Dear Paper Slash fans,

I regret to announce that after more than a year of not continuing this work of fiction, I will be officially discontinuing the series. The reason I am doing so is because I have lost the motivation to continue Paper Slash long ago, and find no point in continuing something that I feel won't have the proper flair a story needs via the author's love and dedication towards his or her work. I am also going to enter college come this September, and the least things outside of school I have to worry about, the better off I'll be in the future.

Another reason for my discontinuing the series is because I developed interest in attempting to complete my other (and in my opinion, far better) works of literature. Most of them are original ideas, and some are group projects by my friends and I. Here is a list of my current projects for you guys to look out for (none have been posted here, but some can be found on some sites; I may post them on here and/or on Fiction Press):

The Zombies of Clark County: My ground-breaking book, in a sense. It involves my friends and I battling to defend our homes, or towns, our county, and our state from a zombie infestation. It is far better than it sounds, and includes intense, action-packed fight scenes with hints of horror and drama on the side, but the emphasized genre is action. Outside of zombies, this book is quite realistic.

How to get to Dunes Bible Camp Without a Motorized Vehicle: This is a short story that shows the extent of my humor packed in an adventure to get to a certain Bible camp when your friends steal your car, and you're left with little options. I am actually close to finishing this, and will post a complete version of it some day.

World of Warcraft: The Wanderings of Zach: Part one of a three-part joint project made by two of my closest friends, and myself. It deals with (somewhat) average people having their entire world become a world of Warcraft (pun intended). The group of friends must travel together to find a way to return their world back to normal. They meet new friends, and make enemies, new and old. The story also shows allusions to a book I had never finished, but explains the concept within a chapter. The story has a great mix of humor and action melded together.

Battlefield 2010: The Story of how Politicians can Screw up a Nation: This isn't exactly on eof my projects; this is actually my friend's book, with me as the co-author/proofreader. It's more of a serious, very realistic war story, but has its bits of humor in it. It moreover criticizes certain politicians in a light hearted fashion. Incidentally, I intended for my book, The Zombies of Clark County, to be a prequel to it, but my friend was against it, so I instead intend for it to be more of a spiritual sequel to it instead, which isn't that big of a difference, but I digress.

The following site actually includes most of these stories, if not all of them (in their incomplete forms). If you're still interested in my works, go there. The URL is redlinebooks . aceboard . com (with the spaces deleted, of course; the site just won't let me post the link the normal way). Become a member today, read our works, review them, maybe even post your own works there as well! We would appreciate any feedback! To those who enter the site, my name on there is Zach.

Finally, I sincerely apologize for letting any of you down because of my decision, and I hope you will all have the compassion to forgive me, and still tune in to any of my future postings. And from the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you who supported this fic. And for now, I bid you all a heartfelt farewell.


Zachary Bearg (AKA ZB3000)