Authors Note: Okay, this is Sheby here. For all of you people that are waiting for Mika to actually write another chapter for "Vanished" You'll e waiting for a while. That's why I came up with this. I got just as bored and decided to write my own little fanfic. I have no idea if Mika will later come into this but this is it for now.

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with either Yu-gi-oh oh Rurouni Kenshin

Chapter One

Yami looked up from the card that he just drew and smirked at his opponent. Bakura knew this look and winced back. This meant that he managed to get that card he needed to assure his victory. Finally, Yami spoke, "So, do you have any last words Bakura?"

Bakura first just scowled, but then he did something very unexpected. He smirked right on back to Yami. "As a matter of fact, I do." This especially surprised Yami. Bakura only had a high-leveled monster on the field with no magic or trap cards because he wiped them out the turn before. Bakura continued, "Well, it's obvious I'm not going to win this battle," this confused Yami even more, "but neither will you. No, it's not really a draw, but all I have to say about it is: time's not on your side."

"What do you mean by that?" Yami demanded.

Bakura's smirk grew as he said, "You'll find out soon enough."

"Well, the time now if for you to loose. First I sacrifice Beta the Magnet Warrior to summon Dark Magician Girl. Then, because my Dark Magician is in the graveyard, my Dark Magician Girl gets an added 500 attack points. Then I play the card Sword of Dark Destruction to raise her attack points by 400 more. Giving her a total of 2900 attack points, which is enough to wipe out your monster and the rest of your life points. Dark Magician Girl, ATTACK!"

The attack flew from the Dark Magician Girl's wand, hit the monster, and carried onward to Bakura. He only laughed and held out his arms to welcome the attack to him.

"Don't worry Pharaoh, I'll be back, but I can't be that sure about you." Bakura shouted to his opponent as the last of his life points shrank.

Off to the side Joey, Tristan, and Tea all cheered for Yami. Even Kaiba, who stood further off, was pleased with Yami. After all, you can't have you rival being beaten by someone as weak as Ryou Bakura.

Yami looked down at his friends with a relieved smile on his face. Then their cheering stopped as their eyes traveled to something behind Yami. He spun around to see what they were looking at. He saw nothing but shadow that covered over everything. Yami turned to run from it, but before he could get anywhere the shadow enclosed around him. He made a cried for his friends but there was no response. Is this what Bakura meant when he said time was not on his side? Yami had nothing that he could do about it. Was this going to be the end of him? He finally chose to do the only thing he could do, succumb to the darkness around him.

Author Notes: Well, there's Chapter one. I know it was short but trust me; the next one will be longer. I'd love to get Reviews from all of you. Be sure to state your opinion about the story. Plus I want to hear all of your ideas. Heck, I need those ideas to continue the story on. I'll read them all, consider them all, but I can't assure that all of them will get in the story. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and be sure to R&R.