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*~*~Capturing London~*~*

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS or CC if I did I would be rich but I don't so don't sue.
The songs are owned by those who have rights. I don't own Friends

Hiya its animegirl18 back with another fic this time a CCS one
(BTW I like Card Captor Sakura not CC which is Card captors)

(Go easy it's my first)

After Sakura captures the 52 cards...
Syaoran and Meiling have gone back to Hong Kong...
Syaoran has not confessed his feelings...
Sakura and co. are in 7th grade...
A Raffle is held; Sakura and Tomoyo go to London...
Adventure and romance is just around the corner...

Anyway this fic is going to be about max 10 chapters
Its also going to be really exciting and action packed
Humor and Romance included
I might plan to get my readers more involved in this fic but
no choices have been made.

(Also I tried to add music to this fic) for this idea goes to:

OneWeirdMoNkEy! author of "A New Place"
Lovie-chan author of "An Exchange Student"

Both of u are wonderful authors and I thank you for inspiring me.
***this is the song***
~ is Sakura thinking
* actions
--- scene change

'Arigatou' = thank u


Chapter 4: ~Special!~ Double Dates

"Oh my not again" Sakura sat up in bed and hurried to get ready for school.
She rushed down to the kitchen to find Tomoyo eating rather slowly.

"Tomoyo what are you doing school starts in 5min. We are going to be super late"

Tomoyo glanced at Sakura who was rushing around gathering her homework.
Sakura stopped a sec and looked at her friend.
"Today is a Holiday, No school"
*Sweat drop*
"hehehe I knew that" Sakura said as she went up to her room to sleep more.

About 4 hours later, 10:30
Yawn. "That was a good nap" Sakura woke up and went down to see what Tomoyo
wanted to do today. But she was nowhere to be found. She decided to ask one
of the butlers.
"Excuse me. Do you know where my friend went?"

"Oh Ms. Tomoyo told me inform you that she will be out for the day and will return for dinner."
"WHAT! Tomoyo went out!" Sakura fumed.

She had no clue what to do. She had no means of getting around, she didn't know the city
well enough to go out on her own.

(Sakura's POV)
I guess I'll just walk around the block, that way I won't get lost.
I put on my shoes and closed the door after informing the butler that I was leaving for awhile.

Meanwhile at the park...
Tomoyo was waiting for Eriol by a bridge. She looked out at her reflection.
"Hey Tomoyo long time no see" a manly voice spoke from behind her.

Tomoyo turned around and commented on how beautiful the park was.
"Yes it has been here for 30 years"

They decided to take a walk and catch up on times before heading to eat lunch.
"So how have you been?" Eriol asked.

Tomoyo blushed slightly. "Fine and you?"
"Good but I must say things haven't quite been the same since I left Japan.
I guess I missed all my friends and the adventure's" Eriol said then to himself he said
but mostly I miss you.

"Well those were the days..." Tomoyo commented and after that silence fell.

'Well this is just fine, we are just two friends meeting up after not seeing each other,
right?' Tomoyo questioned herself.'I wonder if Sakura is ok'

So what should I do? hm I could ask if someone could taking me to the mall or
something. But I don't feel like shopping.

Sakura kept walking unaware that when she turned the next corner,

That hurt who in the world would be walking like that.
"I am so sorry. Are you ok?" A voice questioned.

She looked at the figure and saw that it was,

The figure looks carefully and noticed the cherry blossom,
"Oh hi Sakura. Here let me help you up. So whatzup?" Syaoran said.

Sakura explained her situation and asked for advice on what to do now.
"Well.... you could-"
Suddenly Sakura's stomach grumbled loudly, very loudly.
*sweat drop*
"hehehe I forgot to have breakfast and it's 11:00 already" Sakura said shyly.

"I guess then before you do anything you need to eat. My apartment is only 2 blocks away.
Do you want to come over and eat?" Syaoran tries to say w/out blushing to much but
a little comes out.
Sakura agrees or should I say her stomach agreed. They started walking to his apartment.

"Hey Tomoyo?" Tomoyo snapped out of it and looked to Eriol.

"Sorry 'bout that"

"It's ok. So how's life been since the Clow card adventures?"

"Boring. There is no excitement anymore, but since these new stones showed up it's getting better"
Tomoyo explained the whole story about the sincerity stone and the legend. Then she thought a
moment before asking and said,
"What have you missed the most about Japan?"

