Nadesico Fan Fiction
Romance Of The Stars
By Kraven Ergeist
A/N: I didn't mean to do this, but there are some story elements available in my lemon side story on DeviantArt that you may want to read that takes place between the last chapter and this one. If you're not of age, or simply choose not to, then I guess you'll have to fill in the gaps for yourself.
Popping the question had been easy. Well, maybe not exactly easy, but once it was done, it was done, and it had only lasted a few seconds. There was the period beforehand where he'd worked his butt off in order to buy the ring, but it paled in comparison to this.
Akito had never been one for fancy clothing or formal processions. This was arguably both. The king and queen of Peaceland had offered to foot the bill for the entire wedding under the condition that the King be the one to give away the bride. Ruri had agreed, with some skepticism. She didn't really perceive those two people as her parents, but Nergal could only afford so much, and Minato was broke as it was.
Akito silently wondered whether or not he should have tried talking Ruri out of letting her birth parents be the ones to organize the event. The wedding took place within Peaceland, naturally, and Minato and the Queen of Peaceland had coordinated their efforts into making the ordeal so much more extravagant than it should have ever been, at least in Ruri and Akito's mind.
A lot had changed in the time after the Nadesico's battle came to an end. Ruri had moved in with Minato and Yukina, and Akito had opened up a restaurant nearby, where he could come by and see her as often as he could. On the night of her eighteenth birthday, Akito had proposed to Ruri. Neither had taken a look back since.
Yurika still hadn't fully recovered from the loss of her beloved Akito, but having given her as many sympathetic shoulders to cry on as was possible, Jun had finally worked up enough guts to confess his feelings for her. They had gotten married the very next year.
Akito had lost track of how many times he had tugged on his collar that morning as he paced the halls of the Peaceland chapel.
"Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"
Akatsuki patted him on the back, perfectly at ease in the groomsman's white tux. "Relax, kid. I know you're a little stressed right now, but Ruri's the one probably tearing out her hair right now."
Akito was pacing back and forth, trying and failing to fan himself. "I know, I know! I just wish it could get started already."
Jun was sitting calmly. "Settle down, Akito. Just take a deep breath and try to calm down."
Akito grabbed two fistfuls of hair. "How on Earth did you ever manage this, Jun? I feel like my head's going to explode!"
Jun chuckled. "You make it sound like it was easy. It wasn't."
Akito just groaned.
Elsewhere, Ruri was just as panicked. Minato, Yurika, Yukina, Megumi, the pilots, Miss Frissange and Miss Won were all gathered around her as Ruri stood up on a table on the verge of hyperventilation. Her dress was simple an elegant. From her waist down, the dress reached down to her ankles in simple, folded white. Above that, the dress formed a bodice of white beaded sequins, ornamenting her frame beautifully. The bodice stopped just above her breasts, and angled upward into a single strap in front and in back that attached to a white collar. From the base of her shoulders all the way to her wrists, attaching to her middle fingers were pearlescent white sleeves, leaving her hands empty to receive the golden bands at the end of the ceremony. The sleeves were tipped with more lacy sequins and were completely unattached to the rest of the dress. And to top it off, her hair was held back by pearly white veil.
Minato thought it looked mesmerizing. Ruri thought it looked overblown.
"You're doing fine, Ruri," Yurika said, her attention focused on her six month old baby, Kairi, in a stroller. "Trust me, getting the dress on is half the battle. All you have to do is make it down the isle."
Ruri continued panting. "It seems like it should be so easy…but…"
Miss Frissange nodded. "It really isn't, is it?"
Ruri nodded, her cheeks flushed. "It's just that…once this is over, I'll be a married woman…"
Minato winked. "It's not like your lives will be all that different once this is over."
Several months ago, Ruri had moved out of Minato's apartment and into Akito's. It was more out of embarrassment than necessity, seeing as how Minato had walked in on them the morning after her eighteenth birthday party. Ruri's hearing had never quite been the same after Minato's shrill appraisal of what she had seen.
Ruri nodded. "I know that. But this is different. This is…this is really it…"
Minato took Ruri's hand and held it, as Ruri sniffed back tears.
"Ruri, you know I've always been so proud of you," Minato smiled. "You and Yukina have made my life worth living again. And I want you to know that, no matter what, you'll always have a home with us."
Yukina smiled. "That's right, Ruri! Now go out there and prove to that guy just what a lucky catch you are!"
