Sorry to those wishing this was an update to Hichuu I have to tell you I'm at a decision point to continue the story or not. Quite honestly, I don't know where to go from there.

On a different note I bet this is going to be just another one of my many stories that have over one-hundred hits but oddly enough have never had more that fifty-five reviews for a single story. Funny, huh?

This is probably another story that I had planned to be a one shot be evolved into something else. Like The Night Of The Red Moon was originally supposed to be a one shot and boy…I'm not even going to go there.

I Need To Know

Inuyasha was still asleep right next to me. I still can't believe what had just happened last night…or early this morning. I'm not exactly sure when it happened but I'm just positive that it did, our naked bodies were proof enough.

Inuyasha had a protective arm wrapped around me as her admitted a low purr in his sleep. It was just so funny to hear such a cute noise coming from such a macho man as Inuyasha. I bet he would deny that he purred to his grave.

I wonder where the others are right now? I could help but think at the moment. I'm not even going to think about how embarrassing it would be to have Sango or Miroku walk in right now, or anyone for that matter. Oh, what would Sango think? What would I say to Shippo? Or Miroku? I can only imagine how long Miroku would be talking about this. Miroku was definitely the worst case scenario right now.

I lost that train of though as my neck began to itch. It was an instinct to bring my hand up to scratch it but I stopped myself because I knew I would wake Inuyasha. My eyes looked down at my neck to see if it was a mosquito bite or something like that but it wasn't. In fact it looks like a bite mark.

I remember where this came from. I thought with a blush. Last night Inuyasha's demon side came forth and at the end he bit my shoulder to some reason unknown to me. God, it itches!

"Kagome," I heard a quiet whisper from behind me. "You awake?"

Thank you, Lord! Inuyasha's awake!

"Yeah, I'm up Inuyasha." I replied. I turned to look at Inuyasha but he was staring up at the ceiling. Taking advantage of the situation, I brought my hand up to scratch my neck.

I saw Inuyasha look at me when I started to scratch the bite mark. He looked hurt for some reason but then went back to staring at the roof.

"Does it itch or hurt?" Inuyasha asked not moving his gaze.

How did Inuyasha know it itched? I dismissed the question when I realized he saw me scratch it with ferocity.

"It itches. Why?" I asked him curiously.

Inuyasha's shoulders relaxed greatly when he heard my answer. I thought it was odd but before I could question further he stood up and started towards his clothes.

"No reason." Was all he said as he got dressed. "Come on, the others are probably worried…or having perverted thoughts."

I laughed before I asked him to throw me my school uniform.

"I'll go outside so you can get dressed." Inuyasha said to me as he did exactly what he said.

I nodded but I doubt he saw me, being that his back was turned. I bet you're wondering what he meant by going outside. You see, I realized that it was me and everyone else in our group who had built the Higarashi Shrine, with well house and all. In fact, we just finished building in last night.

I guessed we christened the house. My face was red. Boy, if me mother saw me right now she would be so…? I really don't know how my mom would to react to this.

"You okay in there, Kagome? Or do you need some help." Inuyasha sneered, I was unsure if that was a threat or a joke. Inuyasha was definitely a puzzle.

"I'm doing fine, Inuyasha. I'm decent now, you can come back in."

Not that it really mattered at all. I mean, last night he saw all of me. What would I care if he saw me again?

"Come on, Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted. "Miroku's going to think we were humping like rabbits!"

Yet another statement I could classify as a joke or not.

We got back to the group in no time. Much to our luck, they were all asleep except for Kirara who gave us the oddest look I've ever got from a cat. I saw Inuyasha kneel down by the cat a say something to her that I couldn't hear. Kirara just nodded back to him.

That was odd.

"Kagome?" An awakening Shippo said, wiping his eyes. "It is you!"

Shippo suddenly jumped on me. It happened every morning so I guess by now I was just used to having the little fox demon on my shoulder.

"Where were you last night?" The curious boy asked me. Crud, what do I say?

I was stuttering, trying to think of something to say when Inuyasha answered him.

"She went back to her time last night to get supplies and then she spent the night at her home."

Inuyasha sure is a smooth talker. I did go home last night to get supplies and Higurashi Shrine is my home.

"Okay, I was just worried because you smell funny." Shippo chirped happily. The fox child then jumped off her shoulder and went outside to play with Kirara.

I smell funny? Maybe Kirara had smelled it too and that's what Inuyasha talked to her about. I have to find out.

"Inuyasha," I called to get his attention. "Can I talk to you about something?"

He came over to me with a annoyed look on his face. "What is it?"

