Here's the sequel to Through a Killers memories.
This story is just supposed to be humor.
And I'm not writing this at 3 am
gasp The world is ending!(What a great story that would make)
Chapter One Plane ride from hell
Ray sat banging his head against a window three thousand feet up in the air in the first class seats of a flight to Germany.
He, Kai, and Tyson and his friend were going to Germany because of a threat, sent by vampires, to fly there or get killed.
Unfortunately the tickets were for four window seats.
Ray sat by the window with Kai next to him and Tyson next to him and Tyson's friend on the end.
Now if Ray or Kai wanted to get out they had to go by Tyson.
They had argued about where everyone would sit before they got on but it hadn't helped.
Tyson had somehow gotten between Kai and ray and the way away from him (Ray was now regretting that he hadn't let Kai put Tyson with the baggage) and so they were stuck with Tyson's singing.
He'd just finished an annoying song about a toad named Tom.
Now came one of the rare pauses for breath.
"Hey Ray if you keep that up you'll just knock yourself out," said Tyson.
With that thought in his head Ray started hitting it harder.
Tyson shrugged and turned to Kai.
Kai was sitting there typing into his laptop.
"Watcha doing Kai?"
"Typing to my pen pal."
"Oh. How is…Grettel?…Hansel?… whatever the pals name is."
"I don't know since I never have one for more than a few days."
"What? I thought you mailed stuff to them and doesn't that take months?"
"Yes but I'm e-mailing them and they say that they don't like my personality. Really they are just too busy or not busy enough."
Tyson just nodded.
"So what number is this one?"
"Fifty-six. Oh wait I'm now on fifty-seven. They just said they don't want to be pen pals any more."
Ray stopped banging his head against the wall because it gave him a headache and there was no need to be knocked out since Tyson wasn't singing.
He looked in Kai's general direction (He couldn't see that well through the splotches of color that was the result of the head banging).
"How long ago did you start getting penpals?" he asked.
"Well…threemonthsandfourdays. Oh and I'm more to the left."
Ray tried to sort out what Kai had said and turned his head to far to the left and banged into the seat.
"That many in so little time You must go through penpals faster than Tyson through candy!"
Seeing that this wasn't getting to an interesting point Tyson began to say an annoying repetitory sentence.
"Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room a rubber room. With rats. Rubber rats. I hate rats, they drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once…"
Ray started to bang his head some more and Kai turned to him with an accusing stare.
"I told you we should have put him in Baggage."
Then the man in front turned to stare at Ray.
"Could you please stop that banging? And tell thew idiot to quit talking."
Kai froze when he turned to look at the man and then hid his face behind his laptop.
Tyson quit talking to stare at the guy but Ray kept on banging.
"Whoa what happened to you?"
The man was short and pudgy with brown hair and lots of bruises on his face along with some long cuts and what looked like bite marks.
The guy turned to stare at Tyson.
"I was ambushed off duty by some punk with a spinning top. He stole my gun and taser and launched the top thing at me. Then he tasered me and I fell in the river and a snapping turtle got me. Spent three weeks in the hospital and then he ambushed me again and did the same thing. Luckily we got an accomplice and locked him up but we had to release him for lack of evidence of his involvement."
(DM: Stupid cops grabbing the wrong people. I had nothing to do with this!)
Tyson looked at him thoughtfully.
"You wouldn't happen to be from Cincinnati, would you?"
Kai silently prayed to whatever higher powers there were that Tyson would shut up and not mention him.
"Yes I would. And when I find that punk I'll put him in the big house for life."
"Well Kai I guess you better move seats so you don't get thrown in jail."
Kai stiffened.
Stupid higher powers that never listened.
Kai made a break for the end seats while the cop tried to get up.
As he ran out of first class his one thought was that it was only two more hours before they landed.
To Be Countinued…
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