan weather you like it or not..." He said to her. She eyed him, studding him for weakness in resolve. He showed none.

"And You think I would want to go home why?" She asked with a snarl looking up to her 'brother'. Banjin only glared, he couldn't believe the coward the fox had become. Shin with a sigh stepped up.

"Rain...when is it gonna be time to stop running?" He asked resting his hand on the little ones head, gently letting his fingers smooth the silk like hair.

"Sister, its time to go home... you've hit the end of the road, there is no place else to run...please lets just go home. You've got responsibilities to the pack and to your people." He took the baby up in his arms. She looked away knowing he was right.. it was time..but what would the girls say when she just showed up after the years...would they and her sons even what her back? Would her people still want her...she had a lot to repent for.

Breaking her from her thoughts Banjin snorted.

Burn in hell
I can hear you whisper
Burn in hell
You are going to blister
Burn in hell
Screaming like a banshee
Burn in hell

"Pathetic fox...maybe those neko were right to take your don't deserve it."

Rain's eyes bled through, and the gate broke again... soon enough her claws were around the bat's neck, he chuckled seeing her in her angered state. The fox he knew was back.

"Ignorant bastard! How dare you speak to me like filth!" She yelled. He laughed louder.

"You are filth!" He said only to feel her punching him, he stumbled hitting a mirror that shattered with a boom.

The baby cried, his shout breaking through to her ears and to her heart, dropping the bat where he stood she ran to him, holing her to her kissing his brow.

"Shhh. Its alright..." She whispered. Thinking about it, there was no better place to raise her son then with the pack at the bar...she sighed. "Lets go home." With that the four of them were on the next plane to Japan and walking through the portal into the Makai...

Home...she smelt it all around her, even if the sky had opened up to give a cold harsh rain to the soaked her to the bone but she loved it... Makai made her fill happy to be alive..


Reaching the bar she walked in, her head down, baby in her arms...the picture of her bar was that of Ahriman playing with a child not much older then her own son and Snow...her best friend glaring at her, walking toward her The neko lady had nothing but anger in her eyes. Pulling back her fist she was about to hit her best friend and sister when she saw something stir in the woman's arms. Looking down she was greeted by the sleeping child. His brilliant red hair and happy sleeping face made her smile. "You have some fucking explaining to do, all three of you."

Rain's eyes meet the neko's. "Is my dojo still intact? If so can we take this in there?" Snow nodded before speaking to them both.

"I'm sure Zel would be willing to watch the child. One of many things you will tell me about." Snow said to the two that were before her. Banjin was coming around at this time and to think it only took him sixty years. Snow and he had talked a few times over the last few years but that is because he was often sent with messages from Reikai. Koenma was still tracking down Youko for her. Snow wanted to know where that spirit kitsune fled too because she wanted to ring his neck. If he wanted to play dead, he was going to be dead.

Banjin, Shin, Rain and Snow walked into the dojo as Zel tended to infant Ousen. Snow walked in and flipped on the lights. The place was used by Rain's children and some times Snow if she was here but Ombre left her little me time. "Talk." Snow said a perfect copy of Rain during her mobster days.

"There really isn't much to say. I'm sure you know how children are brought into this world. From the look on Ahriman's face I'm assuming that the child you handed him was yours." Rain turned away from the neko and took a whole of two steps before her friend spoke.

"Gunji, you selfish bitch! You're not the only one hurting, you aren't the only one feeling this pain. How dare you act as though you are the most important person on the face of the earth and act like this has only effected you?" Snow said as her ridged body showed her anger, her fist were clinched, her claws were biting into her palm causing blood to freely run down her fingers and drip to the floor below. The storm and rain pounded the roof causing a steady back round noise. "Now tell me what I want to know, damn it!"

"Is that a challenge neko?" Rain said turning to her best friend and rival. The kitsune was now in the neko's face glaring at her just as her friend did the same. "I haven't had a good fight in years. Show me if you still got it."

Rain didn't smirk like the old days but slipped into a very American type of stance, showing just how much time there she spent. "Show me that I am still a warrior...and I will give you your answers."

Snow glared at the kitsune. This was her friend, yet the woman was acting different, three years weren't but the blink of an eye to an immortal but they changed her best friend so much. "From what I've gather, you've been acting like a warrior over seas." Snow's stance wasn't new but wasn't the same old same old either. The two best friends and rivals had been polar opposites from day one. "I will get my answers. So who's making the first move?"

