Thanks to all my awesome reviewers, I've decided to write the second chapter of Truth or Dare. You guys rock!
This chapter is far, far less funny than the previous one, but I tried to lighten the mood at the end. And there is also a bit of GAbby at the end too.
Ye Ole Boring Disclaimer: You don't honestly think I own Navy NCIS do you? Cause if you do, I need to check you into a metal asylum
On with the story!
Tony hummed softly as he put his shirt back on. Next to him, Kate was fumbling with the buttons on her shirt.
"I can't believe you've got the guts to hum, Tony," she said in disbelief. "Gibbs is so going to fire us."
"Oh, it's not that bad Katie. All we've got to do is come up with a good story."
Kate turned to him in shock. "Like what? The elevator threw you on to me and ripped off your shirt in the process? How else are you going to explain why you were straddling me without you shirt on? Or why my shirt was half undone?"
Tony shrugged. At that moment, his cell phone began to ring. He answered it nonchalantly. "Hello?"
"DiNozzo?" The voice on the other end sounded pretty mad. "Get your ass down here. What's taking you two so long?"
"Sorry Boss. Be right down." There was a "humph" from the caller and the connection died.
"Gibbs?" Kate's voice was quivering.
"Yeah. Told us to hurry it up."
Kate nodded. "I'm scared Tony."
Tony pulled her into a hug. He kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Kate. Everything's going to be okay."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I know that you love me. And your love is all I need."
Moments later, Kate and Tony walked out of the elevator and headed toward Gibbs's desk. They tried to act casual, but it was hard since the story had gone around by then. There were whispers and glances aimed at them as they wove their way around the cubicles.
Gibbs watched them approach. It was obvious that Kate was scared out of her mind. Her face was a bit pale and her strides became less and less certain as she neared his desk. Tony, on the other hand, was doing a very good job at pretending he wasn't uncomfortable. He was holding Kate's hand, which was a good thing, or otherwise Kate might just collapse on the carpet. They came to a stop in front of Gibbs.
"Follow me." Gibbs walked them to Interrogation Room 1C. He wrenched the door open with the air of a person who was going to do something he didn't want to. Kate and Tony filed inside and sat down on the cold metal chairs.
Kate had often watched Gibbs interrogate suspects from the observation room. She'd marveled at his skill to weasel the truth out of the suspect. Now she feared that skill. She was the suspect, and one wrong word would cost her her job. Then again, she was pretty damn sure that her job was already gone anyways.
Gibbs sat down across the table from them. Kate was facing the big black window that let people from the observation room see in. She wondered if Abby and McGee were in there, watching them. Tony squeezed her hand under the table.
"I assume you two agents know about Rule #12?" Gibbs's voice was hard and cold.
"Yes sir." Tony answered. He seemed to understand that Kate was incapable of speech at the moment.
"Kate?" Gibbs was awaiting her reply. She merely nodded.
"Then why in God's name were you making out on the floor of the elevator?"
The two agents were silent. Gibbs continued. "Was it an impulsive, hormonal act lead by lust? I expected better behavior from the two of you. Acting like a couple of teenagers in not acceptable in this job!"
"Sir, we-" Tony's sentence was cut off by another shout from Gibbs.
"You have two minutes to tell me why the hell I shouldn't fire you both!"
Kate was quaking now. She felt her eyes water up and stared at the desktop so that Gibbs wouldn't see she was about to cry. There went her job. She'd have to find one elsewhere. Wasn't the supermarket hiring now?
"Because we're in love, God dammit!" Tony's outburst made her look up. "Are you so incapable of feeling that you can't let two people who love each other be together?"
Kate smiled inwardly despite her fear at these words. Tony was fighting for her; she knew it. He was standing up for what they were, a couple that had found love in the most unlikely of places. She had no idea how brave he was before. Her love for him soared and warmed her heart. She knew in that instant that she was more to Tony than the any of the women he'd dated. It made her feel special.
Gibbs was staring at him, surprised. "What did you say, DiNozzo?"
"We're in love, Gibbs! Love! Do you know what that means?" Tony banged the desk with his fist. "You think we don't know the risks that are involved? We're old enough to make our own decisions now!"
Tony was fuming now. Gibbs knew exactly how to push someone's buttons until they were capable of killing him with their bare hands. And what was this? Gibbs actually looked amused.
"We're finished with this conversation for now. Take the rest of the day off. Come back at 1900 hours (7 o'clock). We have other things to discuss."