Eriol stopped in his tracks. He was not shocked but yes, he was surprised.
'I must have hit a soft spot or something, but I have to know...' Tomoyo said to herself.
"I..I...I missed...."
"Yes? Tell me" Tomoyo pushed.
Eriol looked up at her. He could tell she wanted to know badly, but was he willing to give up
a secret like that. He decided what to say finally.

"I..I miss seeing you. You know like when we were changing the Clow cards into Sakura cards."
Now it was Tomoyo turn to be shocked. "Oh well I also missed the days I saw you"
She blushed heavly and Eriol too.

Sakura and Syaoran reached his apartment and he said to her,
"Make your self at home, I am gonna get some food ready. Any preferences?"
Sakura thought for a moment and said, "I think a sandwich will do"

"Ok be back" Syaoran said. As he was in the kitchen he thought,
'What luck! I actually have Sakura here in my apartment'

Meanwhile Sakura sat down and decided to watch T.V.
She flicked through channels till she came to a really good one.
~OH Friends I love that show~

(A.N: This is a transcribe o.k? THIS IS not what the exact quotes are.
Anyway this is from The One With All The Kips. If you want to read the whole episode go to: ok? Onwards)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica, Rachel, Joey, and Chandler are there as Phoebe enters.]
Phoebe: Hey!

Monica: Hey!

Phoebe: Oh hey, Monica, I heard you saw Donald Trump at your convention.

Monica: Yeah, I saw him waiting for an elevator.

(Joey thinks that sounds familiar, but dismisses the thought.)

Monica: Hey, Rach, can I borrow your eyelash curler, I think I lost mine.

Rachel: Yeah, it's in there. (Points to the bathroom.)

(Joey puts two and two together.)

Joey: (shocked) Oh! Ohh! Oh!!

Chandler: Joey, can I talk to you for a second? (He grabs him and starts to drag Joey into Monica's room.)

Joey: Oohh!! Ohh! Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh!!

(Chandler pushes him through the door and Monica closes it behind them.)

[Cut to Monica's room, Chandler tackles Joey onto her bed and tries to cover his mouth.]

Joey: Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Chandler: Yes. Yes. (Lets him up.)

Joey: (To Chandler) You?! (To Monica) And-and you?!

Monica: Yes, but you cannot tell anyone! No one knows!

Joey: How?! When?!

Chandler: It happened in London.

Joey: IN LONDON!!!

Chandler: The reason we didn't tell anyone was because we didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

Joey: But it is a big deal!! I have to tell someone!

(They both grab him and stop him.)

Chandler: No-no-no-no-no! You can't!

Monica: Please? Please?! We just don't want to deal with telling everyone, okay? Just promise you won't tell.

(Joey thinks it over.)

Joey: All right! Man, this is unbelievable! I mean, it's great, but…

Monica: I know, it's great!

(She goes over and kisses Chandler.)

Joey: Aww, I don't want to see that!

"hehe I like that episode" Sakura said to nobody. She turned the T.V. off and turned the radio on.
Only Time by Enya was playing.

***Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...***

"Hey food is ready" Syaoran said as he brought the food in and they ate and listened to the music.

3-4 hours later around 3:30pm
Eriol and Tomoyo had gone and had lunch at this Fancy Restaurant called, "Pari"
They walked and talked with sensitive subjects coming up every now and then.
Of course the day had not gone forward w/out blushing here and there.

"What do you want to do now?" Eriol questioned Tomoyo.
"Why don't we.....I KNOW....go to the movies?"
"Ok Lets get walking then"

-------------------------------------------------- Syaoran's apartment
They had eaten lunch and then had gone online to see if any friends from Japan were on and
talked with a couple of them.
Finally they had all left so S+S decided to do something else.
"Lets go see a movie?" Sakura suggested.
"That's ok with me. Let's go its about 10 blocks away.
They walked to the movies and bought tickets for the movie of Sakura's choice and went in.

"Lets go see that one" Tomoyo pointed to a poster and Eriol agreed and they walked in to the
movies not knowing that Sakura and Syaoran were in the same one. Eriol was too content to
bother feeling their auras. Ditto for Sakura and Syaoran.

Sakura and Syaoran were seated towards the middle but the right a little.
Eriol and Tomoyo were seated in the back on the left.

