Hello ppl! I am sorry for not updating sooner, but I didn't like how this story was going so…I'm going to rewrite it! I really hope you like it…though you probably won't like the first chapter. Why, you ask? You'll find out later…
One year. It had been exactly one year, since that horrifying day.
Kagome woke up with a start. She looked over at her alarm clock to see what the time was. 3:30 A.M. Kagome glared at the clock, and sighed stretching.
'Might as well get up," she thought walking to her bathroom, 'It's not like I'm ever going to get back to sleep. I never do.' As she walked into the bathroom she blinked at her reflection. Her face was pale, and she had tear stains down her cheeks. She hastily wiped them away, and sighed, again. She took one last look at the mirror and glared at it. She was looking more and more like Kikyo everyday. Her raven locks had grown a little more than usual, and looked straighter, like Kikyo's hair. Didn't really help that she was pale. She started to shed her clothes so she could shower, but stopped when she felt the familiar scar on her stomach, on the right side. Kagome looked at the scar with a glazed stare.
"Ahh!" Kagome moaned in agony as one of Naraku's tentacles went through her stomach. She fell to the ground, her bow and arrow was too far for her to reach. "In- Inuyasha…" she whispered in pain as she closed her eyes.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha gasped, then growled and turned from Kagome and to Naraku, whom he glared. He went at him full force, with his Tetsaiga, blinded by rage. Kagome saw this as Sango helped her up.
"No! INUYASHA!!!" Kagome screamed as-
"Kagome? Kagome, dear, are you awake?"
Kagome shook her head and said, "Yea, Mom, I'm awake." Kagome's mother walked in the room, with a caring look on her face. "You know you don't have to go to school today, dear, if you don't want to."
Kagome smiled at her mother, "No mom, I'm fine. Thanks anyway, but I have to work hard. I don't want to be left behind again."
Her mother nodded and walked out of the room. Kagome sighed and finished taking off her clothes and stepped into the shower. Ten minutes later she walked out of her bathroom toweling her hair. She put on her uniform, a slightly short green skirt with a sailor white shirt. Lastly she put on a familiar necklace, one that she had worn everyday for the past year. It was a necklace of purple pearls, with demon fangs decorating it. She smiled fondly at it then ran down the stairs grabbing her backpack and putting on her shoes. She was almost out the door when her mother stopped her.
"Kagome! You forgot these." Her mother handed her five bundles of flowers. Kagome thanked her mother then ran outside. She went into the well house and smelled the familiar aroma. She jumped into the well and she soon felt the familiar sensation of going through time. Once she was at the bottom of the well, she began climbing it. With the help of some vines, she came safely to the surface. She looked around and smiled. It was beautiful here. All the flowers were in bloom, and everything was full of life. She passed the God tree without looking at it, for there was something there she didn't want to see, just yet. She made her way through the forest, his forest, and came to a small village. As she walked down the dirt road, people began to greet her.
"Hello, Lady Kagome!" was the most common one.
Kagome nodded with a smile to each of the people you said hello.
"Kagome, ye came." Said a familiar raspy voice.
"Kaede!" Kagome said with a grin as she ran up to hug the old woman.
"How could I not come?" Kagome said, "Come, let's go." Kaede nodded and followed the young girl, but suddenly stopped. "Kaede?" Kagome asked, and then smacked herself in the head, "Duh! Sorry, Kirara! You come, too." A small cat like creature walked out of a small hut with her nose held high.
"Come on Kirara! I'm sorry." Kirara looked at the young girl then ran up to her, jumping on her shoulder. "'Kay, let's go then!" Kagome said as she walked up the path once again. "Child, ye seem happy."
"Why wouldn't I be?" Kagome said with a grin looking back at Kaede. Her eyes showed the truth though. She was in pain. "Child, ye don't have to do that."
"I know, Kaede, I know," Her mask fell for a minute, and you could see the pain in her features.
"Kagome…be happy…that's all I ask of you…I love you."
She plastered on another smile, "He wanted me to be happy, no, all of them wanted me to be happy, so happy I will be."
Soon their small group reached the God tree. Kaede was first to step forward. She knelt by each grave, and said a few words and a prayer. Next Kirara came forward and bowed her head in respect at each grave. And last, it was Kagome. She looked at all the graves, except one, and said their names in a whisper. "Shippo…Kohaku…Sango…Miroku…" She went to each grave and said a few words, like how much she missed them, and how she was doing. Then she stood up and walked over to the God tree, for right underneath the tree's shade, was another tombstone. "Inuyasha…" She knelt down in front of the grave and started to talk.
"Hey, Inuyasha. It's been a while since my last visit, huh? I'm sorry for not visiting more…I just can't deal with it. I know you wanted me to be happy, and I really am trying. But no matter how hard I try, I just can't. But I'll keep on trying, for you, okay? I miss you so much. I wear your necklace every day. It's like a keepsake of sorts. I developed those pictures I took last year a little bit after you…" she took a shaky breath, "died. You would've liked them. I framed each and every one of them. It's weird, I sometimes expect you to be there…climbing in my room through my window, or trying to get me at school. Well, I have to go to school, but I will visit later, okay? I love you. Bye, Inuyasha."
She stood up and placed the last of the flowers on the grave, then turned to Kaede and Kirara. "Well, I have to go, so I'll see you when I come home from school, okay?"
Kaede nodded, "Goodbye, child." Kirara mewed.
"See you." Kagome said as she jumped into the well. She climbed the ladder that was in the well in her time, and ran outside. She ran down the stairs of the shrine, and started to walk down the road that led to her school. As she crossed one busy road she looked up at the sky. She did a double take and stared, her mouth wide open. "Inuyasha…?" There he was clear as day, in the sky, smiling down at her. He was saying something to her, but she couldn't hear. She blocked out all other sounds around her, trying to hear what he was telling her. But he disappeared. She was shoved back into reality as she heard a horn screaming at her. She looked to the right, and saw a speeding car heading her way. She stood there in shock, a little smile on her face. "I'll be with you soon, Inuyasha." She thought before someone tackled her to the ground so she was out of the way.
"Are you trying to get yourself, killed?! Idiot!" a familiar voice said. Kagome looked up from under the person who saved her. "Inuyasha?" she asked thinking it was his voice.
"Huh? What did you say?" he looked down at her and Kagome froze. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks but she didn't care. She just stared at his face. 'Inuyasha' His face was exactly the same. His hair was cut short and his hair and eyes were both brown, but Kagome saw a gold tint in his eyes. And when the sun shone in his hair, it looked almost sliver. Kagome didn't care about the differences, it was him. She wrapped her arms around hiss neck and held him close. She was crying harder by then.
"Oh don't cry! You're safe! Oh I hate it when girls cry!" the boy looked miserably as the crying girl hung on to him, "Come on, I'll take you to my car." He picked her up bridal style, and walked down the street where his car was parked. 'First day of a new school, and I'm already late' he complained in thought. As he walked he noticed that the girl had fallen asleep, but her arms were still securely around his neck. He sighed and put her in the passenger seat of his red jeep. As he buckled her in, he couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. He smiled faintly, and wiped the tear stains away. He sighed again, and thought 'Now, what?"
Up above him stood a grinning Inuyasha, looking at the scene below.
"Good luck, you two." He whispered as the wind blew and he disappeared.
End Chapter.
So, how did you like it? I'm going to put in what happened at the battle in the next chapter. I know it's short, it was only about three pages on my word…but I'll make the next chapter longer, okay? Well, bye for now.
Ja ne!