Chapter One: Graveyard

Brian was born unto two parents, William and Kathleen. He had the childhood that any boy of his time would have. He played tag with his friends, went hunting with his father, and ran races with his friends. When he was of the age of twelve, he was sent away to a boarding school, like all Hylian males having attained unto the age of twelve, to be generally educated and learn a craft so that he would be able to support his future family. On the surface it seemed like he was a normal boy, but deep down, he was not. He was tormented each and every day at school for being different. The torments went on from a simple "Kick Me" sign on his back to being tripped in school. Why, one time he even found himself being used to keep a lunch table supported. He did get used to this over time, as he looked at it, it's better than being ignored. His torments went on day by day, until one day, the other kids took it too far. Brian actually got beat up one night before lights out, so badly he suffered a broken nose as well as some bruised ribs. He decided that he would not take any of this anymore.

Now, Brian was a peaceful child. He was also a lousy fighter, he decided, because he never fought in his life. Rather than risk further injury from his tormentors, he decided to run away. He ran away that night, in the middle of a rain storm. It did not matter where he would end up, so long as he got away from his own personal hell. He ran and ran and ran, stumbling at various points, and stopping to catch his breath. After about an hour or so from his initial leaving, he arrived in a graveyard. Brian was by no means fearless, and this graveyard scared him. As lightning flashed and thunder cracked behind him, he ran ahead, pressing onward, to escape the graveyard. About half of the way through, he tripped on a rock. He fell, and rolled into a gravestone, headfirst. About five minutes later, he got up, and rubbed his head where it had made contact with the blunt gravestone. He looked upon the gravestone and saw name LINK. He had heard stories of Link's adventures at bedtime from his father, but never thought that they were real. Even if they were, what were the odds that this would be that Link.

"It's a common name," thought Brian.

He continued looking at the gravestone, and was amazed to learn that the birth of this Link was the exact same as he heard from his father. He now knew that it was the Link of legend, the Link who defeated Ganondorf.

"But how, how did he die?", thought Brian.

His father had always told him that it was of natural causes, but by the date of his death suggested otherwise, that he had died in his late teens. He continued to look down the gravestone and he found a strange engraving, a marking of three congruent triangles, two next to each other, and one on top of the two. He did not recognize this, and was intrigued. He ran his hand across the marking, and took it in.

By now the thunder and lightning had stopped, but the rain continued pouring. He could not see the moon, and therefore could not tell what time it was. He knew he was far from his boarding school, but he knew that he was not far from his home. He decided to go to his home and spend the rest of the night there, and go back to school in the morning. He began his trek to his house, with the thoughts of Link racing in his head. The journey went by faster than he would have thought, mostly because he was distracted from the outside world by his findings in the graveyard. He arrived at his house, only to find his father with a foreboding look on his face