Stiffly, the two agents stood up and left. The same questioning eyes followed them out of the interrogation room and out the main doors. They walked in silence until they reached Tony's car.
"Kate?" His voice was worried. "Are you okay?"
Kate flung her arms around him and hugged him tight. "Thanks for shouting at Gibbs."
"Well I couldn't let him just let him get away with scaring my Katie Kat."
Kate giggled. No one had called her Katie Kat before. It was kinda cute, and it made her feel better. "I don't feel like being alone today. Can I go home with you?"
Tony beamed. "Of course. After you Milady." He opened the passenger door of his car for her. Kate pretended to curtsy before stepping inside.
Back at the NCIS Office
Gibbs joined Abby and McGee in Observation Room IC.
"So they're in love," McGee mused as Gibbs sat down. "Intriguing."
"Well, it was bound to happen. But still, it's just so…" Abby searched for a word while sipping at her Caff-Pow.
"Hinky?" Gibbs offered.
"Are we still following the plan?" McGee helped himself to a chocolate muffin.
Abby grinned wolfishly. "Yup. Kate and Tony are in for the surprise of their lives."
6:30 PM. Anthony DiNozzo's apartment.
"Tony?" Kate wandered through the piles of mess that cluttered the apartment. Men could be such slobs. "I'm going to take a shower before we head over for the office. Is that okay with you?"
The person in question poked his head over the couch. "Only if I get to join you."
Kate smiled. "Fine with me." She couldn't help but laugh as Tony jumped over the couch and raced her to the bathroom.
Fifteen minutes (and a good make out session) later, Kate and Tony were on their way to Gibbs. The tension was starting to build again.
"What am I going to do if he fires us?" Kate asked. "I couldn't stand working in a grocery store."
Tony chuckled. "If Gibbs wanted to fire us, he would've already done so. Relax, he might scold us some more, but that's the worst of it."
There was silence for a couple more miles. "What about us, Tony?" Kate inquired.
Tony glanced at her. "Gibbs isn't in charge of our lives Kate. I'll keep loving you."
"I will too."
The office was nearly empty by the time they arrived. Gibbs wasn't even there. Instead, a note on his desk read, "Meet in Abby's lab, pronto." Kate gulped. She'd never hear the end of it from Abby.
The lab was surprisingly quite. No loud music blasted from the stereo on Abby's desk. The screens that allowed a close up view of what was under the microscope were shut off. The fluorescent light gave the large room a bleached look.
"Where the hell is Gibbs?" Tony demanded as he looked around. He was all ready to dive back into the fight.
"Right here." Kate stifled a gasp as Gibbs, Abby, and McGee emerged from behind a large file cabinet. She was surprised to see that they were all grinning hugely, although Gibbs was trying hard to suppress it.
"I suppose you want to know why you're here."
"No, we just came here for fun." Tony's voice simply dripped with sarcasm. Kate elbowed him in the ribs before grabbing his arm and spinning him around so that their backs were to the rest of the team.
"What?" Tony hissed.
"Gibbs isn't mad at us, so don't encourage him to be," she whispered back. "Look at the big smile on his face!"
Tony glanced over his shoulder. Huh, that was funny. Gibbs was really smiling. "Fine. I'll try to contain myself from ripping his head off."
Kate pecked his cheek. "Thanks Tony."
Turning back to the team, she said, "So, why are we here?"
Gibbs opened his mouth to say something, but Abby beat him to it. "We're taking you out to dinner!" she squealed.
Kate and Tony just stood there and blinked. "What?" they both said in unison.
"That's right!" Abby was ecstatic. "We've got something so big that it'll blow your mind away!"
Tony turned to Gibbs and McGee. "Is this true?"
Both men nodded. "Yep. Abby's been planning ever since we saw you guys in the elevator." McGee explained.
"So you're not mad at us Gibbs?" Kate asked.
"Not really. I was just shocked. Now are you two coming or not?"
Kate thought for a bit. "Well, I am a bit hungry. What do you say Tony?"
"Fine with me. Where are we going?"
Gibbs fished out his car keys. "Josephine's."
Tony's eyes practically popped out of his head. "Josephine's? That place is so expensive!"
Gibbs didn't respond. "He said that he'd pay for everything." Abby chirped up.
Tony smirked. This was going to be fun.
8:00 P.M. Josephine's Restaurant
Josephine's was crowded that night, but Gibbs did have a reservation.
"How'd you manage to get one on such short notice?" Kate demanded as they walked toward their table.
