Author's Note: I can't beleive I've let my Lizzie McGuire obsession extend to a point where I'm writing fanfiction. It hurts...but it hurts soooo goood! Anyway, when you're reading this, keep in mind this is NOT a Gordo/Miranda fic. Well, not totally. Not completely. Sort of. Just, for all of your L/G fans, there will be plenty of that, worry not. Either-or, enjoy the fic.

The sound of a heart changing is strange. Some might say it makes no sound at all, and the change strikes you with no inkling of it taking place. Others might say it was more of a feeling than a sound, like the sense that the air had changed in a room. Others still might say that it was a small sound, like a double beat, or some sort of squeak. Miranda, however, heard something along the lines of a deafening boom the moment her heart changed as she looked upon David 'Gordo' Gordon that fateful day.

There wasn't anything different, no defining features, that could have logically lead to a change like that. Gordo was sketching out a thought on a piece of paper, while Lizzie glanced over in intrigue. It wasn't something in his determined eyes that suddenly caused the alteration. It wasn't something in his face flushed with summer time heat. It wasn't something in his scruffy, bushy hair bouncing with every move of his arm. It wasn't anything in particular but suddenly, with a bone shaking magnitude, Miranda saw something in Gordo that she hadn't before; something she had no word to describe.

"Gordo..." She mumbled, in some sort of echo of that massive shock to her emotion. Gordo's pencil slowed and he cocked his head towards her's.

"Huh?" He blinked, looking into her eyes. Lizzie too turned to Miranda.

"Oh, uh..." She paused, "What're you working on there?"

"Just an idea for a new movie. I'm thinking romance and drama in a love triangle to shake the ages." Gordo said with great gusto.

"Oh, is that all?" Lizzie snickered, glancing at the paper, and pushing her gold locks behind her ear.

"And you fit it all on that little paper?" Miranda raised her eyebrows, to which Gordo just smirked.

"That's not all though. It'll have a happy ending, where everyone is happy. How do you think that sounds?" He asked the two, quite proud and confident in his tedious-turned plot idea.

"Insane." Miranda quipped, without skipping a beat.

"Yeah, c'mon Gordo, how can a love triangle have a real happy ending?" Lizzie said, giving David a skeptical look.

"I..." He paused "have no idea."

"I'm not surprised." Miranda said, rolling her eyes.

"There's gotta be some way..." Gordo bit his lower lip and stared intently at his paper.

Miranda's eyes scanned over his driven expression. Her hard face softened, as she thought about the quick comments she had made not a moment before. "If there's anyway to do it Gordo, you'll figure it out." She spoke finally. Gordo turned again to meet Miranda's stare, his eyes somewhat widened.

"Thanks Miranda." He said honestly, nodding his head slightly.

"Yeah, I mean, with the problems you've helped me out of, you can figure this one out." Lizzie added in. "By the way Gordo, how long are you going to grow your hair out?"

"Yeah, it's like a shag rug on your head." Miranda said, tugging on a piece of it.

"Huh? Oh, don't you like it? I think it looks better longer." He pushed one hand through his bushy locks, making one side of his hair stick strait up. Lizzy and Miranda both couldn't help but stare and giggle at his frenzied follicles. "...Guys? What's wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing, it's just...well, here, take a look." Miranda laughed as she dug through her purse, looking for a mirror. "Hmm, I could swear I had a compact in here."

"Oh! I have one!" Lizzie squealed, pulling one out, rather quickly from her purse. Miranda couldn't help but stare at her friend's bubbly carriage at breakneck speed.

"Huh...well, it is a little uneven." Gordo looked at his head from different angles in the mirror. He pushed back the other side so it was all ablaze with wooly wonderment. "Much better."

Lizzy sighed, the corners of her lips picking up slightly, as she slowly nodded her head. "You're amazing, you know that Gordo?"

"Yeah, if amazing means a total nut." Miranda said, again, without missing a beat.

"Ah c'mon Miranda, you know you looooove him." Lizzy teased. Miranda's world stopped for a split second. Love? Was that the word?

Yes, yes, the sound of a heart changing is an enigma in itself. Perhaps the answer lies not in the description or quality of the sound, but from where it came; or rather, from who. Still, we can't base judgements solely on a single persons heart. Lizzie, perhaps, is who's heart needs to be heard.