Ruri flushed. She was grateful for the life she had been living with Minato and Yukina. She wouldn't trade it for anything. They had, more than anything, given her a home and a family these past six years. If knowing Akito was the best thing that had ever happened to her, it was followed closely by knowing her surrogate mother and sister.
The church bells chimed noon all over Peaceland. The King and Queen had made the day a national holiday. The Unitarian chapel at the heart of Peaceland began to fill with guests. Jun, Akatsuki, Seiya, and two young men Akito didn't know too well called Hari and Saburota, all dressed in white tuxedoes, sat the guests at the groom's side of the church. Yukina, Megumi, Ryoko, Hikaru and Izumi all dressed in black, sat the bride's side. Yurika had politely declined bridesmaid duty because of Kairi, and settled for front row on the groom's side, her little six-month-old in tow. Somehow, Akito just knew that the baby would burst into tears midway through the procession.
Everyone else who'd ever touched the lives of the crew of the Nadesico was seated at the front. Minato sat beside Mister Hoary on the bride's side – in the six years since the Nadesico, they'd had an on-and-off relationship – mostly off, but currently resembling something steady. Howmei and her helpers, as well as Seiya's wife sat at the groom's side - the two Uribatake children were the designated Ring Bearer and Flower Girl, and Seiya's wife was determined to set a record for number of pictures snapped in the time it took her two children to walk the isle. Miss Won sat quietly on the groom's side, and the retired Admiral and General of the UEF during Ruri's service even made an appearance, sitting on the bride's side, barely visible behind the sobbing Queen of Peaceland.
The King had wanted his own priest to give the ceremony, but that had been one role Ruri had fervently reserved for someone else. No one knew where he came from. No one knew how many professions he held. No one knew if he was even technically a man of the church. Heck, no one even knew is actual name. But decked up in a minister's robe, Mister Prospector fit the role rather nicely.
"Mister Tenkawa," he whispered to the young man. "You're fidgeting."
Akito flinched. "I know! I can't help it!"
The aging man sighed. "Ah, to be young again…"
Akito grimaced, doing his best to hold still. Mister Prospector may think Akito's role was easy, but being a groom wasn't as easy as it looked. Ruri would walk out that door any moment now, and he was both terrified and excited beyond comprehension. This would be it!
When he saw her, Akito nearly fell over. Her dress practically shimmered, the beaded sequins picking up traces of light from the candelabras. Akito had often heard the term "fairy" used to describe Ruri, and generally, he found himself agreeing with it. But at that moment, she didn't look anything like a fairy
She looked more like a Goddess.
She looked divine, ephemeral, illustrious. As if every single person in that room should have been bowing, had it not been for the still childish look of her face that was both shy and kind.
Ruri felt dizzy with all the snapshots. The King of Peaceland held her arm, and had a consistent stream of tears rolling down his face. Ruri could barely make out Akito's form before her. But as she neared him, she could make out his appearance, and she smiled. He looked impeccable in his jet-black attire. The entourage to the right was all dressed in white, and to the left, all in black. Marring this symmetry was Akito in his pure onyx tux. All that was left was for her to fill the void, completing the picture.
Behind her, Touji and Mari Uribatake followed her, Mari sprinkling flower petals in her wake. Touji had a big grin plastered to his face, a pillow with two rings tied to it resting on his palms. Ahead of them, Seiya sighed as his wife took what must have been three film rolls of pictures.
As Ruri neared Akito, he leaned in to whisper in her ear.
"I am officially the luckiest man on the planet."
Ruri stopped herself from giggling. She could tell that he was as stressed about this as she was, and was just as determined to make it through without screwing anything up.
The King gave Ruri away, and she and Akito stood arm in arm before Mister Prospector.
He cleared his throat.
"Welcome – friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues. I am glad you all could be here with us today, as we celebrate the marriage of Akito Tenkawa and Ruri Hoshino. I look back on the time that I've spent with you two," his gaze met both of theirs, "And I am always amazed at the trials the two of you have gone through to get to this point. We are all here because of a foolish war, and we all have at least one person who we wish could be here, sharing this moment with us."
Many heads lowered in recollection.
"All of us here wish only the best for you two," Prospector went on, "And that your days ahead be as prosperous as our comrades would have wished for. But as heartfelt as all of our wishes may be, you two stand before me today with a greater gift."
Prospector reached forward and took them both by the shoulder.
