It had been at least ten minutes from their invasion of zombies. Maia sighed, still panting, and shut her eyes.

"This was NOT a good idea!" Matt cried angrily.

"We have to find him!" Katie cried frantically. She gripped Hailey's hand.

"Okay, okay, stop," Maia said, as the two continued to yell. "C'mon, STOP!"

"Jeez, okay, I'll stop," Matt said, raising his arms defensively. Then there was an awkward silence.

"What was that?" Hailey asked, breaking the silence. She let go of Katie's hand. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Maia asked, suddenly alert.

"What?" Donald asked, frowning.

"That noise!" Katie asked, turning around. She gasped.


"Oh, great," Tom mumbled, hiding behind a car. He poked his head out to the side, noticing that the zombies had stopped walking. "Why the hell did they stop?"

Then that's when he heard it.



"People!" Kate cried in disbelief.

"Real, actually alive people!" Matt cried, his mouth in a giant 'O'. "Yes, w-we're SAVED!"

"Yahoo!" Hailey cried happily, clapping her hands. Maia immediately started to run to the truck with sirens, with everyone following her.

"Hey!" she yelled, waving her arms desperately. She was eager to get the peoples' attention. "Hey, HELLO?"

"Yay, they stopped!" Katie cried, finally smiling again. The car door opened and a woman came out.

"Survivors?" she asked, creasing her eyebrows in confusion. "Y-You guys are survivors?"

"Yeah!" Hailey said, grinning.

"...But we're still looking for someone!" Maia said, finally remembering Tom.

"Oh, yeah," Matt mumbled.

"Who?" the woman asked. "And where?"

"You mean you'll help us?" Donald asked. The woman nodded.

"Me and a few folks in the truck are here to help. That's why we're roaming around the freaking city in a truck. To help," she explained, shrugging. "Now get in, before those creeps become serious again."

"What do you mean?" Kate asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The sirens," the lady said, pointing to the sirens on the top of the truck. She gestured for them to hurry. "Now get in!"

"Thank you!" Matt said, climbing in.

"What does this person look like?" she asked. Maia began to think hurriedly.

"Uh, blond-ish hair, which is messy, he's wearing normal clothes, too," Maia said, shrugging.

"We'll find him," the woman assured.

"Yeah, how hard is it to tell the difference of a zombie and a normal guy?" one of the other survivors joked, chuckling. Maia cracked a smile, but inside she wasn't sure what to feel.

"Wait. Who's that?" someone asked, sitting up in the passenger seat. Everyone turned their attention to where the man was pointing. "That him?" He pointed to a man looking up at the truck in disbelief, a hand on his injured arm. Maia's eyes widened and she gasped.

"Tom!" she cried happily. "T-That's him!"

"TOM!" Katie cried, jumping hurriedly out of the back of the truck. "TOM!"

"Katie...!" Tom said, looking at her as if they hadn't seen each other in forever. "Oh my god, it's you! It's YOU!"

"TOM!" Katie cried, throwing her arms around him, speechless of what to say. Maia also hurriedly jumped out of the back of the truck.

"Tom, y-you're alive!" she cried, her jaw dropping open. She didn't know what to feel. Startled, shocked, or happy. She thought she felt all three. She ran up to him and hugged him happily. Katie looked at Hailey as she walked out of the truck and smiled at her, waving.


Seven years later, Katie looked at her brother, Tom, her new mom, Maia, and her new sister, Hailey. Placing her journal away, she sighed happily and asked aloud, "So, who wants to go trick-or-treating?"