Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Pairing: Remus Lupin and N. Tonks

Note: So far (I've written 4 chapters), this story has basically no plot...it consists entirely of fluff. So read at your own risk. :)

Tonks knocked on the door. She waited patiently, but there was no response, so she entered. Remus Lupin lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with a strange look on his face. Tonks cleared her throat loudly. She watched as Remus sprang alive. He grasped the covers and brought them up to his neck, covering his bare chest. Tonks smiled brightly at him.

"Oh…hello, Nym—Tonks." Remus' face colored slightly.

"Good morning, Remus." Tonks plunked down beside him. "This is the first time I've been up before you. Molly was getting worried."

"I was just thinking…"

"Sure. Are you going to get dressed?"

"Well, yes…though I don't believe I would feel very comfortable with you in the room."

Tonks laughed. "I didn't mean right this minute. But I'll go if you want." She jumped up and seemed to change her mind as she flung herself back onto the bed.

Remus eyed her warily. "Perhaps it would be best."

"You know what I think?" Tonks crawled toward him.

Remus swallowed convulsively. "W-what?"

She was right next to him. "Dear, dear Remus. I don't think you appreciate me."

"Appreciate you?"

Tonks lay her head on his shoulder. "I'm a good friend, aren't I?"

Remus' eyes opened wide and he jumped out of bed. Tonks' head promptly landed on the headboard with a thud.

"Ow." Tonks rubbed her head.

Remus swung around immediately. "Oh…goodness…sorry." He leaned over Tonks and examined her forehead. There was silence while Remus moved a strand of hair out of the way and brushed against her skin. A tremor went through him and he straightened. "It doesn't appear to be bleeding. Are you all right? I shouldn't have—" Remus stopped when he noticed Tonks was staring at him. She had a goofy grin on her face.

"Oh, I'm fine now." Tonks sat up and hugged her knees. The grin disappeared and a slow smile took its place. "Under all that vintage clothing…I had no idea. Always such a nice, proper Englishman."

Remus looked worried. "Are you sure you're feeling all right?"

"Remus, you are toned!"

He looked taken aback. "Excuse me?"

"You have one hot body. Honestly, I'm surprised there aren't women swarming all over you!"

Remus coughed and realized with chagrin that he was standing in full view of a young woman while clad only in his bed trousers. He moved backwards a few steps. Tonks continued to survey him.

"Hey! Come back over here!"

Remus sighed and reluctantly approached the bed.

"Mmhmm…" Tonks jumped up and circled around him. Every now and again she would press her hands against his flesh and he would feel a sensation similar to a jolt of electricity. He grew very warm and his face began to color.

Finally, Tonks stopped in front of Remus. "Yes, indeedy." She smiled at him (and licked her lips? Or was he just imagining things?). "Too bad you don't have anything clingier on your bottom half. Hey! Do you happen to have any boxers?"

"Boxers?" Remus croaked.

"Yes. They're like shorts—"

"I know, yes. And…I do…have some." He said hesitantly. "But I do not believe this is entirely appropriate. I cannot—and will not—parade around you in nothing but boxers. Very indecent. What would Molly say? And for that matter, Sirius…? Good heavens! He'll kill me!"

Remus looked around the room frantically while Tonks pouted. His gaze landed on a bathrobe. In a matter of seconds he was well-covered.

Tonks sighed. "All my fun…ruined!"

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry." Remus took hold of Tonks' arms and wheeled her out of the door. "I'll see you at breakfast."

Tonks grinned. "Oh, definitely!" Full of spirit, she skipped down the stairs.

Remus' eyes didn't leave her until she disappeared into the kitchen.

A/N: Yep. There's the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it. After all, I enjoyed writing it. Comments and critique are welcome! They encourage me to write. :)