"I have watched you two grow for nearly seven years now. And I know as well as anyone here that you both are capable of amazing things. Ruri, you put your heart and your soul into everything you do, and I have witnessed on numerous occasions, where those around you have been blind to the truth, you have seen into the heart of what truly mattered. And you, Akito, your courage and determination astound me to this day. In all the years since we've met, the phrase "give up" has never once passed your lips. You both have the mettle and strength of will for greatness. Today, that courage and that heart will come together as one, and you two shall set off down the road of life, with infinite possibilities ahead of you." He exchanged looks with each of them. "There is no goal you two can't accomplish, no obstacle you two can't overcome, no difficulty you two can't work around, and no peak you two can't surpass."
Minato stifled a sob, Yurika was teary eyed, Mister Hoary was forcing back tears of his own, and even Akatsuki was having difficulty controlling himself.
"Both of you stand before me today on the brink a journey. A journey that you will both share with each other. There will be difficulties…there will be hardships…but I say with a clear mind that I am not worried in the least, for there is no reason to be. As you leave here today, you leave with my blessing, and that of everyone seated here today. But most importantly of all, you leave with each other's hearts. You give each other strength. And that, above all…makes you unstoppable."
He released the two of them and looked upon the audience.
"Do I speak truly, or are there any among you now who believe these two should not be wed? If there are, then let them speak now, else forever hold their peace."
All were quiet.
Prospector turned to Ruri. ""Do you, Ruri Hoshino, take this Akito Tenkawa to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?"
Ruri nodded, surely. "I do."
Prospector turned to Akito. "And do you, Akito Tenkawa, take this Ruri Hoshino to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, so long as you both shall live?"
Akito looked back at Ruri. "Of course I do."
Mister Prospector adjusted his glasses. "Do you have the rings?"
Uribatake untied the rings from the pillow in his son's hands, patting him on the head, whispering words of praise to the young boy. He ferried the rings to Mister Prospector with a nod.
Prospector said another prayer as Akito and Ruri both slide their respective wedding bands on each other's fingers. Akito thought he saw Ruri crying beneath her veil. As elated as he was at that very moment, he was unsure that he wasn't as well.
Akito heard Mister Prospector's words, but all he saw was Ruri. He felt the gaze of everyone he knew coming at him from his left, but all he saw was Ruri. He knew that later, there would pictures and presents and cake and a honeymoon, but all he saw was Ruri.
The phrase "you may kiss the bride" passed through his ears, and he lifted her veil to gaze into her golden yellow eyes. He was staring at the most beautiful creature he'd ever known, dressed in the most dazzling dress he'd ever seen, surrounded by the best friends he'd ever had, looking ahead to the most majestic future he'd ever imagined.
And all he saw was Ruri.
"There? You see? Now that wasn't so hard."
Akito loosened the collar of his jacket. The reception was taking place in the Peaceland palace ballroom. Every conceivable form of food littered a table nearly a football field in length, but Akito wasn't too willing to touch anything Miss Howmei hadn't personally guaranteed. He and Ruri had learned firsthand that Peaceland's greatest commodity was not its cuisine.
Akito groaned. "Are you kidding? The worst is yet to come. They're gonna ask me to dance in front of the whole crowd, and I've got two left feet."
Jun shook his head. "That's nothing to worry about, Akito."
Before Jun could console further, Akatsuki butted in. "Yeah, the real tough part is when you have to take of her garter for her to toss to me and the rest of the eligible men."
Akito gulped. She and Ruri had not exactly been chaste the past several months, but doing something like that in front of all those people?
Jun glared at Akatsuki. "You're not exactly helping him, Nagare"
The longhaired man sighed. "What can I do if the fanboy can't keep his cool in front of the crowd?"
Akito smiled. "Hey, Akatsuki, I think Erina's looking at you."
The older man blinked. "What?"
Jun elbowed the man. "Yeah, you should go see what she wants. Who knows, maybe she wants to dance."
Akatsuki looked annoyed. "You're not just trying to get rid of me now, are you?"
"Akatsuki…" Akito groaned.
The longhaired man threw up his palms. "Alright, alright, I'll make myself scarce. Sheesh…tough crowd…"
Jun and Akito chuckled as the man trotted off. Their laugh was short lived when Yurika showed up, handing baby Kairi off to Jun.
"Could you hold him for a moment, honey?" Yurika pleaded, looking tired.
Jun gladly took his daughter, holding her in front of him, making kissy faces at her.
Akito offered Yurika a seat, but she didn't take it. "Akito…could I have a word with you…?"
Akito gulped. "Uh…sure…"
Yurika led him out to the balcony for some privacy, the cool night air refreshing them both.
