Spell Bound

Yo readers, this is just something I cook up during my free periods, it's not much, but hope you'll like it. This is a Howl/Sophie fic, but I changed some things here and there, and the characters may be out of character…but I hope you'll like it! Read and Review! Love ya!

"…." Speaking

'….' Thoughts

Background: Howl is the Master sorcerer, and he owns the wonderful moving castle. He has his heart set on making Sophie his servant, so that he may use her as a medium to enhance his powers. Why Sophie? Probably because she has a natural inclination to magic, and it doesn't hurt that she's pretty… Sophie, is just your average girl, working in a hat shop, she's really skilled with needles, and in more than one way too. Her job at the hat shop is really just a cover-up for what she really does. In actual fact, she works for the Queen as an assassin, to annihilate any super force that poses a threat to the country's peace, and her code name is Needle. Why Needle? That's because all her attacks involves needles, and she is currently the top assassin, she doesn't know any magic, but she can feel it when a spell is being cast, so far, she had managed to finish off 4 sorcerers among others due to her ability to sniff out magic, and prepare for it before the spell is unleashed.

Its midnight, and Sophie had just finished another assignment, this one was relatively easy, but still, it managed to tire her out, and her aching body is beginning to yearn for her soft warm bed. 'Man, you'll think I would get used to these seek and destroy missions by now…but guess again…too bad it's my duty…now if only I could get home to sleep…' Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a familiar figure leaning against a tree by the side walk.

"Great! Just what I needed right now…" She mumbled sarcastically to herself.

"Ah my sweet, what a coincidence to see you here." Howl said a small smile gracing the side of his lips.

"What do you want?" Sophie bit out.

"Tsk, tsk, feisty as always my sweet…" Howl said, stepping out from under the tree.

"Stop calling me my sweet, I have a name; Sophie, so learn to use it!" She ground out, her hands balling into fist at her side.

"My sweet, you amuse me…" He said in a low and seductive voice.

"What do you want?" Sophie gritted out.

"For you to be my servant of course." Howl said; he dropped his voice an octave lower and added. "Do not resist me my sweet, it shall be done…in time it will be…" and his fingers caressed her cheeks, causing a tingle to run down her spine.

Sophie jerk back, she could still feel the gentle fingers on her cheeks, and her heart beat quickened, her breathing becoming shallow.

"Damn you Howl!" She cursed.

"You desire me; I know it…so why don't you just submit and be my servant…"

"Never!" Sophie spat out.

"Why? I could give you powers, more than you'll ever dream of my sweet Sophie…and eternal youth too…we'll be together for eternity."

"I don't want to spend eternity with you, I'll tire of you…and I believe you of me."

"No Sophie, I'll never be bored with you, you amuse me so; like no other…if I believe I'll tire of you, I never would have offered you the place of servant…"

"Wow! Servant, such an honorable title…I'm so eager…Woohoo…" Sophie said sarcastically, waving her hands in the air.

"Servant is just for show…you will be my equal, you deserve no less. I offer you partnership my sweet, not slavery. Most would jump at the chance to be my servant…" Howl said a sad smile on his lips.

"Well, I'm not most people if you haven't realized yet. I don't want to be your servant, so can't you just leave me alone."

"Ah…but I cannot…"

"And why not?" Sophie asked, skeptical.

"I have already cast the first spell of ownership on you, and there's no turning back…"

"You did what!" Sophie yelled. "Reverse it! I don't care how you do it, just do it!"

"Like I said, there's no turning back, the only way to break this bond is if either one of us dies…"

"What! That's a lie…"

"I have never lied to you my sweet…"

"Damn you! I'm going home to rest, I don't have to stay here and take this…this…whatever." Sophie cried, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"Denial won't do you any good my sweet…" Howl whispered, the air carrying his words to her ears, causing her to let lose another string of colorful language, as she turned the corner.

Howl smirked as he jingled the bag containing Sophie's anger. 'Step two of ownership will be completed soon, with this bag of emotions…' With that, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Stupid Howl..." Sophie muttered turning the key in the knob. As she pushed the door open, she sense another presence in the room, her left hand immediately shot toward her belt pocket, fingers curling around the needles.

"Who's there?" she said into the dark room of her apartment.

Suddenly, two daggers went flying towards her.

'Shit!' Sophie thought, as she ducked the flying dangers. She stood back up in one fluid motion, needles poised in her hands, ready to take out the threat.

"My, my…swift as always I see." Her attacker said.

'That voice sounds familiar…it is…it is…' Sophie racked her brains to fit the voice to the face.

"Naomi!" Sophie cried out, the needles slipping from her fingers.

"Yup! Happy to see me?" Naomi asked.

Sophie ran over crushing the girl in a tight hug.

"I missed you so very much, ever since you migrated three years ago, I thought I'll never get to see again. So, you back for holiday?" Sophie asked, finally letting the girl breathe.