About 40 min into the movie it became very scary and Sakura being afraid of anything scary
started shivering. Syaoran noticed this and with out a second thought he pulled her towards him.
He could feel her intoxicating Cherry Blossom hair and almost melted. When Syaoran had pulled her
towards him at first she was surprised but she felt safe and relaxed in his arms. She stopped shivering and
instead of watching the whole movie she just closed her eyes and dreamed...Syaoran just sat there
not believing his luck. He decided that he had to tell her. 'Sakura...'


Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only time...

And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love lies?
Only time...


Meanwhile with Eriol and Tomoyo...
Tomoyo wasn't really scared by the movie and felt a tad bit sleepy. She gently put her head on Eriol's
shoulder. Eriol felt a sudden weight on his right shoulder and turned to see a sleepy Tomoyo sleeping.
He smiled. He gently removed his shoulder and instead put that arm around her bringing her in on his
chest. She felt this and couldn't help but blush, but luckily they were in a dark theater. Eriol was content
with his angel sleeping in his arms. The movie all of a sudden seemed to disappear and only they were left
in a wonderful dream land. But don't be mistaken this was no dream.

Both teenagers were off on cloud nine w/ their true loves in their arms. But alas this would not last.
The credits for the end of the movie rolled in. They reluctantly woke their angels and filed out w/
the rest of the crowd. Still not sensing each other's presence.

"So...*yawn*...what do you want to do now?" Sakura questioned.
Syaoran just srugged. Sakura turned to look around and saw a sign,
"10th Annual London Fireworks Carnival" Sakura said with delight.
"Good Idea lets go"

Meanwhile only a few meters away Tomoyo also had spotted another sign
about the SAME carnival. Eriol agreed after awhile.

"Hey Sakura lets go on that" Syaoran said pointing to a rather HIGH roller coaster.
"I don't think so" Sakura said with out a second thought.

"Come on Sakura. I'll be there" Syaoran said blushing at the second part.
Sakura took some thought and agreed with slight hesitation.
They waited in the large line all the while Sakura said to herself WHY did I agree to this?


"Eriol can I have some cotton candy?" Tomoyo asked sweetly.
"Anything for you" Eriol said and turned to buy a blue cotton candy.
"Yummm" Tomoyo said while she ate it. Her hands getting sticky the whole time.


"AHHH!!!" Sakura was screaming at the top of her lungs through the whole ride while
clinging on to Syaoran for support.
"Sakura quit screaming it's only a ride!" Syaoran tried to tell her over her loud yells.

Eventually the ride was over and the two captors walked out. One entirely thrilled and the other...
well 1/2 in shock and clinging to the other.
Sakura came out of her trance and let go of Syaoran. "Oh, hehehe sorry"
"It's OK"

***Who can say when the roads meet?
That they might be -
In your heart...

And who can say when the day sleeps,
If the night keeps all your heart?
...night keeps all your heart...

(extended chants)***

It was about 9:00 and the day was coming to a close.

"Let's go on one more ride" Sakura insisted.
"Ok your choice"
"Ok" Sakura said and started to turn around looking for the perfect ride.
Suddenly some fireworks started and people looked up in awe.

"Let's go on the Ferris Wheel so we can see the fireworks in a good view" Sakura offered.
"That's ok w/ me"
"Good let's go" Sakura said grabbing Syaoran's hand and ran towards the Ferris Wheel.
Syaoran blushed at the sudden connection and thought to himself that he didn't want the say to end.


"We should go on the Ferris Wheel Eriol-kun. Come on" Tomoyo said dragging Eriol with her.
S+S got on the Ferris wheel at cart number 7 and
E+T at number 12, 5 carts away. Still not sensing each other.

CART #7:

Sakura was attentively watching the fireworks while Syaoran admired her beauty.
Sakura came aware of him and slowly turned to face him and asked,
"Syaoran why did you not reply to us?"
Syaoran was caught off guard but never the less said,
"The Clan. Was very strict about communicating with outsiders. I am sorry I really missed
all of you"
Sakura got up and sat next to him, leaned on his shoulder and said, "I missed you too"
They curled up together just like in the movies. After a few rounds Syaoran decided that now
was a good time. 'What if she rejects me? I must at least try'
"Hey Sakura I have been meaning to tell you something. I-"
The door to the cart opened. Their ride was over.