"Akito…" Yurika sighed. "I just want you to know that…I'm happy for you. Really…I am…I can tell that you and Ruri love each other, very much…"
Akito sighed. "Yurika…if this is about you and me…"
"Let me finish," Yurika piped. "Look, I…you know I still care about you…and no matter who either of us marries, I'm not going to stop caring about you…"
Akito wasn't sure he liked where this was going.
"I…wanted to ask you something…" Yurika stammered. "Would you…I mean…would you and Ruri mind being Kairi's godparents?"
Akito smiled back at her. "Of course, Yurika! I'd be honored."
She smiled in return. "Oh, thank you so much, Akito! Also…would it be okay if…Kairi called you 'Uncle Akito?' from now on?"
Akito smiled even more brightly than before. "Nothing would make me happier."
Yurika smiled, one final tear trickle down her face. "I'm so glad!"
Ruri hadn't had much of an appetite, but Minato and Yukina seemed to make up for it. When they weren't eating, they were gossiping. Between the two of them, Ruri hadn't had a free moment to spend with her new husband.
She politely excused herself to go looking for him, when she ran into Hari. She had me the young boy at Nergal, and had been delighted to learn that they both could synchronize with Nadesico type computer systems, so right away, she had found a kindred spirit. Years after the fact, she had come to look at him as the brother she never had, and had fun chatting with him whenever Yukina and Akito weren't around.
"Hi Ruri…" Hair said, sheepishly. "I, uh…thanks for inviting me…"
Ruri smiled. "It was my pleasure, Hari."
The young man scratched his head. "I guess I won't be seeing too much of you after this. I mean, now that you're living with Akito…"
Ruri smiled. "I'm still a Nergal employee. We'll still see each other."
Hari chuckled. "I guess so…"
Ruri could tell something was bothering him, and was about to ask him about it, when Yukina suddenly popped out of nowhere, glomming onto her surrogate sister.
"Hey, Ruri!" she squeaked. "Megumi wants to see you." Noticing the boy, Yukina smiled. "Oh, hi! You must be Hari. Ruri's told me a lot about you…" she glanced down at him. "Guess she forgot to mention that Nergal only hires cuties!"
Hari blushed furiously, as Yukina winked in Ruri's direction.
Ruri nodded and went off to find Megumi, leaving Hari at Yukina's mercy. She found her eventually – Megumi had been in charge of the stage performance during the reception, and that had been the first place she had looked.
When she found her, Megumi immediately placed the bouquet she had been carrying down the isle and sat her in a chair.
"If I could have your attention please…"Megumi thundered. Her voice reached everyone, and the room fell silent within moments.
"Oh dear…" Ruri sighed.
"If I could have all the eligible ladies lined up behind Miss Tenkawa here…"
Ruri repeated the name to herself. Ruri Tenkawa. She liked it.
She missed the rest of Megumi's fanfare, but knew what she was supposed to do. Yukina, the pilots, Miss Won, even Megumi herself all seemed more than eager to catch the flowers.
Ruri smiled. With a strong toss, she hurdled the bouquet blindly, before turned her head to see who caught it.
To her surprise, it was Minato who caught the bouquet. She stared blankly at the flowers, blinking several times. She took a glance at Mister Hoary, who flushing, looking away.
The crowd erupted in applause.
Ruri smiled. It was about time Minato finally settled down, anyway. Now it was time for…
"Now if I could have all the eligible guys line up…"
Ruri saw Akatsuki, Mister Hoary, Hari and Saburota lining up with the rest of the guys. Even mister Prospector stood among their ranks. Then she suddenly saw Akito entering from the balcony, the warm smile on his face suddenly turning into a confused stare as he gradually figured out what he was expected to do.
Ruri blushed. She wasn't sure how she felt about this, but it was expected of her after all. So, swallowing what little pride she had left, she slipped out of her left shoe, and offered her leg to Akito in invitation.
Akito gulped as he approached her, leaning down in front of her. Several guys whistled as he slid Ruri's dress up, revealing a seductively hosen leg, with an even more eye-catching black garter belt above her knee. Ruri had to stop herself from giggling as Akio kept blushing as he tugged the piece of elastic down her leg. She actually did giggle when he discreetly tickled the back of her knee.
She threw him a look which receiving a mocking smirk as he handed her the garter belt.
"I'll deal with you later…" she hissed, mischievously.
Akito stepped back and Ruri threw the piece of fabric, which Hari caught, aghast. He caught sight of Yukina blowing him a kiss, and he flushed red.
