This is my first fic, so be nice. I really didn't know what to put this under, so I figured General would be safe. Don't sue me if it's not.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundum Wing. I do own this story and any OCs.

This first Chapter is really dry... and boring... don't base your reviews on the Prologue. But do review, that would be nice.



" Into the arms of the brother were we born, and into the arms of the sister will we die."

A Shinigami Phrase

When a being dies, they are sorted into different places. Mortals move on; not even the immortals know what happens after that. Immortals become spirits that reside in Death's Hall, to wait for a time when they are needed. Should that time come, they are allowed to guide and even give limited assistance to those who would make a difference. But there is a third option.


Powerful, strong, fast, deadly beings whose former lives were devoted to making a difference. When they died, they were given three choices, the third being to become one of the shadow walkers.

Shinigami. Death's assassins. Death's assassins, because they are strictly forbidden to kill unless they have Death's or his daughter's permission.

When a candidate dies, Gami – the second oldest Shinigami – meets them in a place in between life and death. He offers them a second life – a life in service to Death. If they accept, then that is what they become - Shinigami. If not, then they move on.

There are more or less three people who have some form of control over the Shinigami, who are generally wild. Those three are Death, Kitten - Death's daughter - and the Lady Shina. Shina is the most powerful and the oldest of the shadow walkers. She is also the first Shinigami, made so by himself and not by Gami.

When a Shinigami dies, or is about to die, then they attempt to make it to wherever the Eldest is. While they may die by the hand of another, she releases their souls from the restraints placed on them by Gami and Death. Then they either move on or go to the Hall - their choice.

However, Should either Shina or her brother Gami die, they are reborn, because they were made into Shinigami by Death himself, made so by his anger at the murder of a mother and her child. When they are reborn, they are reborn as Shinigami - not as beings that are going to become Shinigami. Shina remembers her past lives, but unless she or Death wills it Gami will not.

Duo Maxwell watched the sun set over the sea, trying to ignore the feeling that something was missing.


See? very dry. But it is my hope that this chapter will make things easier for the readers to understand.

If you have questions, ask me in the reviews, and I will try my best to answer them.

Oh, and flames are acceptable, if not exactly loved.
