You know what I hate? I hate being broke! I hate being broke and having no ideas! I want to get a Sirius radio but I have no money and I don't get paid! I have no ideas for these stories to give to you all so that makes me feel bad. Whatever I'll go on with the story part of my A/N

I'm being really jumpy but I REALLY need to get this idea out in THIS chapter or it will never come out, although I know u wont like it. Also it's a song-fic/chapter using the song Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart by HIM.

Disclaimer: i dont own YYH, HIM or the song Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart as much as i DOOOOO wish i DID own something from HIM besides all the murchandise i purchased at stores and such... oh well enough ot that...

Now originally I wanted to use three other HIM songs Close to the flame, Salt in our wounds, and In Joy and Sorrow but I finally picked this one because the song is REALLY sad!

Okay on with the story…

Chapter 18: Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart

Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be so dead and gone
So far away from life
Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

Ash's P.O.V

I don't quite remember how any of this happened. I remember living back with my Dad and older brother in that house… or houses I should say seeing as we moved quite a lot.

Then all of a sudden I found myself here, nothing knew until one act of kindness brought me into the inescapable path that was my fate.

Sometimes I wonder what would have really happened in my life had I never met Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke and the others, would I still be facing death as I am to the day?

I'm not even sure how it happened like I said, everything that has been taking place seemed to flood past my eyes like a black and white movie with no audio.

I can see Kurama talking to me for the first time, Hiei gently caressing my skin as he wrapped bandages on my arm, Yusuke and Kuwabara being the humorous idiots that they are, and I can still see the first time Hiei kissed me that afternoon at my home almost a year ago.

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You're all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, just you

Everything went by so quickly, I wonder had I known what would happen now then would I have been able to cherish everything more then I already had, would I be able to change this fate; no I don't think so.

But then again I guess I wouldn't want to change anything, all this constant drama gives life, people, and anything else a whole new perspective I never even knew existed.

Why am I reminiscing in such thoughts? Maybe because I just want to remember everything… everything before I die, or maybe for another reason which I have no command over.

I know what's happening to me and I don't wish to sugarcoat it I just want to rest now… rest for my final night as my life clock ticks down into my final hour.

Eyes open to a blurred vision of my room, flooded in the night's comforting darkness. I can feel Hiei's arms securely around me keeping me against him, his eyes were open gazing at a nearby wall with a blank stare.

He refuses to sleep threw this night knowing it would be our last together no matter how much I begged him to sleep and let me go. He refuses and will near nothing of it, I should have figured as much I don't know why I even though he would do such a thing.

I want… need to say something, anything to him, just to hear his voice to brake the silence that suffocated me in this room.

Let me never see the sun
And never see you smile
Let us be so dead and so gone
So far away from life
Just close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside your heart

"Hiei." I can hear how weak and fragile my voice sounds; how I hate it.


"Could we have prevented this?" I could feel his head look down upon me. "Probably, but would you really want to?"


"Then why even ask?"

"I don't know." He shakes his head. "You're a baka sometimes." I look to meet his gaze with a smile, "I know." Then my head falls back to how it was before with a slight sigh escaping from me.

"Can you tell me what is was like the first time we met?" I asked he was still watching me. "Hai." His voice met mine in the quiet part; the rest hidden behind a veil.

"I could see you from that tree in the park." He started. "They tried to make me come down though I denied." I smiled at the memory. "Why did you hold back so much?"

"Because I felt a pull to you and I didn't know why, Kurama finally had to tell me it was because I liked you though I denied it."

"You were very closed up for the reason you wouldn't say, so I had to figure it out." He explained. I feel bad… tired more or less, I can't focus no, and eyes are to heavy.

"Thank you for figuring out Hiei." I said quietly.

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You're all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, oh my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love

Normal P.O.V

Ash looked up with glassy gray eyes, "I love you." Her vision blurred like it had when she first opened her eyes and heavy lids soon won, closing and sealing shut.

She would never open them again.

That's the way it's always been
My heart stops beating only for you Baby
Only for your loving

Hiei had killed and watched people die many times in his life, it had just become such a natural thing for him but this… this felt so much different it weighed so heavily his heart holding his own love in his arms now that she was silenced felt almost unbearable.

Something unknown pulled at him to simply let go of her and move to the window. He obliged slowly and quite unwillingly pried his arms off Ash letting her limp body rest on the mattress and then moved to the window.

He peered out, his eyes widened slowly and almost unnoticeably at what lay before him.

A transparent Ash stood out in the middle of the temple flooded with the night's moonlight that stood out with no cloud in sight. She smiled brightly, one that she would only give to him.

She turned slightly but never let her shimmering joy-filled eyes waver from her love; although a hint of sadness put a final effect onto them.

She mouthed out the words 'I love you' to him but he was to frozen in place with a emotion resembling shock to move, blink, or barely breath at that point.

Her eyes changed to happiness that he had only seen once before, when he had given her the ring he made for her at Christmas that she wore even then. At that moment Hiei knew he could not feel sadness or remorse for her death her look showed that she was happy to be in the state now and yet sad to be forced to leave him.

She was out of that pain she had so shortly endured and yet audaciously felt had ceased completely and she would forever be in a place of peace, a better place some would say; at least until he would join her.

She turned completely away from him for that moment breaking their eye contact and walking away from him slowly fading into nothing, as nothing had been there.

Perched in a nearby tree Ryu stood on a solid branch staring down at the scene that had just happened, he knew it would and now it had.

Slow and smooth almost like a practiced action his mouth slightly opened and he said…

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

The joyous spirit

Is now no more

All I ever wanted was you, my love
You're all I ever wanted is you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love
You're all I ever wanted, you, my love

A/N: NOT THE END! THAT'S NOT THE END! I actually had that idea in mind from like…. 5 chapters back and that's why I rushed so much was because I wanted to be able to do this chapter.

Not to inform you… that was my ORIGONAL ending but it's not the TRUE one, the actual one is the next chapter and then the Epilogue then the chapter with the winner of that poetry contest I held so long ago (people can still enter if u want!) And after that all the entry's so everyone can see everything entered!

So the ending is… I guess 4 chapters away… wow I never thought I would come to put a end on this story… but all good things must come to an end!

Although the first part will all be the same as the first part in this and I mean Ash's P.O.V when I say that