"Well, I want to know about what Kirara was acting weird about and also Shippo said I smelled funny?"

Inuyasha expression changed instantly. He looked confused and opened his mouth to answer but he didn't seem to have the words to say what he wanted to.


He looked to be troubled at what to say. It only confused me more when his ears flattened against his head.

"I have to go." Inuyasha quickly let out before running into the forest.

I had an urge to 'sit' him but decided if he didn't want to tell me now then he could tell me later.

"What was that all about?" Sango asked me as she sat up.

Wait a minute…she doesn't seem tired at all. Then that means that she was trying to eavesdrop. I deducted in my head. Rather then chew them out for being sneaky I just decided to act as though I didn't realized what they were doing.

"I know you're awake, Miroku." I breathed out and no sooner did the monk sit up. Do they think I'm stupid?

"Sorry, Kagome, we couldn't resist." Sango tried to explain but a just shook my head that he apology wasn't necessary. I would've done the same thing.

"So…where did Inuyasha go?" Miroku asked me.

"I have no idea." I replied truthfully.

"What should we do as we wait for Inuyasha?" Sango tried to think of the answer of her own question.

"We could always help Lady Kaede." Miroku brought up.

I reached into my bag to pull out my watch that I seldom wore. I brought it mainly just to be able to tell the time in this era. It was early, early in the morning.

"I think I'm going to go back to my time so that I can go to school." I sighed out and got up. "I'll see you guys later."

"Be safe, Kagome."

"I will."

I wonder what's up with Inuyasha?

I sat there in class as the teacher babbled on about history. For some reason, I just wasn't interested in it right now.

"You okay, Kagome?" Eri asked from behind me.

"What? Oh, I'm fine." I answered her. Why does she always bother me in the middle of class? Couldn't it wait till lunch? Wait. Since when did I have such a short fuse with my friends? I must be stressed out.

The bell rang and we moved on to lunch finally. I kind of regret going to school today. Of course, I know I'm not going to have a stress-free lunch. As soon as I sit down they are all three at once going to ask about Inuyasha.

I find our table and start my countdown: Five, Four, Three…

"So, tell us about your jealous boyfriend, Kagome!" Eri and Yuka both shouted at once, Ayumi however just sat there smiling and enjoying her meal.

Damn, they beat my prediction. I cursed myself. Just two seconds before zero!

"Come on, Kagome. You never tell us anything about him!" Eri complained to me.

I did my best to ignore her but she just doesn't give in. I caved in.

"What's there to say about Inuyasha?"

"Inuyasha?" Yuka repeated looking at Erin then to me. "Is that his name?"

"I guess. That's an odd name. Have you ever heard it before?"

"No, I wonder what it means?"

"Could it be foreign?"

Eri and Yuka continued bantering like that, lucky me. It was just me and Ayumi that weren't dead to the world.

"So how have you been, Kagome?" Ayumi asked my with her usual unusually big smile on her face.

"I don't know. I've been somewhat stressed as of late. It must be all the homework I still have to do." I lied to Ayumi and I felt awful but I couldn't just tell her that I was going back and forth between feudal and modern day Japan. Then again, if I told Ayumi she would probably think it was a joke. She can ace test with ease but she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

"Then maybe you should just rest some more. You don't want to be getting sick or else you'd miss even more homework." Ayumi advised which didn't that bad of an idea. Maybe I've been wrong about her.

The bell ending lunch rang. We all dumped our trays off and Eri and Yuka complained about spending lunch talking and not getting a bite a food.

"Well, it's your own fault." I told them.

They made a comment that I didn't hear, and I bet they're happy I didn't.

"Back to class." I sighed and walked into the Science Lab. It was going to be a long day.

Kagome climbed out of the well. Thankfully, this time she didn't have her heavy backpack she was able to climb out by herself without help from Inuyasha.

"I hope he's back at the village." No sooner had I said that than had he swooped down right beside me.

"About time you returned! I've been waiting here for hours!" Inuyasha bellowed at me but I just ignored him. I had practically memorized this speech by now. He was at the part where he complained that we should be out looking for the shards right now and then he go to the part when he said I was a lazy wench and I'd sit him.

"Please, Inuyasha, I'm not in the mood."

"What?" Inuyasha snapped. "You weren't even listening to me."

I look at him and he looked hurt. What's his deal?

"Forget it!" He yelled before bounding toward the village.

Maybe I should have been listening to him. I told myself. Just another problem…this wasn't my day.

I had planned this to be a one-shot but I decided against it. I story gets more days online if there's more than one chapter. How good could one long one shot do compared to a longer story?