Me: (grin) Alright! I finished a epilogue! Now get ready! Draio, you're turn to disclaimer!

(Silence in the room and the grasshopper chirps)

Me: (looking around) Where's that lazy gecko!

Ciara: (shrug) He still not back.

Me: (frown) I'm going to ask Ferret for bring him back! Hey, Ferret! If you're there, please get lazy gecko back! I need him for disclaimer!

Ciara: (roll eyes) It's my turn to do the disclaimer. Lady Lizgon does not own Xiaolin Showdown, Sheng-Gong-Wu, and any characters in it. Only she owns us and our sheng-gong-wu, a brown cat named Rai, and a ton of artworks of Xiaolin Showdown.

Me: Please enjoy! (waves)


On the somewhere in the mountain

The nice two story of the cottage siting in the middle of the forest and there was a man around age of 20, reading his favorite book while he was sitting on the chair outside.

"Marc? Marcos?"

The black haired boy blinked his light green eyes and looked up to see the familiar boy stood there in front of him. Surprisingly, he didn't heard the footsteps approaching him.

Marcos squinted at the young seventeen boy in front of him, trying to recall why the boy seem familiar to him.

The dark brown haired boy pouted and put a false hurt on his face. "I'm hurt that you didn't remember your own brother." He mocked grinning at Marcos' reaction and watching the light green eyes were as wide as dinner plates.

"Aseso?" Marcos choked his own words and stood up from his chair, letting his favorite book fall through his hands to the ground with a bit loud thud. "Is that you?"

Khu nodded at him. "Yep. It's me for only and all, Marc." He grinned and then he yelped in surprise when his older brother pulled him into the bone-crushing hug.

"Ughhhhhh! Let me go! Breath! For air!" Khu gasped, wriggling out of his brother's embrace and stepped back, breathing easily. "What was that for!" He snapped glaring back at Marcos.

Marcos grinned sheepishly, scratching behind his black hair and walking back to his chair, sitting down on the seat and picked up his fallen book.

"Where are you now? You vanished right after we moved in Ohio...for eight years." He sighed shaking his head and glancing up at his young brother.

Khu averted his amethyst eyes from his brother's eyes to the grass as if he was interesting in them rather than his brother.

"It is kind of long story, bro." He muttered sits on the ground and pulled his legs to his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees.

Marcos rolled his eyes and shaking his head. "I'm getting old any soon." He said ignoring Khu give a look at him. "Let's hear your story, Aseso. Maybe I can understand why you're vanished for whole eight years."

Khu sighed and then he began to telling him a long short story, explaining to his older brother about why the first place he become a Heylin warrior next day after he was "vanished".

The little red and blue frog with big black eyes and sitting on the wet bright green leaf, looked up and then it cloaked softly before it leaped off leaving the wet leaf shook with teardrops in the air, reflecting of the beautiful sunlight in the sky.

"...when I get my memories back, Marcos, to my surprise that I wasn't realizing he was in front of me whole time." Khu chuckled sadly, looking up at the blue sky and watching few birds flew past trees.

Marcos smiled at him and closing his eyes, lending back his back in the chair. "So that where our little cousin went to before we moved in Ohio..." He muttered under his breath, put a lazy smirk on his face.

Khu smiled shaking his head. "You're not believe me what Rai grew up to be, Marc." He replied grinning. "His life is much better than ours, you know..."

Marcos opened his eyes and eyed at his young brother, enjoying at the sight of him squirming under his stare. Until finally the dark brown haired boy glared at him in annoyance and growled, "What?"

"Nothing at all... Why don't you go to see him in that Xi - ao - lin Temple. " Marcos whispered, frowning not understand what was the name of that temple again he wondered to himself.

Khu chuckled quietly, looking up at the blue sky again. "That Xiaolin temple you buffoon!"

"HEY!" His older brother yelled back, looking hurts and pouted at his young brother. "At least I am not some crazy old monk!"