"Whew…I almost suffocated there. Anyway, I was called back here for a mission, said they required my expertise or something, so I get to stay for a few months.

"Yipeee…" Sophie squealed, pumping her fist in the air.

"Say, why don't we go for a late night snack? I saw this new restaurant on my way here just now, it's called Magic Creek…wanna check it out?" Naomi said.

Sophie nodded, and they headed out in Naomi's Black SUV.

"Whoa, this place is really rocking; I can't believe there are still so many people around at this time!" Naomi shouted over the noise of the crowd.

"Right on!" Sophie cried, trying to keep up with her friend, as she squeezes through the gap between a large man and the counter, before flopping down beside Naomi.

"Ah…what can I get you my sweet."

"You! What are you doing here, are you stalking me?"

"I believe you are mistaken my sweet, I don't do stalking." Howl replied, rising up both hands in mock surrender.

"Don't do stalking my foot! Why the hell are you here then?"

"Why, I thought you knew…I own this restaurant my sweet, and I'm honored that you'll grace my restaurant with your presence sweet Sophie."

"Cut the dramatics Howl! If you are the boss here, then why are you waitressing? Don't you have enough waiters around here?"

"Ah…but we are shorthanded today, so I decided to lend a hand. So, what are your orders?"

"Two beer." Sophie said.

"As you wish my sweet." Howl said with a smile, before heading towards the counter.

"Oh my god Sophie! You are so lucky, how the hell did you meet such a hunk? You are so selfish girl, why didn't you tell me? So, any other cutie I should know about? Come on, spill!"

"Hold it! Firstly, he is freaking irritating, and irks me like mad, so you can have him if you like. In fact, I'll even gift wrap him for you, with large silver ribbons on top too…"

"You sure you hate him so much? I mean, don't you even feel any attraction to him?"

"Well…fine…I guess he's kinda hot."


"Fine, very hot! Happy now?"

"Much…" Naomi said with a smirk, "So, make sure you invite me to your wedding."

"What! Don't be ridiculous, he's a freak! I mean he's a sorcerer, and you know how it is with sorcerers, they have eternal youth…he's probably older than my grandfather."

"So? He's still human."

"I can't stand the idea of dating a thousand year old being, much less marry one. I mean it's just not natural…"

"Come on, he looks way younger than your gramps."

"So? He may be young on the outside, but he's a…gods know how may thousands of years old, supposedly decaying corpse."

"Sophie, you are so stubborn, I think you should give the guy a chance…"

"Whatever, can we just drop the topic already, it's a waste of time and energy, and he's coming."

"Here are the drinks you ordered ladies, so, you guys talking about moi? Howl asked.

"Have you been eavesdropping…?" Sophie asked her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"I swear it's not on purpose, I just happen to have a keen sense of hearing…"

"Yeah right, a keen sense of hearing in a loud and noise place like this? I don't think so...you must have had our table bugged or something…" Sophie said, bending her head to check the underside of the table.

"I assure you Sophie, that you will not find any discriminating evidence under the table, because I did no such thing." Howl said calmly, a small smile teasing the side of his lips.

"Well then, how did you do it?" Sophie demanded, glaring at Howl.

"I can tune in to your mind my sweet…"


"Curious as always my sweet…"

"Cut the crap!"

"Well, it is like this…you still remember the spell I told you about? It's a spell that binds, and allows me access to your mind when you are near me."

"You bastard!" Sophie hissed.

"But it does have its perks too, you see, with the completion of the first spell, you would have increased agility and flexibility…"

"Oh, and I'm supposed to be glad? Why would I want more agility and flexibility hmm? So that I could be a monkey for you?"

"A monkey." Howl echoed, laughter bubbling from within him. "That's amusing sweet Sophie…haha…haha…"

"It's not supposed to be funny you jerk." Sophie growled.

"Hey relax girl, least you pop a vein, you are so red." Naomi said, with a grin.

Suddenly, the door to the restaurant was thrown open, and two shots were fired into the air. The crowds screamed and dispersed, leaving only some staff and a few guests in the almost vacant restaurant.

"Damn you Howl! You will pay for what you have done…" shouted the guy in the middle of the trio at the door.

"What do you want Salvador?" Howl asked coolly, leveling his gaze with his.

"You know what I want!" Salvador ground out menacingly, his gun raised and pointing directly at Howl.

"Then you must know that I can't give it to you." Howl replied, hardly frazzled at gun point.

"Then die!" Salvador cried, as he fired two shots at Howl.

Sophie's eyes widened in horror, as she watch the bullets whiz by, aiming directly at its target. 'No!' was all her mind registered at that instant, and she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Fool! You actually think that normal bullets such as these could harm me; the master sorcerer?" Howl taunted, as he discarded the two bullets on the ground.

Salvador's mouth is hanging open by now, and the grip on his gun slipped.

