Random, crappy thingy I wrote as a reaction to a dream. Parts of this are taken directly from the dream. Parts I made up because the dream made VERY little sense. I mean, hell… in parts of it, Robin had black hair and my boss was trying to dress her up in some sexy outfit to impress Amon but things backfired because she couldn't walk in heels. (And seeing as those little shoes she wears all have kitten heels, you know that's not so, but I can't walk in heels so that might have influenced it.) Anyway, one scene was in my dream and was inspired by a little ritual of my husband's and mine. See if you can guess what it was.

And it was SUPPOSED to be a one shot, but it was getting a bit long and I wanted to post SOME of it…

And yes, both of them are Rather OC… I'm SORRY! This was a DREAM people! Forgive me gods of writing, for I suck mightily. And forgive me gods of purity because I have none. (Rated R for a reason!)


A (badly written) Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction

By Shaid

He was close on their tail, now. Which meant the rest of Solomon couldn't be far behind. They had split up this morning intending to meet at an abandoned apartment building on the other side of town.

It was raining. Robin stared out the window of the bus, her face blank as she tried to hide the desolation within. She was riding randomly, traveling from one area to another without reason. The bus hit a pothole and she was forced to shake her hair out of her face. She pulled on a pale red strand and looked at it bleakly. She missed the feel of her long hair, missed the weight of it against her neck. Even fully clothed, she still felt somewhat naked. Now her hair barely reached her chin.

Both she and Amon had been forced to change their mode of dress somewhat. She no longer wore long skirts or long sleeved blouses but dressed more age appropriately. Today she wore a black tank top and khaki cargo shorts. Her worn sneakers and ragged messenger's bag helped her fit in even more with the college crowd.

At first she had argued with Amon's insistence that she appear to be a college student. "I look too young!" she'd replied. But Amon's word was law and with a little makeup and the short haircut, she felt she might pass muster for nineteen, though she was still only seventeen. So far, no one had questioned her, though quite a few college boys had looked in her direction in a more than friendly fashion. That had upset her protector, which in her opinion, hadn't been too horrible. It was nice to see him jealous...

Disturbed by the direction her thoughts were taking, Robin tried to clear her mind. The two girls in front of her had been chattering on for several minutes now and the young witch could sense that both of them had powers; she could feel it coursing through both of them. Witches in the States seemed to not have to hide; their right to existence protected as a "religion." So long as they didn't exhibit any powers in public or hurt anyone, they seemed to be safe. The influence of Solomon was almost null here; Americans barely listened to the UN, they would never let a foreign agency run anything on their soil.

The older of the two dressed normally, her jeans and t-shirt proclaiming that there was nothing out of the ordinary about her. The other reveled in being a witch; she wore runes on her jewelry and on her bags. Her dark hair was held back with a few combs and she wore all black; a typical American teenager looking for the romance in the darkness.

"This storm is so not natural," the younger one said almost gleefully.

"Oh, really?" The elder of the two seemed bored, as though the other were always proclaiming something was magical.

"It's a passion storm," the darkly dressed girl replied to her friend.

"A passion storm? Gimme a break." The other girl rolled her eyes and snorted.

"No really! It just popped up last night around three AM, right?" The other girl nodded. "There was no warning, no hint beforehand, just a flash of lightening and then it began to pour. The weather man even predicted clear skies and sunny weather for the next four days."

"And the weather man's never been wrong before? It's been humid for weeks. Maybe it just needed to rain."

"I'm telling you, it's a passion storm!"

"What's that supposed to mean, anyway?"

The darker witch smiled and raised her eyebrows. "It means two really powerful witches got it on last night."

The one in jeans rolled her eyes again. "Jon isn't a witch, Aubrey. And the elder of the coven said your power isn't all that impressive anyway, right?"

The first girl laughed. "No, he's not. And you're right, my power is kinda wimpy. Besides I didn't sleep with him last night, anyway."

"So… who?"

"I dunno. But I can feel two really powerful people in the city. I can't place where they are, or even who they are. But they're here, a man and a woman. And last night… Jeanine, something amazing happened last night."

"The storm." Janine nodded her head. "I've felt them too. They've been here about a month and have made no move to contact the coven. So you think…"

"I think they're on the run."

"From Europe?"

"Europe isn't the only Solomon controlled continent," Aubrey said.

The two fell silent. Robin clutched the strap of her bag in terror. They know we're here! a voice inside her screamed. Briefly she thought about calling Amon and telling him what she had heard. Her cell was in the pocket of her shorts, just inches away from her hand. But after what had happened last night… No, she thought, He won't want to hear my voice. He was so angry this morning…

Suddenly Janine spoke again. "So two really powerful witches, who might be on the run from Solomon, had sex last night and you're saying that's what caused this storm." Aubrey nodded. Janine giggled. "Musta been some fucking awesome sex!" Aubrey snorted and doubled over in laughter.

Right then the bus stopped and Robin, seeing it as a sign, took the opportunity to stand and hurry off the bus. As she passed them, something compelled her to look down at the two girls and smile. Inexplicably, she winked at them and the four words she spoke next shocked her for the rest of her life.