She stretched taking a big whiff of the air around her, and it made her smile to her friend. "I don't even remember it..." She took a deep breath and charged her friend.

Dropping her concealment spell so her tails could help with her balance, Snow was ready for the kitsune's attack. Having Shikamaru around lately has made her think ahead. Sparring with him could be a bitch other wise. He could never defeat her but he could give her a run for her money. Watching her opponent closely she read her movements and started several branched out plans to help her defeat the kitsune.

Rain started with a flamed kick hopefully to the gut, she knew if she drew blood on the neko there would be problems. The wolf was still very angry and just the scent of the neko's blood could cause her to come out and kill her.

Showing no fear even as the flaming leg was headed to her stomach Snow waited for it and caught it using both arms she held it to her. "Now, now little kitsune. You have to do better than that."

Rain smirked at her caught leg. "You're right Koneko. What was I thinking?" She snarled before hoping on the free leg and slamming her foot into the side of her friend's head.

Her head being forced to the side Snow flipped Rain free from her hold. Stepping back into her stance she smirked at the kitsune. "Now that's the Rain, we know and love."

Rain laughed landing on her feet little ways away. She hadn't laughed like that in ages it felt and she dropped her stance, smiling to her friend. "Koneko Imuto I think, I will give you those long as you don't think it weak of me.." She ran a hand through her short hair.

It was then that Snow noticed Rain's short hair, she had other things on her mind then her sister's appearance. Rain looked so different to the neko but still so much the same woman that she stole from mobsters with and sparred because they were too stubborn to just call it a draw. For some reason flashes of the neko's heads that were at her door came to her. "Rain, I know you. You're not weak…if you ever were it would kill you." The lady from the North East's brain was littered with questions but she would wait for Rain to tell the story.

She sighed. "Who knew there was life without Youko? While I was traveling I fell hard for Ousen's father, he was my rock...he helped me through Youko's passing, he helped me be strong again…" There where tears welling up in Rain's eyes again and she shook her head to stop them. "He wanted to know about me...but I kept pushing him away." She chuckled sadly sitting down. "That night we'd gotten into an argument...he wanted to see where I came from, but I wasn't ready to face you all...I wasn't ready to face the smell of where Youko slept...I still love that fucking fox...just like I love bourbon and I love to fight. Well I left and was attacked after some asshole slipped something in my drink...those neko beat the shit outta me..." Anger flared at the words as her fist clinched. "They dishonored me...cut my hair and stripped me of the honor of a Gunji warrior...I killed them all, every single one, but that stupid fool Zeek...even after all those stupid things I said he came to find me...he tried to make me stop...but...but...I killed him too..."

Snow's eyes started to water then she began to cry. "I'm so sorry. Rain…" Snow's statement went unsaid, if she hadn't told Zeek that Rain was wanted back home, if she hadn't been selfish her friend wouldn't have had to lose a second lover in such a short time period. "Rain I was informed about the neko. Their heads were taken to their village where the rest of their supporters were taken in and executed. They were planning a war, you took out their leaders before they could move on with those plans."

Rain smiled walking up to her friend. "Its ok...Zeek was right I should have come home a long time ago... Damnit I missed you guys..." Tears of joy welled in her eyes and she hugged her sister. "Please tell me you still drink...please tell me you forgive this old general...I want my family back Koneko..." She admitted...this had to be their first hug...but still it was something the fox needed...then she would hug Zel, and Dark, and Tsurai and she would see Isaac and her sons and hug them and she would shake Kaden's hand.

"I still drink…all though not a much as I did. Being pregnant tends to drop me out that habit." Snow said thinking to the last time she was pregnant. Carrying Mana was different than carrying Ombre. The girl almost killed the neko and she found the reason was that the child wasn't around her father enough. Snow should have been drinking a small amount of Sesshomaru's blood each night or at least had him hold her and share some of his youki with his mate and child.

Coming back to the present Snow spoke again after running her hands through her hair fluffing up it a bit with a sigh. "Rain, you left us but we didn't leave you. You're wanted back here, you and your son."


(( Within the markers -o- is in fact the words of Snow..I hold no claim to it...))

Rain: Its finished YAY! And thank you Snow for the help...but not for the deadline...It's 3:00 in the PM and I need some sleep.