"Heh, in order to win, one must know their enemies…and in your case, one's limit…" Howl smirked.

"Damn you! Rico, Vand! Attack!" Salvador yelled.

"Let's get out of here Sophie!" Naomi urged hurriedly.

"Erm…right, but not until everyone is safe and out of this restaurant." Sophie stated a look of determination on her face.

"Oh boy, Sophie…do you always have to do that; I mean you are not on duty now, and here's a reality check; they are armed, and we aren't, so it's best if we just call the cops and let them handle it."

"No way, the remaining civilians here may get hurt, and I don't want to have anyone to die just because I'm too scared to help. Besides, I'm a trained assassin; I'll be able to handle them."

"Alright, let's do it." Naomi said solemnly.

"Ok, you take out Blondie there, and I'll go for the other. The plan is to disarm them, then knock them out cold."

"What about that Salvador guy? Whose gonna take him out?"

"Howl's keeping him busy, he won't have time to react…and with his two buddies down, the civilians and staff would be able to leave safely…"

"Let's move!"

"Hiay! Take that you no good low-life!" Naomi cried, as she twisted the gun out of his hand, and sends a swift kick to his shins, stunning the guy momentarily, before sending him crashing toward the counter.

Sophie snuck up on her target and did a simple neck grip on her opponent, effectively knocking him out. "Lights out sucker!"

"Why you bitches…!" Salvador growled, his voice quavering with anger and a slight desperation. In the second that he turned around, Howl had descended on him like darkness, awarding him a hard punch to his nose; he staggered back from the impact, steadying himself on the near-by table.

"Another tip Salvador, never take your eyes off a fight…"

Salvador hissed in response, blood streaking down his assaulted nose. He swept the blood off with the back of his hand, and glared at Howl.

"Hey you people, get out of here now!" Sophie bellowed, ushering the nearest teenage couple out the door.

"Yup! Get a move on now, this place is dangerous, so leave quickly!" Naomi added, as the remaining few in the restaurant began to inch towards the door.

"Nobody moves!" Salvador yelled, waving his gun around wildly, and grabbing the nearest person as hostage.

"No Sophie!" Naomi cried in horror, as her friend was taken hostage by Salvador.

"Let me go you creep!" Sophie shouted, as she struggled to get out of his vice-grip.

"Don't try anything funny bitch, or I'll put a bullet through your pretty little head."

"Let her go Salvador!" Howl stated with an odd glint in his eyes.

"Why? Is she the great Howl's girl? Salvador taunted.

Howl remained silent, his fists clenched at his sides.

"Well, well, well…he's your boyfriend eh?" Salvador leered at Sophie.

"It's none of your business you bastard!" Sophie hissed, as she bit his hand and stomp down on his foot.

"Ouch! Damnit!" Salvador screeched, his grip on Sophie slackened, allowing her to escape.

Sophie ran blindly away from Salvador once she managed to slip out of his grip.

"Get back here bitch!" Salvador shouted, as he pointed his gun at Sophie's fleeing back, firing two shots her.

"Sophie!" Howl and Naomi cried in unison, as the dreaded bullet made its way towards Sophie and impacted.

Sophie felt pain shooting through her body, as the two bullets hit home, and she felt her knees giving way beneath her.

Naomi ran over frantically towards her wounded friend, barely managing to catch her before she hit the ground.

Salvador laughed manically, firing random shots into the air. Howl's eyes hardened and a strange wind began to blow in the enclosed room of the restaurant. Howl's long sleeved white shirt and corn silk hair billowed in the strong winds, and he began to glow a bright orange. He stretched out his right hand, and started muttering, causing strange blue flames to materialize in his open palm. The flames leaped and danced to the rhythm of the wind blowing around him; he gazed up then, looking directly at the crazed Salvador, before shaping the blue flames into an orb and directing it towards Salvador.

The flames engulfed Salvador, burning his clothes and his skin, exposing his flesh and eventually his skull; he tossed around vigorously on the ground, howling non-stop, or at least until his voice-box was incinerated; only then did the noise stop, but the putrid smell of burning flesh had only thickened, gagging those who witness this torture.

Howl stood arms across his chest, staring impassively at the burning body, until it was reduced to a pile of ashes; only then did he walk over to Sophie, satisfied that Salvador would never again walk this Earth. He moved towards the unconscious Sophie, his face an impenetrable mask; he knelt beside her and scooped her up in his arms.

"Where are you bringing…?" Naomi croaked out.

"To life…" was Howl's whispered reply.

Howl brought Sophie to his office, and laid her on the couch. "My sweet, I know you wouldn't agree to what I'm going to do next, but I must perform the next level of the spell if you were to live…that I believe is better than death, so please forgive me…it is the only way…"

to be continued…

Okay people, that's all for now, I'll try to update soon! Cheerios! o

P.S: Tell me what you guys think of this ok?