What if Loki hadn't been stopped after making 'Mini' Jack? What if he had made one more?Sam/Jack

Believe it or not, this was my very first story idea. It went through over a dozen different varations and several of my stories exist because of this... I hope you like it!

This story does not follow the show. Jacob is alive, Janet is alive but on vacation. Jack is in Washington and General Landry is running the SGC. Colonel Mitchell does not exist and the Goa'uld are still 'the' bad race...


John looked unrepentantly at his soaking wet girlfriend "Sorry"

"Right" she said tossing her long, blond hair back.

"I am!" he protested unconvincingly

She gave him a sweet smile "I know"

"You do?" he asked. He hadn't thought she would have fallen for it

She threw two water balloons at him, complete soaking his upper body

"Hey!" he protested "I'm going to go to get you"

She squealed and dashed away

"Who am I?" she asked looking over at the small grey figure that looked a lot like one of Roswells aliens

"You are Sara"

"I don't remember anything"

The 'thing' nodded, apparently pleased


She swayed "I'm dizzy"

He caught her before she fell and gently lowered her to the ground.

"I-I remem-"

"I'm not this person! My name is-"

The'thing' adjusted a laser-like beam over her head

"Sara?" John asked looking down. Her eyes were closed. He felt her pulse, it was beating faster then usual. "SARA!" he cried shaking her gently "Help!" he cried looking around.

White light surrounded the two and carried them away

Carter yawned. She had been working for the last 19 hours straight and now she was heading for bed. She yawned again and swiped her key then and entered the room. Kicking her shoes off she burrowed under the covers and closed her eyes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The security guard sighed. It seemed pointless to monitor all these cameras but hey, it's a job. He yawned and scanned the halls. To his surprise a bright light filled one of them. It looked like a Asgard beam… he rushed over to the wall he pressed a button. Sirens filled the SGC.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Carter opened her eyes. This wasn't her bed, why was she on the floor? Sitting up she saw Thor who was bent over a young girl and there was a boy sitting next to her holding her hand.

The boy blinked rapidly then simply said "Carter"

Carter groaned, "Thor, I'm going back to bed! Beam me down and I'll come back at… say 1800?

"Greetings Colonel Carter, I am sorry to have waken you but I have a favor to ask" he began hesitantly

Carter glared at him "ok, I'll stay but get me some coffee, QUICK!" Thor quickly obliged, wondering to himself what was the matter with her. She normally was a very agreeable perosn.

Carters grumpy mood slowly disappeared once handed a cup of coffee.

"So, Thor, whatcha need?" Thor's reply was to walk over and beam up yet one more person.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jack was in a meeting with some very important people. The President was getting a lot of pressure to put another civilian in charge of the program and Jack was trying to convince them that this would not be a good idea. He looked at his watch "It's" was all he was able to say before he was beamed away and sending the entire room into panic. his "9:00! for cryin' out loud" was lost in space. He blinked "Thank you THOR!" he called

Jack hadn't seen Carter in over a month. So seeing his former 2IC was a bit of a shock. She looked tired and and a bit grumpy. She looked so cute when she was grumpy. She was sitting on the floor drinking a HUGE cup of coffee. As he looked around he noticed that Thor was bent over some kid and there was a boy next to her that look strangely familiar it looked like...

"Jack" the boy said.

Jack blinked "Jack".

The boy shook his head "I go by John now".

Jack looked over at Thor "Ok, what the heck is going on here? don't you ever just wanna say HI?"

Thor stood up "greetings O'Neill, thank you for coming?"

Jack scowled "Like I had a choice?"

Thor wisely chose to ignore him and spoke to Carter "Major Carter, there has been a mistake".

Carter's head shot up "A mistake? What?" she asked rubbing her eye as she spoke.

John stood up "it appears Loki before he was "shut down" made a clone of you, A young clone. So now there are 2 of you running around down there" Carter stared at Thor for a second and then blacked out.

"I am sorry O'Neill, I did not think that she would take the news so hard" Thor said apologetically

"I don't think she took it hard, I think it was just the shock, combined with her lack of sleep" John said.

Jack nodded "What he said"

The girl stirred. Thor instantly went over to her side "How are you feeling?" he asked

She groaned "Nail in the head kind of thing" she said sitting up.

John walked over "You ok Sara?" he asked worried.

Jack's eyebrows shot up "SARA?" he asked increously turning to Thor "You named Carter's clone SARA?"

Thor looked surprised by his reaction "I believed Sara to be a good name for the clone"

John shook his head "Jack, he really didn't know"

"Thor, what the hell is going on?"Jack demanded.

Thor turned to him "I will explain presently O'Neill"

Jack muttered something under his breath then sat on the floor next to Carter who was waking up

"Hey Carter, you ok?"

"Nail in the head kind of thing" she said sitting up.

Sara looked at her "Hey, I said that"

"Who is she again?" Carter demanded

"Your clone"


Sara stared at her "Is that what I am going to look like when I'm 30?" she asked curiously

Carter nodded

"You're me" the girl tried "Why the heck was I 'made'?"

Thor looked apologtic "Loki actually claims to have made you for the clone"

"WHAT?" The four exclaimed

"Wait, why me?" Sara asked "I was made for myself? or I'm the real one and Sam is the clone?"

"Duplicate O'Neill"

Suspicion crossed Sara's face as she turned to John "You're a clone?"

John fidgited "Yeah, yeah I am" he finally said


Hope ya like it,

PLEASE review!