Khu's laughter echoed all through the new fresh wet forest, making some wild animals looked up in curious and confusions.

The small red bird tilted it's head in curious and fluttered it's wet feathers before it stretched it's wings and leaped off the branch, flying to nowhere.

Outside the Xiaolin Temple

Raimundo sat under the oak, leaning his back against the oak's bark and nodding his head while he had his ipod in his hand and the black headphones on his head, listening his favorite song.


Rai continue to nodding his head even faster, none of him show a sign that he heard his name being spoken.


Rai ignored his name, still closing his eyes and drumming his thumbs on his ipod. He wasn't aware of the shadow approached him in front of him.


Rai ignored the voice of a impatient female in his ears with his small headphones, begin to humming happily.


The Dragon of Wind yelped in startle as the small headphone suddenly seized away from his head, opened his forest green eyes and stared at the bright blue eyes. He blinks and smiled at the black haired girl. "What is it, Kim?" He asked, turning his ipod off and looked back at her.

"It's time for training, Rai." Kimiko replied, stand up and wiping off some ground dusts from her clothes.

Rai groaned running his fingers through his dark brown hair and sighed heavy. "Not this again." He muttered darkly to himself, standing up and wiped some dusts off his clothes.

"Come on, Rai!" Kimiko yelled back and was about to run back to the temple when her arm was grabbed and looked back to Raimundo who looked nervous. "Huh? Rai?" She asked confusing at his nervous behavior.

"Um...I...I need to something to tell you...errr..." Rai stuttered nervously his face turns into faint pink across his cheeks. "Kim...I... I know you long time since the first time we met... "

The Xiaolin Dragon of Wind swallowed nervously and looked right at Kimiko. "I love you, Kimiko." he admitted, smiling nervously at her.

Kimiko blinked at first and slowly smiling on her face, her blue eyes sparking with happiness. She stood up on her toes and kissed him on the lips. "I love you too, Raimundo." She whispered quietly, embracing her boyfriend gently.

Rai smiled in relief and closing his eyes, embracing her back.

The blue jay bird landed on the branch, staring down at the two couple and begin to whistling a love song.

One year later...

In the scroll room, the ancient history of the scroll lay abandoned on the dust table in some where hidden room. It glowed in dark red aura, unlike the scroll that story of Dashi and Wuya.

It slowly opened and show the picture of the war of Xiaolin Dragons and Heylin Tigers. In the center of the war, was the great evil. It was sealed in the cursed crystal by Grandmaster Dashi, buried deeper in somewhere in frozen wasteland.

The name of the great evil...was Lord Ariko. The great lord of all heylin tigers but no greater than the Heylin Tiger God.

One day he will freed from the seal and summoning his four best demons of Lava, Forest, Steel, and Ocean.

The ancient scroll slowly closed back and suddenly melting into the white ashes, then being blown away from the wind to no more...

End of Epilogue

Me: (lend back in the chair) Epilogue is finished! Hold your horses, my next story will be "The Gateway of Darkness" It will be loaded up tonight or in next morning later.

Kobo, Khu, Lobo, and Yamato: (reappeared)

Ciara: Have fun, boys?

Khu and Yamato: (groans and then faints)

Me: (blink) What's wrong with them? Are they sick?

Kobo: (shook head) No. Lobo emptied their money and buy something really big.

Me: (quirk eyebrow up) How big so?

A huge black famous ship, the private black jet, full of lawyers, a hundred size long black limo and full of wild dangerous animals suddenly appeared.

Kobo: Yea. (sweatdrop)

Me: 0o (faint)

Ciara: (toss the icy water on me)

Me: (wake up) Alright enough! I'm putting all of them back where they belong to. (shoving them away)

Ciara: (shake head) Readers, thank you for reading it and please reviews it. Don't forget to wait for next new story, "The Gateway of Darkness", okay? Good. Have a nice night. (walks off)