CART #12:

"Tomoyo?" Eriol asked.
Tomoyo who was leaning against Eriol replied and said, "Yeah"
"Arigatou for spending your day with me"
"I would never hold back If I had to again. Eriol-kun" Tomoyo said kindly.
They just sat their watching the fireworks but I suppose mostly enjoying each other's company.
Just like S+S's cart opened so did theirs'. It was time to go home.

Sakura seemed to have forgot that Syaoran wanted to say something to her.
Syaoran was busy cursing the people working at the Ferris wheel for interrupting their happy moment.

E+T walked along a pathway parallel to S+S's. Finally Eriol's senses kicked in, he felt a magic power
or to be exact 2 of them! He hurried Tomoyo to follow her and they went through the bushes and what they saw
probably would have made Tomoyo go crazy. S+S walking with each other. On top of that Sakura was leaning
on Syaoran's shoulder. "OH MY!" Tomoyo said. Eriol quickly shut her up incase they heard her.

Tomoyo had formulated a plan of attack, "Eriol you stay here and record what happens on this camera."
Tomoyo pulled a camera out of no where, "I'll go up to them k?"

"What ever you say" Eriol took the camera and prepared.
Tomoyo ran a tad ahead of S+S and walked out when the time was just right.
"Well it seems that you found something to do today Sakura-chan"
Sakura opened her eyes and recoiled, "TOMOYO-CHAN!?!?"

"So you spent the day with Li-kun?"
"Hai..." Sakura said blushing lots.
'Eriol-kun I hope you're getting this' Tomoyo said to herself.
Something puzzled Syaoran, Tomoyo doesn't have magic but he senses a magic source somewhere.
It dawned on him then he decided to play a game, "Tomoyo I highly doubt you have been following us
around today so then what have you been doing?"

The color drained from her face. If they found out she would be as good off as them.
Sakura opened her senses and also realized someone was there. Then she figured out what Syaoran was up
to. Hey she could play along so she said, "That's right Tomoyo-chan where have you been. The butler said you
were going to be gone till dinner. But what I wonder is doing what"
"" Tomoyo was struggling. She needed him to be beside her now. Sure enough the
second she requested him, he was there.

"Eriol?" Sakura said looking at the midnight colored hair boy.
"Long time no see, Sakura-san"
"..." Syaoran didn't feel like talking.
"SO THAT"S who you were WITH Tomoyo-chan" Sakura teased Tomoyo who regained her composure.
"SOOO What about you?" Tomoyo struck back.

They both silenced. Finally Eriol spoke up,
"Why don't you two call it even?"
They agreed and the 2 couples walked off.

S+S arrived at Paris' house first.
"Listen Sakura arigatou for the day" Syaoran said pulling Sakura in for a last embrace.
"We should do it again sometime" Sakura said pulling away.
She said bye to Syaoran and went in the house leaving Syaoran to walk home.
Eriol then said his good-byes to Tomoyo and she walked in.

Eriol think at his house:
Oh Tomoyo one day I will tell you. For now though i will enjoy your embrace.

Tomoyo thinking in her room:
Eriol-kun, today was wonderful. If only...

Syaoran thinking in his room;
If only that stupid Ferris Wheel hadn't...oh well this day was good enough as it is....Sakura-chan

Sakura in her room turns the radio on:
Oh that song that played at Syaoran's apartment is playing. But its towards the end...

***Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

And who can say where the road goes?
Where the day flows?
Only time...

Who knows?
Only time...

Who knows?
Only time...***

The lyrics they remind me of him...oh Syaoran......

All 4 friends fall asleep. Into their dreams they traveled.


*YAWN* I am sure tired. that chap was long and dedicated to all my super fans out there.
I AM SOO SORRY!!! it took SOOO long but school was on and finals and homework alas though
it has ended ^^ So as a sorry I wrote this chap extra long. Enjoy pleaz. Next chap should be up in 2 weeks.
or less if the response is good. But I must tell you guys that I don't have these chapters already written.
And it does take a while to write so those who read this thank you so much for sticking with me.

Oh ya before I 4get this chapter wouldn't have been possible if for the help of Butterfly Angel.
She is a E+T expert and i am a S+S and i had no clue how to do E+T and she helped me so

Ok that was it bye peeps

Preview of next chapter:
Not avalible at the moment