Ruri couldn't control her laughter. This whole event was bringing more and more people together, and she found herself growing more and more thrilled by each new smiling face.
Akito had managed to disappear again. They still had yet to perform their unavoidable dance while the whole crowd watched. She wasn't too happy with the idea, but she was determined to go through with it. She didn't mind dancing if it was with Akito…
She heard the familiar sound of Mister Prospector clearing his throat and looked up.
"Your husband really has a thing for the outdoors…" he muttered, idly, before taking off.
It took a moment for Ruri to make the connection, before she took off as fast as her heels permitted towards the balcony.
She gasped when she saw what awaited her.
Akito was halfway into the cockpit of his Aestivalis, which was parked just beyond the balcony guardrail.
"Hey, Ruri," Akito smiled. "I was thinking about going for a ride. Want to come?"
Ruri hurried over to him. "Akito! What are you talking about? What about the reception? We still have our dance to do and…"
Ruri's argument died off.
"I had a different dance in mind," Akito winked. "What do you say we ditch the reception and start our honeymoon early?"
Ruri couldn't contain a delighted giggle. "I never did like crowds…"
With that, Akito took her by the hand and whisked her off on his Aestivalis, and flew off into the distance.
Yurika watched from the window, Jun by her side, her baby in arm.
"Goodbye Akito…"
Minato and Yukina had seen it as well. They each embraced each other as they gazed up at the stars.
"Take care of yourself, Ruri…"
Akatsuki watched from the sidelines. "Taught the kid everything he knows…"
Uribatake just shrugged. "Do I hear Miss Won calling, Akatsuki?"
The longhaired man flinched. "Whoops."
For their honeymoon, Akito had offered to take Ruri anywhere she wanted to go. Though they could hardly hope to find someplace pricier than Peaceland, Akito was willing take Ruri anywhere she wanted.
What he hadn't counted on was having to boson jump to get there.
"I don't understand, Ruri…" Akito commented, as they ambled about the new Utopia colony. "Why did you want to come to Mars?"
Ruri had relinquished her veil, sleeves, and petticoat, but otherwise remained in her gown. Akito had placed his coat on Ruri's shoulders to shield her from the cooler Martian atmosphere. All around them, colonists lived out their lives, rebuilding what was lost.
"This is where you were raised a child, weren't you?" Ruri posed, eying her surroundings. "You've seen the place of my birth already, it's only fair that I see yours."
Akito smiled. "But still…there are so many nicer places we could have gone, and–"
"Akito…" Ruri interrupted.
The young man sighed. "Right, right, I'll shut up now."
Ruri smiled. This was going better than she'd hoped.
They continued walking until Akito paused by a green house. He nodded to Ruri and they entered. Inside were fruits and vegetables, all the natural produce the colony need. Akito found what he was looking for: an orange tree. He stood still watching the brilliant fruit growing on their branches. Gingerly, he picked one from the branches and handed it to Ruri.
He sat down and began to tell the story. Of how he met Ai, and the Jovian's attack. Of his meeting with Gai. Of his tryst with Megumi. Of his dream to be a chef that was delayed for so long by war. Of the sadness he'd lived through, the desire for revenge that turned him into the man he was now.
Ruri held him closely as he finished. She kissed him again and again, hoping that each would wash away another painful memory.
Akito finally kissed her back. "Thanks for listening, Ruri…"
Ruri sighed in relief that he was able to smile once more. "Oh, Akito…you've done so much for me…I just wish there was more I could do to return that kindness."
"You already have, Ruri…" Akito kissed her, deeply. "You made me the happiest man alive…just by saying yes."
Ruri smiled, allowing him to push her to the ground. "How could I have said anything else?"
Akito winked. "As I recall, you didn't say much more than that…though you did call out my name a few times…"
Ruri inhaled, sharply. "Why…you…"
Akito chuckled. "What?"
The blue haired girls glared, mischievously. "I still need to get you back for that cheap shot in the ballroom too!"
Akito kissed her again, pinning her arms to the ground. "Feel free to try, Ruri…"
Ruri gasped as he began to nibble her ear. She lost all drive to fight back as he began to lick every bit of skin that was visible. That soon became too little, as he began fiddling with the complex gown that bound her from him. Several minutes passed, and Akito finally looked at Ruri, pleadingly.
Ruri, for her part, simply sighed.
A/N: I hoped you've enjoyed reading Romance of the Stars as much as I have writing it. This goes out to all fans of Nadesico, and to all of you who think that Ruri deserved a little more happiness than she got in the series.
Thanks for reading!