K15: I forgot that Momo was with Sokka, oh well. You're all going to pretend that didn't happen. Momo is a key role with Iroh, not Sokka. That's Appa's part.

Zuko: This is it!

Me: No promising them anything. Though there is a fight scene in this (sorry I'm not good at those) between Zuko and Zhao, Iroh's adventure in Ba Sing Se, and even Sokka almost pushing Haru off Appa! So please read this.

Zuko: Like they have a choice?

Me: Yeah. They do.

Zuko: Oh.

Me: Anyway, and don't forget to review at the end. Thanks. Later. K15

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: the Last Airbender. I wouldn't have to work at Burger King if I did.


Chapter 10- Kidnapped again

Katara wasn't sure if they should be here. It was getting dark and she wouldn't be surprised that some of the shops were closing; but Iroh insisted that they go into the city to shop. The only female waterbending master smiled as she looked down at her blue outfit.

It was dirty, torn in some spots and seriously made her look like the peasant she was.

Iroh, when it came straight down to it, reminded the girl of Aang. He was curious what things were and would run up to different stands just to look and sometimes to buy. Katara couldn't help but smile; it was no wonder that Zuko took so many guards into towns and cities with him. It took that many just to carry everything Iroh bought.

Tonight was no different. Though the guards were dressed casually, instead of that bulky armor. Probably to try to blend in, but with their red clothing it was kind of difficult. Toph and Katara blended in more than Iroh and the others did.

Katara couldn't help but remember the warning that Iroh had given them before they entered Ba Sing Se. I'm not welcomed here, due to the fact I laid siege to the grand city for six hundred days. I killed many of their best generals, something I am not proud of, and so they will not hesitate to capture me. Even though the warning was clear as crystal, Katara and Toph both stuck next to Iroh. It was almost like he was their uncle and not Prince Zuko's.

"Iroh, what exactly are we looking for?" Katara finally voiced her question.

"Anything and everything. But we came in here to get you and Toph out of those dirty clothing."

Katara smiled; there was no possible way that this man could have been a firebender. He was way to kind and gentle for that. Though Jee had told them before that he was one not to taken lightly, his temper was worse than Prince Zuko's. But Katara trusted the retired General enough to venture into the grand Earth Kingdom city.


That twerp was messing with his battle. Zuko found himself to feet glaring at both the Avatar and Zhao. This battle was his, and his only. It was mainly to prove that he was able to defend himself.

"Well look who is still as weak as ever." Zhao chuckled.

Zuko narrowed his eyes even further and blew out flames at the admiral. He then swung his whole body around so that he kicked Zhao in the chest. H then pulled out two twin flame daggers and turned and faced the Avatar.

"What do you think you are doing?" Zuko demanded.

Aang gulped before replying. "I'm just trying to help you. That's what friends do. We help each other."

Zuko kicked Zhao one more time before throwing his daggers to the side. "Let me get this through your thick bald head. You and I aren't friends! Therefore you will not help me, nor do I want your help." Zuko yelled.

Aang blew a gust of wind at the exiled prince. "Fine if you don't want my help I won't give it to you. But that doesn't mean that you're not standing in my way of finding Katara and Sokka."

Zuko hit the railing of the ship and it took a great amount of effort to regain his balance and to keep from falling over the edge. He ended up doing a front flip over releasing a flame hitting both Zhao and Aang.

"I'm not to be taken lightly."

Nyla stood back as the three boys would fight, dodge, block, and repeat. She couldn't help but smile. Something about it seemed that it was wrong, but as a firebender (and being her father's daughter) she couldn't help but watch them fight like they were.

Zuko jumped over one of Zhao's sweeping kicks and landed on Aang's staff (which the Avatar held straight out). The banished prince then launched a stream of flame, while back flipping off the staff. That was easily blocked by Aang finish swinging his staff. The flames that were shot were bounced off the air and sent directly at Zhao.

Zhao ducked avoiding the flames completely and shot some at Zuko. In return the firebender spun around causing the flames to encircle him. He lowered himself to the ground spinning around causing the flames to go in every direction.

Aang jumped over the flames causing them to go straight towards the Fire Princess. She put her hands up in defense, Nyla wasn't even thinking about using her firebending at that point.

Suki threw her fan at one of the guards that were attacking her; she then turned to look at Nyla. She sprinted across the deck, jumping over attacks from all three benders; she then dived at Nyla, knocking the Fire Princess out of the way.

Nyla looked at the Kyoshi warrior and shrugged. "You saved me. Why? I've caused you nothing but trouble."

"Because you're human just like the rest of us. And even though you're the daughter of the man who created this war, and the assistant that helped convince me that the Avatar was evil. You still have people who care about you."

Nyla glared at the warrior. She did have a point though. Even though they were different as day and night, they were still human and still needed to help one another. "Fine whatever."

Zuko jumped over the Avatar's air blast and launched a fire blast of his own at the young boy. He wasn't going to leave this ship without the Avatar and if that meant he had to kill Zhao to do it, then by gods he do it.