"You have no idea."

She never noticed the dark haired man following her off the bus and down the street.

The night before…

The darkness was oppressive. She had felt the heat and humidity of the city clinging to her all day. It was a cloying, damp feeling. Her hair clung to her moist skin. The apartment they'd rented had no air conditioning and not even the numerous fans cut though the oppressive air. Robin gathered the sheets around her naked body and stood. Perhaps a cool bath would help, she thought. Not bothering to turn on any lights, she crept silently to the cool tiled bathroom.

The bathroom was the only thing to really recommend the place. It was the third floor of an old house in the middle of Pittsburgh. The two bedrooms were on either side of the stairs and were barely large enough to fit a bed. The small living room and adjoining kitchen were nice but nothing special. The bathroom however was tiled and cool, the porcelain fixtures in good repair and actually elegant.

Robin thought only of the cool water of the bath as she slipped into the bathroom and dropped her sheet on the floor. Only the dim glow of the streetlight illuminated the small dark room. The whir of the fan was the only noise she heard as she pulled her towels from the linen closet.

Then she heard the sound of water moving against skin and realized she was not alone.

"Amon," she whispered. He sat in the tub with his face turned away from her, but she knew he had seen everything. "Forgive me, Amon. I was not paying attention." She clutched the open towel to herself, covering as much of her naked flesh as possible and tried to flee the room.

"Robin." His voice stopped her cold and she turned her eyes back to his face. His eyes looked directly into hers and she felt her breath stop. "Don't worry. I'll leave. I've been here long enough. The bath is all yours." He made to rise from the tub and then paused. Robin instantly flushed and closed her eyes. She heard him rise from the tub, water quietly splashing against the side of the tub and streaming down his body.

Biting her lip, she tried not to imagine how the water would flow over his naked chest, how his skin would gleam in the dim light. Her imagination ran wild as she heard him move towards her to reach the door. She wasn't sure if it was imagination or reality when she felt the heat of his body less than an inch away as he stretched an arm behind her to grab a towel from the linen closet.

She felt his breath on her face and opened her eyes, startled by how close he actually was. Amon was nearly a foot taller than her, his shoulders rising far above her fair head. Now the ends of his dark hair nearly brushed her face and his lips were so close, if she moved at all, she could kiss him. His dark, fathomless eyes searched hers. She saw emotions she could barely name flash through without pause. For an instant she wondered what he saw in her eyes.

The flicker of his eyes towards her lips was her only warning.

His lips were soft against hers, gentle and feather light. Robin sighed and leaned against him, her towel the only thing separating their skin. She rested her hands on his chest as she felt his hands clutch her shoulders. He groaned and pulled her closer, the kiss becoming harder and more demanding. She felt his hands begin to caress the skin of her back and wrapped her arms around him to do the same.

They had kissed only once before. Amon had returned to their apartment late, much later than usual. Robin had been worried sick, sure that Solomon had found him and that they were torturing him for information about where she was and how her powers had evolved. It had been past four in the morning when he had returned, haggard and weary. She had been sitting up all night waiting, scared and worried. When the door had opened and revealed his dark form, she had thrown herself at him. His arms had come around her reflexively and in an instant of joy and relief she had kissed him. It had been brief and sweet, innocent in its joy and fervor. Neither had ever forgotten.

This went beyond the innocence of that kiss. He brought one hand to her face and traced the lines, memorizing them. Then he cradled her head in his hand as she opened her mouth to him. The sensations were dizzying. She wrapped her arms around his neck and then gasped for breath as he released her mouth to plant opened mouthed kissed along her jaw and neck. "Amon," she whispered as she gave into temptation and brought her own lips to his neck.

The towel between them slipped and Robin gasped at the sensation; her hedonistic nature reveled in the feel of smooth sheets against her bare skin but this was something else entirely. This tore at the foundations of her sanity. She let out a throaty moan of pleasure before her knees gave way. Amon instantly swept her up and carried her to his bed, kissing her all the while.

Sanity did not return as they lay side by side, each carried away by the sensations of touching and being touched. Robin was overwhelmed and overcome by the pleasure and the intimacy. The sensations, brought on by the actions of his hands and mouth, were like nothing she had ever dreamed.

She let out a muffled scream when he brought her over the edge of reason the first time; her body feeling like a bowstring drawn taught and released. Seconds later he entered her and her body quickly tightened all over again. Her second release coincided with his and Robin was unprepared for the enormity of it. Explosions of thunder and lightening rocked the house and then the rain began to fall. As sleep overtook her, she thought she heard Amon whisper.


It was still dark when she drifted awake. Amon still lay on top of her, his breath ruffling her hair and his arms cradling her. She studied his face for a moment, softened by sleep and pleasure. His hips still rested between her spread thighs and a few experimental movements showed that he was still inside her. Too tired to do much more, she kissed him softly and closed her eyes, whispering, "I love you," as she fell back asleep, smiling.

Author's Note:

DON'T KILL ME! There is more to the story and... yeah, it was kinda lemony... I hope you all liked though. R&R if you will. And if this gets deleted... Oh well, I'll have it posted at MM(dot)org as well.

Thank you!