Gibbs fingered his badge. "I have my ways."
"Abuse of power, eh Gibbs?"
"Shut up, DiNozzo."
They chatted over the usual as they decided what to order. Tony immediately chose the most expensive dish on the menu. It cost $50. He wasn't paying, so why not indulge in something expensive? Gibbs muttered angrily over this until Abby punched his arm and told him to stop complaining.
A blonde waitress came to take their orders. She started flirting with Tony (who ignored her) until Kate sent her a look that read, Back off, he's mine. That sent the waitress to hurry off with the orders, but not before scanning Tony one last time with her eyes.
As they waited for the food to arrive, it became obvious that Abby was agitated. Kate watched her friend fiddle with the napkins and forks while all the time glancing at Gibbs. Resting her arms on the table, Kate asked, "What did you want to show us?"
Abby immediately exploded. "I thought you would NEVER ask!" she half shouted. "Come on Gibbs, can't we show them?"
McGee laughed as Gibbs sighed reluctantly and produced a piece of paper. Handing it to Kate, he mumbled, "Here."
Tony scootched closer to his girlfriend and read the document. It was headed, "Rules and Regulations of Leroy Jethro Gibbs's NCIS Team." His eyes shot down to Rule #12.
"Rule #12: Members of the team are allowed to have relationships with other team members that go farther than friendship. However, this must not interfere with the job, and it is still unacceptable to start making out in the bullpen, elevator, lab, or any other place on NCIS HQ premises."
Tony laughed and Kate laughed with him. "You changed the rules just for us?" he asked as he handed the paper back to Gibbs.
Gibbs shrugged. "It was her idea," he said pointing to Abby.
Abby giggled. "You two are too cute to not be together."
Tony slung his arm around Kate, who snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Well, we really appreciate it guys. But Abby, are you sure that the relationship you've been having with Gibbs had nothing to do with this?" Kate asked, smiling softly.
Abby wore a shocked expression. "How'd you know about that?"
Everyone laughed as Gibbs kissed Abby's temple. "I guess the secrets out," he said. There was a hit of disappointment in his voice.
The waitress returned with the food. Seeing that Tony was taken, she started flirting with McGee, who ended up with her phone number. McGee just sat there and stared at the bright pink post-it in his hand. Tony punched his arm lightly. "Looks like Probie's learning to get along with the ladies," he joked.
Dinner continued with light conversation and heavy laughter. The $50 dish didn't end up tasting as good as Tony would've liked, but Gibbs forced him to eat it, saying that it was bad manners to order something but not eat it.
It was late by the time the group finished eating. Gibbs and Abby had gone to the dance floor the restaurant featured on the other side of the enormous room. McGee had gone off to find the waitress, which left Kate and Tony alone at the table.
Kate picked at the cheesecake that she'd ordered for dessert. Gibbs insisted that everyone order some dessert, and cheesecake had sounded appetizing. Now she wasn't sure if she could finish it. Tony was long done with his ice cream, and now he sat and watched her nibble at the cheesecake.
"Are you going to finish that?" he asked hungrily.
"Don't tell me you're still hungry. You practically ate Gibbs's tiramisu." Kate scolded.
"Hey, I'm Italian and it's not my fault that all our desserts taste so good."
Kate raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying that Italians invented dessert?"
"Well we did invent ice cream, tiramisu, and that cheesecake you're eating wouldn't be there if Italians didn't help spread cheesecake throughout Europe."
"I thought the Greeks invented cheesecake."
"They did, but the Romans spread the knowledge of it."
Kate rolled her eyes. "Fine. Since you clued me in on the history of cheesecake, I'll let you have a bite."
Tony reached for a fork, but Kate stopped him. "No, no. I get to feed you." She piled her fork with some cheesecake and positioned it in front of Tony's mouth, like she was feeding a baby. He seemed to enjoy it so much that she fed him the rest of the cake too.
From their position on the dance floor, Gibbs and Abby had a perfect view of the table at which Kate and Tony were sitting. Abby couldn't help but smile as she watched Kate hand feed Tony. "Aren't they so cute together?" she asked Gibbs.
Gibbs glanced back at the table, where Kate was now wiping Tony's mouth with a napkin. "Yup, they're a match made in heaven."
Finire (End in Italian)
I know it wasn't so funny, but this one had to be a tad bit more serious than the last chapter. Tell me what you think when you REVIEW (which you better do, or else I'll get mad XP).