Hee hee. Back again! I want to say sorry for the delay, but things have been so busy what with the holidays drawing to an end. Anyway, as always, not mine, blah, blah, blah, thanks to people who R&R (You can claim you candy after you press the submit button)

And now, on with the story.


Creatures scattered out of the way as the knight dashed forward, barely making it along the corridor before he pushed open the doors of the safe room and collapsed onto the cold marble floor. He had been pushing himself too hard, he realized, and already his white cloak was stained with the blood of numerous cuts and gashes that were torn through his clothing to reach the skin beneath.

Those creatures lived to inflict pain it seemed, and Leon shuddered at the very memory that assaulted him. Claws and swords that cut through his skin and muscle until they reached a jarring halt when they hit bone. It felt like every inch of him was on fire, every muscle strained and pulled, every sinew and tendon split or snapped. Leon was surprised he could still walk, the way his legs and feet screamed with painful protest at every step he took. Lifting up one trembling hand, he peeled off the tattered glove, grimacing in distaste as he felt the inside of the smooth leather slick over with blood. His hand was crimson. He tossed it aside, ignoring the sickening wet sound it made. This was not good.

If only, there was someway he could get back to Rinaldo. He was out of food, water, and those icy cold potions that seemed to fill his veins to the brim with fiery energy. He could loll there for all eternity, in these safe rooms that were so strategically placed around the castle, a place where no demon torment him, but then he would loose Sara.

He pulled himself into a sitting position, and brushed a few strands of damp hair out of his eyes. Just a few minutes, he assured himself, just a few minutes and then he'd be off again. Leaning back against the statue that graced the centre of the room, he closed his eyes, daring to allow himself to relax a little.


Something . . . . . . What was that? It sounded familiar. It sounded . . . like footsteps. Someone was here. In this room. Standing right in front of him.

Leon's eyes snapped open. He looked around, panting, expecting to come face to face with a creature out for his blood. Instead, he saw- nothing. Only the pale stone of the white walls and the ornate wooden door carved with symbols that repelled all evil. And that, he realized, was hardly a threat to his safety.

"You look half-dead, human"

He scrambled around, once again faced with a blank wall. Crouched on the floor, his hands reached for the whip coiled like a cobra at his belt.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you" A voice purred against his ear, and he felt warm breath brush against his cheek. Again, he whirled around, this time on his feet.

The whip! Where was it? He looked around, on the floor, by the window, it was nowhere. Something panicked inside of him, and he resisted the urge to bolt for the door.

"Looking for this?" Again, that cursed voice sounded. Leon did not turn, but clenched his hands.

"If I look, will you show yourself?"

"Maybe" The voice was defiantly male, with a languid arrogance that sent prickles of annoyance down Leon's spine. It wasn't anger, simply, aggravation at the fact this- person was taunting him so.

Almost coyly, Leon looked over one shoulder.

And there, tossing the whip from hand to hand, was a man no older than himself, smirking like a triumphant child. Silvery hair fell down to his shoulders and across his pale, handsome face, but Leon could catch a glimpse of the deep violet eyes that hid behind them.

He turned around fully.

"Who are you?"

They both spoke at the same time, and for some reason, Leon felt a blush sear across his cheeks as the man laughed and tucked the whip onto his belt. "You first, knight"

"My name is Leon Belmont, a Lord of the neighbouring lands, at your service" He managed to regain his composure, and bowed slightly.

"At my service hm?" The man smirked again. Leon felt another tingle run down his spine. "My name is Joachim."

He grinned, and Leon felt that panic in his chest scream out in alarm. He had seen, when he laughed and when he spoke, a glimpse of the deadly canine teeth that were so inhuman, it was a surprise Leon hadn't noticed them straight away.

"Are you a vampire" He asked, bluntly.

Joachim shrugged. "Can you answer that question yourself?"

Leon tensed, consciously away that although he had a door at his back, the vampire had his only weapon hooked onto his belt. He wasn't going anywhere, not without that. Somehow, through that fear, his annoyance still managed to make its view heard.

"You're getting on my nerves! Stop acting like a spoilt brat and give me back the whip. Are you afraid to fight me? Is that why you took it?" He held out his hand.

The vampire backed away. "Why should I? You left it one the floor. Anyone can pick it up"

"But its mine!" Leon growled.

He received a pointed glance. "Who's the spoilt brat now?"

"Stop your damn teasing." Leon lunged for the whip, intending to grab it from the vampire's belt. Calmly, almost without moving, Joachim unhooked it and tossed it to the top of the statue, where it landed; coiled around the spire, in a place Leon could never reach no matter how high he jumped.

In that movement, Leon realized that Joachim had backed him up against the wall, and that the vampire was very, very close. All traces of childish anger fled, instead replaced with something that Leon could only describe as pure, cold fear. It froze his body, and fogged up his mind as Joachim stepped closer, and then paused.

"You want your whip back that badly? Then let's play a game"

Leon blinked, trying to understand the words that had been spoken.

"If you can survive for just five minutes outside this room, then I'll fetch it back for you." Joachim moved closer, and Leon was forced to look into his eyes. His breath hitched. "And if you fail, then I get-"

He trailed off, letting the threat and question combined hang unfinished in the air.

"And if I refuse?" Leon tried to move away, but he could only escape as far as the wall behind him, and soon enough his back hit cold stone.

Joachim shrugged idly. "Then I will kill you"

Leon felt his heart lurch. He felt sick, dizzy, and he knew there was no chance of escape. He tried to think of something, some remark that would talk him out of it, but he could think of nothing.

Finally, he nodded. "I will die either way. Let's play your game, vampire; I care not what happens after this."

He walked towards the door. With his fingers on the wooden handle, he closed his eyes briefly.

"Sara . . . . Forgive me."

And then he stepped outside.


Updates always coming. Of course, theres no way Leon's gonna win this challange. Gotta think of all the naught things that Joachim can do to him.

Nah, just kidding, maybe a lil kiss,chapter after next, and we get to catch up with Sara and Walter. Also, don't worry too much bout Flame,she was just a back character thrown in to move the story along a little. She won't show up much. Anyways, off I go again.

See ya'll all next time!