HI readers and reviewers!
Just to say thanks to VGMaster04 and Cyborgrockstar for reviewing.
AH! I helped your porcupine army! Doom is one step closer to us all!
Hey Starry Sun!
Finally I get an anonymous user to review!
I'm really glad you liked this story andI hope you read my idea that is now becomeing a story.
Sorry if i didn't answer your reviews from preveous chapters because they came late.
I have another story that needs writing so I'm just going to put the last two chapters together.
Chapter seven (and eight): So it ends.
"Remind me again why Tyson is leading us?" asked Kai.
At the moment they were hiking through the mountains in search of a castle that they all had doubts existed.
Tyson was leading them from a slip of paper that he claimed had directions from Santa Clause on them.
While Kai was wondering if the priest was still slightly drunk to have let Tyson lead them the answer was no.
Drunk people don't put up a good argument for what they do.
The fact was that the priest had a load of money that he didn't have before and couldn't exactly remember where he got it from.
A foggy memory gave the mind images of fat men and dead reindeer.
"We're letting him lead because we know he's an idiot and if we let him lead and fail it will effectively crush any hope he has and let us search efficiently."
That was the same argument he'd given every time Kai had asked.
"And they let you be a priest why?"
"I myself am still wondering why they let me join."
"Why did you want to join?"
"I have no memory except that of waking up with a big hangover while some older guy was reading some oath to me from a book."
"oh. That explains a LOT."
"What's Tyson stopping for?"
Tyson had indeed stopped at the top of a hill.
"I found it!" He said while falling down on his knees. "Thank God I found it! Now Santa doesn't have to kill me!"
"Kai, next time don't give Tyson so much alcohol to drink."
Kai, Ray, and the priest walked up beside Tyson to stare down at a castle.
(Kai) "He actually found it!"
(Priest) "Crap! All right Ray here's your money."
(Ray) "Money!"
Ten minutes later they had climbed down to the castle and were at the big door.
"Tyson, you got us here so you knock."
"No way Kai! I say that Ray knocks since he is the reason we had to go on the whole trip."
"Tyson has a point Kai."
"Everyone's against me!"
"Yup, and I agree with the other two Ray. It's your fault we're here so you knock."
At that moment the doors creak open to show a big hall way that goes on for a long while.
"Ray, you go first."
"I second that."
"I third it."
"Fine, be that way!"
They all walk along behind Ray for a few minutes until a trapdoor opens under Kai, Tyson, and the priest.
Maniacal laughter goes around the hall while Ray wildly looks for where they went.
Where they went was a good question.
They had fallen into a triangular room separated by glass so that each of them got an equal share of the room.
By some freak chance of fate Tyson had a microphone and speakers.
"God help us."
Then Kai noticed he had a gun in his room.
"Hey, how does God feel about suicide?"
The priest looked over and saw Kai had a gun.
"He does not encourage it, but under the current circumstances I'm sure he'll understand."
"You want me to shoot you first?"
"No. I believe in facing death."
Then the speakers gave a screech as Tyson tried to sing in a high pitched voice.
"But since God may understand maybe if we sit with our backs against the same wall we can both die with the same bullet so no one can say it was murder."
They sat there for a minute until Kai pulled they trigger.
Then the priest opened one eye.
"dammit it didn't work."
He stood up and looked down at Kai.
"At least one of us made it."
With Ray…Ray had made it to the end of the hall where there was a big double door.
He hesitated a moment then pushed it open.
Blinding light flooded out and a voice said from the inside "Welcome Ray…"
With the others…Kai was in a black tunnel.
He could see the light at the end and thought oh my God they're letting me into heaven.
He moved towards the light and heard a song echoing towards him.
HE frowned.
The voice sounded strangely like Tyson.
And since when did angels sing…
Kai groaned and got up off his position on the floor.
How could it not work?
Then he saw.
The gun had a BANG! Flag sticking out of it.
He turned to where the priest was.
"You know when they say, Don't go towards the light? They really mean DO NOT GO TOWRADS THE LIGHT."
With Ray…"Welcome Ray."
Ray looked around a big hall (once he got used to the light) to see all the big beyblading teams standing there.
The All Stars, the Majestics, the White Tigers, and Max, Kenny, Tala, and Hilary.
The other Demolition Boys weren't there but that wasn't a loss at all.
Ray stared at them.
Robert walked up to him.
"This is your birthday, remember? We set this whole thing up as a surprise party for you!"
"What about the Vampire business?"
"Oh. We got my uncle to do that. He really is a vampire and he even thought it all up."
"Your uncle?"
"well he is really my great-great-great-great-great.."
"sorry I asked."
Then a man walked forward to Ray.
"Sorry for all the trouble it took to get you here but they wanted to surprise you."
"you're not really out to kill me?"
"Well," his voice dropped to a whisper, "I was really going to kill you all but then I saw what you guys have to put up with every day."
With that he pointed to a TV screen that showed Tyson singing, Kai huddled up in a corner with his hands over his ears rocking back and forth, and the priest banging his head against a glass wall.
"we're getting this recorded!" Kenny shouted.
Ray turned to look at all the people there.
"I have been through hell for the past Two weeks to get to this party so let me say one thing. I better get some awesome gifts from all you guys."
Hope you liked it because I know I did.
Please review.
Also look up the story Virtual Prison in a week or two since I will probably have it up.
I don't get to read stories often so don't worry if you don't get reviews from me to often.
Also to Beymistress05:
I have another idea for any more BBA Switch stories you come up with.
Switch Mariah and Hilary and have a formal dinner or something come up and Hilary wants Mariah (who is in Hilary's body) to wear a dress.
Conversation about that:
"Hilary, this dress makes my butt look big."
"Oh, I'm sorry. This dress makes YOUR butt look big."