A/N: Finally the epilogue to this story. Stupid writer's block.
Tim lifted his head off his pillow slightly, hearing giggles and footsteps outside his bedroom door. He smiled and sat up, running a hand through his messy hair. He heard the mattress squeak and a warm hand was on his back.
"Thought you were leaving me." Calleigh drawled. Tim glanced behind him and gave her a lopsided smile.
"Me? Leave you? Never."
"Good." Calleigh smiled. "I guess we better let her in huh?"
"I suppose." Tim grinned, walking over to the door. He turned the doorknob and the door swung open, revealing a giggling Isabella.
"Daddy, shh... we sneaky." she said, pressing a finger to her lips.
"You're telling me to shh? You're the one laughing like a hyena. And who's we?"
"Me and Mowice."
"Who is Maurice?" Tim asked. He was hoping Bella had not let some stranger into the house and glanced out into the hallway.
"From Gascar."
"From Madagascar?" Tim glanced over his shoulder at Calleigh, who laughed. "Oh... the movie Madagascar?"
"Yep." Isabella flashed her father a bright smile and ran over to the bed and sat next to Calleigh. "Hi Momma."
"Hi baby. Did you sleep good?"
Bella nodded and plopped her head down on Tim's pillow.
"Hey, did you ever think that I'd want to go back to sleep?" he asked, sitting down on the other side of his daughter. "I was rudely awaken by your giggling. What's so funny anyway?"
"I dunno." Bella shrugged.
"So you were just laughing for no reason?"
"She's definitely your daughter." Tim said, looking at Calleigh.
"Bella two now!" Bella exclaimed. "Daddy, my birfday!"
"Today isn't your birthday." Tim laughed. "But today is someone's birthday..."
"Hmm..." Bella rolled over and gave Calleigh a big smile. "It's Momma's!"
"It is, isn't it." Calleigh said before Tim kissed her deeply. He leaned over and grabbed a box out of his night stand.
"Happy birthday baby."
"Thanks honey." Calleigh started to open the box and Bella ran out. "Oh Tim..."
"Don't say you shouldn't have because I did." he said, wrapping an arm around her and rested his head on her shoulder. "I saw it and knew it was for you."
"This must've cost you a fortune." Calleigh fingered the diamond necklace.
"Anything for you."
"It's gorgeous."
"Just like you." Tim murmured as Isabella ran back in.
"Birfday Momma!" she handed over a piece of paper. Tim buried his face in Calleigh's shoulder to stop from laughing.
"Thank you baby." Calleigh took the folded paper and opened it. "What is it?"
"Looks like nothing." Tim mumbled. Bella stood up and peered over her creation.
"Me," she pointed to a tiny green squiggly line, "you," she pointed to a blue squiggly line, "and Daddy."
Bella looked over at her father.
"Why am I purple?" Tim asked. Bella pointed to a big blob of orange and then a big blob of yellow. At the bottom of the page, was a tiny little stick of black and white.
"No colors left." she said sheepishly. "Look,"
She pointed to the orange blob again.
She pointed to the yellow blob.
"Mr. Sun."
Then to the black/white stick.
"Baby, we don't have a doggie." Tim said. Bella looked disappointed.
"It's okay." Calleigh gave Tim a look. "Baby, it's beautiful. Mommy loves it. Thank you. Did you make it at daycare yesterday?"
"Oh. You were busy then. Can you go hang it on the refrigerator for me?"
Bella shook her head, her dark curls bouncing.
"Why not?" Calleigh asked.
"No magnets."
"What happened to the magnets?" Tim asked.
"Can't reach."
Tim chuckled.
"Then put it on the table." Calleigh smiled. "When I come down I'll hang it up."
"Watch Boots?"
"Go ahead."
"No. Come wit me!"
"I'll be down in a minute." Tim reasoned. Bella sighed and crawled off her parents' bed.
"Come on Mowice." she held her hand out then walked out of the room. Tim looked at Calleigh.
"Imaginary friend." she said. "Do you know anything about raising kids?"
"No. I'm learning as we go." Tim smirked.
Calleigh looked away from the window when she felt Tim's arms slip around her.
"She's asleep."
"Okay." Calleigh leaned back into him and Tim kissed the side of her head.
"What's wrong?"
"You're a horrible liar."
"I'm just thinking." Calleigh mumbled.
"Yeah. I mean, I know it's stupid. It was two years ago."
"It's not stupid." Tim said quietly.
"Yes it is. I have to get over it."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do." Calleigh pulled out of Tim's arms and lay down. Tim got into bed as well and stared at the ceiling.
"You always think that you have to act invincible and seem like nothing phases you. Do that to everyone else but please don't do it to me."
Calleigh stayed quiet, knowing her husband had more to say.
"We've been married three years now and when something bad happens, when something isn't right, you don't tell me. You just keep all your opinions to yourself. That's not good."
"Since when did you turn into Dr. Phil?" Calleigh drawled, not rolling over. Tim sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his head on her arm.
"I didn't. You know, for those few years before I met you, I never talked to anyone about A.J. And it hurt keeping all of my... my feelings bottled up like that. I wanted someone to depend on and I couldn't even go to my parents for that. Then I met you and I finally felt like I could tell someone what was wrong and they wouldn't yell at me or tell me to grow up. I knew you'd be there for me and you have. I want you to feel that way too because I am here baby. Remember, I went through that those few weeks too." Tim kissed Calleigh's cheek. "I love you and I know that one day you'll finally open up to me and tell me all of those dark secrets."
Calleigh listened to Tim's breathing even out, indicating he was asleep and thought about what he had just said. One day, she definitely would open up to him.
the end