First off, I do not own Chrono Trigger. This is obvious, but I'm required to mention it anyway or something.

Second, yes – this is a new introduction. The old one really didn't make sense anymore, considering I wrote it in a hurry to get on with writing, and it was a couple of years outdated. Plus, I was embarrassed every time I had to read it because it screamed "noob." Thus, the new and improved introduction.

Thirdly, reviews: I will make it no secret that I beg for reviews. But I don't care about my review count – I want good reviews. Praises and flames are not good reviews, and even "ConCrit" can be unhelpful. If I'm asking for reviews, I want something very specific, i.e. "x worked because" or "y did not work because…" you get the picture. Just saying "You're great" or "You suck" isn't helpful, and I didn't ask for you to increase my review count or inflate or attack my ego. I asked for help on a specific part of the story because I can't work in a vacuum. That said, thanks to those whose reviews actually inspired change.

Fourthly (that is an underused word, "fourthly," but I digress), this is what you'd call a "novelization" of the game. But this is not simply a retelling of the events in the game, nor a re-playing of it with words. I will adhere to the specific, most important events of the game, but long story short, I'm giving you a tip on how not to review. Don't say "I like the off-script stuff" or "You suck because your story isn't exactly like the game." You're wasting your time and mine. I know it's different. Why does it or does it not work?

Last, the author notes at the end of most chapters: you don't have to read them. In fact, skip every single one except for the most recent. All the others are outdated now, and when I edit the story, they will disappear. They are only there if I have a specific requirement for reviews, or if I'm relating news about my life that will affect updates. So the author notes for the first few chapters, for example, don't make any sense anymore and look silly now.

Now that the disclaimers are taken care of:

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And when the darkness falls,

And evil comes to destroy the earth,

There will come from the South,

A man who will be called a hero,

He will have around his neck the medallion of the Sun

To prove he is who was called,

And in his hand will be a sword of fire

To strike the enemy and undo him forever.