
The young slate-haired teen sighed as he got up from the bed, laying aside a rather thick file. He walked over to the window, gazing out at the storm that had begun over three hours ago.

More than enough time to – the young teen thought, crimson eyes narrowing at he recalled…

No! He shouted silently, shutting his eyes tight and shaking his head. You vowed you wouldn't!

He raised his eyes to the glass panel, pale fingers brushing the smooth surface. Looking down at his hand, he could almost see…feel…the scars that had marred it years ago.

Why? He asked himself, asking the same question he'd asked himself over the years. Why me? And how did it happen?

Downstairs, the chiming of the grandfather clock alerted him to the time, snapping him out of his reverie. His head snapped up from viewing his hand.

4 o'clock. He thought, becoming his business-like self in an instant. Time to call the others to the training room.

He walked over to the door that led to the outer hall and pulled it open. His faint, measured footsteps receded down the hall as the door swung shut with a quiet click. On the bed lay the pale cream folder.

Hah! Max fell for it! Takao Kinomiya thought as he stole quietly down the hallway. He can be so gullible sometimes; I pity him. He stopped for a while to listen for any sign that his captain might be coming.

Phew! He thought, letting out a sigh of relief. He didn't think that his plan would work out so well! He leaned against the wall just outside his captain's room and thought back.

The 'plan' had started formulating itself this morning at breakfast. Takao and the other members of Team BBA had been gathered at the table when a package arrived. Instantly, Kai Hiwatari, the team captain had gotten up from the table and went to receive it. He had returned to the table almost immediately, this time clutching a legal size brown manila envelope. Without a word, he had placed it on the counter and then had sat back down.

Almost instantly, the brunette had felt a compelling desire to take a look at the envelope. As he passed the counter, he stole a glance at it; it was addressed solely to Kai.

Suddenly, he had recalled all the questions regarding his captain. He had appeared so suddenly in his city, it was as though he was a ghost. And when he had asked Chairman Daitouji about the elusive blader, he had drawn a blank. No one else from the BBA knew much about him, except that he had been the defending champion until Takao came along. Ever since then, the questions had built up inside the young blader. And, just then, as he had glanced at the envelope, he felt that inside were the answers to his – and he was sure everyone else's – questions.

That afternoon, a few minutes before four o'clock, he'd locked himself in the bathroom that he shared with Max (Max's room was next to his, and neither minded sharing a bathroom). After two minutes of waiting, Max entered his room and knocked on the door, explaining that he'd liked for them to be downstairs early so that Kai wouldn't 'blow his top'.

"I…I can't Max…" he'd said, opening the door just enough for one eye to peek through the gap. "I'm not feeling too…good –" At that point, he'd shut the door quickly and made retching noises. Max had knocked on the door again, asking Takao if he could still hear him, a question to which Takao replied with a groan. Max had said he'd try to get Kai to excuse him.

Now, about five minutes after four, Takao approached the door to Kai's room, opening it as quietly as he could. He stepped into his leader's 'sanctuary' as the door swung shut behind him. He glanced about, noting that the elusive teen kept a neat room. Thunder crashed outside, making Takao jump.

Letting out a tense sigh, he made his way over to the desk in the far corner of the room. He found what he was looking for: the envelope. He flipped it over and read the return address.

Hmm…he thought as the words registered. Some juvenile center located in Akihabara…Wonder why Kai would get in touch with a juvenile center… Shrugging nonchalantly, he lifted up the flap and reached in, his fingers brushing against a crisp piece of paper. He excitedly pulled it out.

Mr. Hiwatari:

This is to let you know that your previous letter regarding your existing files, which are currently in our possession, has been carefully considered. Though its reason and nature eludes us, we have, after careful deliberation, decided to accede to your request. Enclosed are photocopies of the files currently in our possession. Should you find anything missing, kindly contact us as soon as possible.

On a less serious note, we, the staff of Sento-Daitouji Juvenile Hall are pleased to know that you are making it on your own sooner than we expected, and seeing you as successful as you are now gives us great pleasure in having known you for the years you were a part of our program.

Sincerely yours,

Shinji Takeda


Program? Takao raised a questioning eyebrow. He felt disappointed. The envelope that had promised so much only gave him more questions instead of the answers. Dejectedly, he began to slip the paper back into the envelope, when a particular line in the letter caught his eye. He yanked it out again and reread it. Enclosed are photocopies… he read. His eyes widened excitedly.

Stuffing the letter back in, he glanced around quickly. Quick as a flash, he spotted the file sitting on Kai's bed. He happily snatched it up, looking very much like a kid who had just swiped some candy.

He grinned as he read the label on the folder. Spelled out in computer-generated letters was Kai's name.

Hurrying now, he walked out of the room and back up the hall to his room. He didn't want to be caught snooping in Kai's room; that was too dangerous. He'd investigate his leader's life in the privacy and protection of his own room.

Entering his own, very messy room, he did a little victory dance. His curiosity would finally pay off.