Zuko ducked just in time to avoid a flamed punch by Zhao. He then countered it, by swing his leg causing the Admiral to fall flat on his face. Zuko stood up and kicked him in the head causing him to fly back and hit the wall.

Aang wasn't about to let up just yet. While Zuko was caught off guard he was going to hit him from behind. A dirty trick, but it was his only way of escaping off this ship without being kidnapped again. Aang pulled out a fan that he had taken from Suki, raised his arms backwards and quickly brought them forward.

There was no possible way that Zuko could have dodged it. In fact, he couldn't. It was an unstoppable attack. When it hit Zuko, both the prince and the admiral were sent flying into the smoke stack, knocking both firebenders out cold.

Aang jumped in the air and squealed, "Yes home sweet home!"

Nyla smirked as she walked over to her brother. He was definitely out for the count. She took a quick glance over at Zhao and he was out as well. Aang was still celebrating and Suki had finally got the crew working again.

Good my plan is working out perfectly. She thought, ignoring her brother and the admiral.


Katara, Toph, and Iroh walked around Ba Sing Se carefully. They knew Iroh was pretty much an outlaw and didn't want to take any chances. If Iroh was recognized as the Dragon of the West, then they were pretty much arrested.

"Lets try that dress shop!" Iroh squealed running (it was more like a wobble due to the fact he was carrying at least ten different bags.) over and into it.

Katara looked at the blind earthbender and smiled. "Look here Sugar Queen, I'm traveling with Iroh because he's such a sweet old man and wouldn't do anything to hurt me. His nephew on the other hand…" Toph kinda trailed off from there.

"It's all right Toph, I understand." Katara sympathized. When it came down to it, she had no idea what Iroh was really, except for what she saw at the North Pole.

"Yeah sure whatever." Toph mumbled as she walked off into the shop.

Katara sighed and started to worry about her brother and Aang. It had been about a week since she last saw Aang and about two days or so. She ran into the shop and found herself surrounded by many beautiful dresses.

"Go ahead Miss Katara, pick out anything you like." Iroh said, handing her a bag full of money.

"I can't possibly."

"Sure you can. Get something nice for yourself."

Katara smiled and thanked the general before walking up and down each row of dresses. She was pretty sure that she wanted something in blue; she didn't really care about blending in. After all, she was used to…

"Toph, get Katara and get out of here." She heard Iroh say sternly.

The Water Tribe girl ran around to the other side of the rack and looked at the general. He held his arm out straight, blocking Toph and her from taking another step forward. Three, maybe more, guards had walked in and stood point spears in front of General Iroh.

"Men, I'm sure you all remember General Iroh from earlier this year. Him and his nephew are wanted me in Ba Sing Se." The captain said, smirking back at his men.

"It's retired general, Captain Li." Iroh corrected. He turned to Katara and said, "Get out of here my dears. Go back to the ship and go find your friends."

"I'm not leaving you." Katara insisted, pulling out a water whip from her canteen.

"Neither am I, Uncle." Toph said pulling up two rocks. "I'm not afraid of six earthbenders that are clearly out matched."

Iroh smirked, he had taught the young earthbender well. He looked at the guards and motioned outside. "I suggest we take this outside. I'm sure the owner of this shop doesn't want any trouble."

General Li smiled and motioned for the three benders to follow him. Out side bags were thrown a side as fifty different men surrounded them. "I suggest you don't struggle Iroh."

A lesser rank officer walked up to Iroh cuffed him and read his charges. "The arrest of the Dragon of the West, alias Prince Iroh of the Fire Nation-"

"Ex prince." Iroh corrected calmly. "And I want to hear these charges."

"Murder of the Prince Zao Lee, heir to Ba Sing Se's throne, his younger brother received the crown luckily." The officer continued. "Attempted attack on the palace, being a firebender,"

"There's a crime for being a firebender?" Katara shrieked. "That is the most bias thing I've ever heard!"

"Arrest her, charges for defending and questioning the Kings authority." Li commanded. Earth cuffs where placed on Katara's wrists and she was pushed down forcefully to the ground. "Continue please."

"Kidnapping of Toph Be Fong, and attempted murder of the once great Admiral (Now retired) Kilana." The captain finished.

"I ran away from home. I didn't like the family I was with." Toph defended. "I'm glad Iroh took me in."

"For back talk-"

Toph pulled up some earth and launched it at the men. "I'm not afraid of you guys. I know exactly where you are."

A cage was slammed down around the twelve year old and she was dragged off towards the palace. All three of them would then await their punishments, but what Katara realized was she was once again kidnapped.


K15: All I can say is here's your second chapter for the summer… -Starts laughing- it wasn't that long. I've been closing BK for the past month or so. It's actually been quit a busy summer for me.

Zuko: You can say that again.

Me: Yeah, anyway, so here's an update. I'll try to update soon. Hopefully I can. Anyway, you know the rules. 7 reviews and I update again. If not… well no updation for you. Later. K15